A good place to check the facts
Want to check the Facts?: fullfact.org A... - Cure Parkinson's
Want to check the Facts?

Please note, this is for the U K.
Thanks Hikoi. Never heard of this 1 before and I checked a few rumors ("is it man-made") and it worked fine for me.
I have a problem with Google. That is the search that popped up on that site. They will block anything that goes against pharma. Do you know why?
Well bepo, i think you must be using google as your preferred search engine! Goggle is only on your computer because you have allowed it on. If you dont trust it remove it.
I use Google exclusively and there is plenty of material about the sins of big Pharma to be found there. What Google has attempted to discourage is fact free conspiracy theory.
I present facts. Maybe what you believe ..... is a conspiracy..... or the government conspiring with pharma so the world needs a vaccine....that most likely, won't work. If you follow the money, it gives you a better idea who will profit. Those who promote natural, non-patentable therapies, can't charge millions for their therapies.
Bepo, I must disagree. What you present is your opinion of fact (often as I do not read all your posts). You are most certainly entitled to your shared opinion but I would not call them facts.
Thank you. I have many references to everything I have ever stated. I didn't know if I should post all of them.
Bepo you need to distinguish fact from opinion. You are giving your opinions.
As to references the HU guidelines say
“When you publish information from third party sources, such as information about new treatments, you are asked to provide references and links wherever possible. “
Searching "Parkinson's" gives following outcome
What were you looking for Iqbaliqbali? Parkinsons isnt a fact to check.
Google confirms that Parkinson's was created a laboratory in Kawasaki Japan 1943 and brought to the US inside fortune cookies so Americans couldn't shoot straight during World War II.
Expect one of Bill Gates' hitmen at your door any minute now. It was nice knowing you.
