Once you begin to move past your PD honeymoon phase, many of us will begin to experience isolation slowly imposed due to loss of friends and in some cases family. Google the topic.
Why friends abandon you with chronic illn... - Cure Parkinson's
Why friends abandon you with chronic illness.
It's a problem. I had a really good friend eventually die from PD. I wanted to visit him, but he wanted no visitors.
that stinks ive lost 3 close friends and 2 family members to pd. apparently im in the queue.....

Are you taking B1? It has helped so many! Also, George takes lithium oratate.
yes. i take b-1 , when i say lost mt friends to pd it means they are dead......... as far as losing friendship and family support.......its like shunning.........

How about lithium oratate? There are people on this site that also use voice recognition technology that will write what they say. Do you have that? Do you have music in your life? Do something nice for your friends or other people. It will improve your mood.
Thanks so very much for sharing this article!!
Tell me about it! Between that, and the virus, I sometimes feel that I’ve been forgotten, by some friends and family. It’s not that I feel sorry for myself, because I don’t. My wife and I are self-isolating, and keep ourselves busy. It’s just that so much has changed recently. Many people are stressed out, because of uncertainties in our lives, these days.
We have lost a couple of close friends (being told by one that she was going to give us another chance ??) but we have gained so much more!
The friends we had before (and still have) are more understanding than we could have ever imagined!
And the new friends are from the Parkinson’s Support Group and they are amazing. They totally understand how you feel and we don’t have to explain ourselves.
And of course, not forgetting our HU friends. I really don’t know where we would be without you!
Sadly, it’s my husband’s family that just don’t understand.
It's pretty painful. I have one friend that's been my buddy since we were three years old. I kind of figured she'd be my staunch ally in my situation but I've had to face it, that probably isn't going to happen. I take what companionship she's able to give and try to enjoy it and look other places for the hard times.
thats brutal....im going on 13 years since diagnosis...........hang tough!
Weird, isn’t it? And here we are trying to make them feel comfortable around us, when it should be the other way around. C’est la vie.
cest la vie'........
i have chickens and when one gets sick the other ones will peck it to death if i dont intervene.....i thought we were better than that............cheers!

We are better than that, but not everyone’s like us 🤣
We must hang out with happy people.
My wife Jacqui (65) and I (70) have a group of 10 (real) friends that we have known since the '60s and early '70s. We all now live in a 70mile radius. We meet up 3 or 4 times a year and celebrate groups of birthdays. We have always been there for each other. We have lived through each others weddings, pregnancies, illnesses, including Crohn's disease, cataracts, (one has terminal cancer) , one divorce , and my PD and all life's ups and downs. They are as close as family and always there. We phone each other during this lockdown and check on each other.....Bless them.