The celery juice miracle. New York Time... - Cure Parkinson's

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The celery juice miracle. New York Times bestseller with millions of followers. How come it hasn't graced these pages yet?

MBAnderson profile image
49 Replies

Or maybe it has and I missed it? How could we miss something this big?

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MBAnderson profile image
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49 Replies
KERRINGTON profile image

Well, maybe i'm wrong, but I figured info re celery seed extract back a few months on this site would be similar to the info in the NYT book on celery juice....?

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to KERRINGTON

He says that it has to be straight juice, nothing added even water, and it can’t be dried, or it won’t work.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to LAJ12345

Has it benefited you ?

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to MBAnderson

We haven’t tried the juice. Just the extract. My husband is feeling really good at the moment on his current regime (see my profile) which includes the extract but also lots of other things. His latest improvement was a few days after starting on horny goat weed and a few weeks on l-carnosine, and he had been on the celery extract a while at that time so not sure what helped. I think it was the HGW as his libido made a quick and remarkable recovery in days and also motivation to do everything he enjoyed before like fishing etc.

I wonder how much whole celer6 is required to make the daily juice. We might try it but don’t have a juicer and I amreluctant to change what’s working now.

mblongdon profile image
mblongdon in reply to LAJ12345

How much horny goat weed is he taking? I bought some but haven't taken it yet.

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to mblongdon

He’s taking 2 on an empty stomach each day . This is the one he is using.

mblongdon profile image
mblongdon in reply to LAJ12345


in reply to LAJ12345

Correct, LAJ. Never try to fix what is not broken. It is a fundamental rule that all doctors follow. However I cannot fault anyone who tries to get something even better than the present thing that works becomes that is part of human nature. We tend to be perpetually greedy and insatiably oriented towards the search for enhanced experiences.

In your case, you are taking care of your husband’s medications and needs and he appears to be compliant with your “orders” if you will. I think that it’s fair to say that you have a better chance of success in the search of the holy grail.

MBAnderson profile image

I, too, take celery seed extract because Park bear said so and I do whatever Park bear says.

I think extract is different. If you juice celery and pour it through a cloth filter what you have is the juice, not extract from the seed.

Why would our stomach deal with celery juice differently if it was or was not in the presence of celery fiber?

A medical medium talked to this guy when he was 4 years old.

He says it cures fibromyalgia, psoriasis, you name it.

What Mr. Williams has proven is the power of the placebo.

I was ambivalent about posting this, but I thought people might get a kick out of it.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to MBAnderson

I do not recommend celery seed extract because of the dystonia problem.

ParlePark profile image
ParlePark in reply to park_bear


MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

Really? I don't have dystonia. Is it likely a problem for everyone?

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to MBAnderson

Apologies for the delay responding. I missed this earlier.

It is a problem for some people.

In my case dystonia developed while I was taking it and is not gone even though I have been off of it for some time. It is possible the timing could be a coincidence. If it is helping you that is great. Just be on the alert for dystonia and stop if dystonia arises.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

I, of course, don't know if it's helping, but since your dystonia hasn't gone away after quitting, I feel the prudent thing to do is quit.

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to MBAnderson

I think Park_bear said you should send me $10,000 in small, unmarked bills... 😊

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to jimcaster


MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to jimcaster

Ha. Good one.

park_bear profile image

Cures a long list of ailments but you can't put water in it because that ruins it. All the celebrities are using it so must be good. Color me skeptical.

Here's his book:

From the Reviews:

" the whole book makes amazing claims page after page, and I feel like I’m just supposed to believe him because celebrities have given him great reviews."

"This book could have been a pamphlet! He stated the same things over and over again."

" Here you get to flip page after page of rabid testimonials hailing this dude marketer as some new inventor guru from a massive bunch of celebrities and entertainment industry names to give him his creds."

" I do and will continue to drink celery juice daily. I bought this book with high hopes as it had rave reviews! However, I got about 6 pages in and I couldn't keep going it was just so crazy. He starts with saying at the age of like 13 he began healing people with celery juice, I mean does a 13 y/o boy just wake up one day and all of the sudden know that celery juice is the cure? So, I let that slide and kept reading, then he goes into the sodium cluster salts that are in celery juice, but he kept repeating that these cluster salts are undiscovered....but, if they're undiscovered.... how did the author discover them? no mention of his own research or medical practices (there is no training) so I'm expected to believe that this guy is the only one in the world who knew about the undiscovered sodium cluster salts?"

Google scholar search for "sodium cluster salts" came up empty. All I could find in a regular search were references to the promoter.

“There’s no scientific evidence to support any of the claims being made,” said Rachel E. Scherr, an assistant research scientist in nutrition at the University of California, Davis. There aren’t large studies in humans on the topic, and the little research that exists on the vegetable has been cellular or animal.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

Kim Kardashian takes it and we all know she has a steel trap for a mind, as does Gwyneth Paltrow.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

So, how can this guy possibly have millions and millions of followers many of whom think they been cured? YouTube is full of videos. Mass hysteria?

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to MBAnderson

I have not looked at these reports so I am in no position to comment on them. It is possible there may be something good about celery juice.

On the other hand the guy himself sets off all my alarm bells - claiming discovery of some compound no one has ever heard of. Celebrity endorsements in lieu of actual evidence.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

I haven't looked into the reports either and I'm not going to.

I don't doubt celery juice is good for us, but, as you know, it doesn't cure dozens diseases.

I mean, really, the point of this post is not to talk about celery juice, but what is amazing about this to me is it that this is well beyond the gibberish we sometimes hear, yet millions of people have bought into it.

Isn't this a case of the placebo effect run amok?

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to MBAnderson

This could well be the case.

Examples abound of humans believing that they want to believe rather than what the evidence shows.

Looks like my Snark meter needs recalibration ;-)


The Dangers of Celery: The Toxicity & Risks of Excess Celery Juice Consumption

by Dr Asa Hershoff ND (Author)

" less than 16 scientifically proven risks to its excess use. Toxic side-effects are happening, yet users are not aware of their true cause. Possibilities include:• Potentially fatal anaphylaxis (one of the world’s top allergens).• Extreme sun sensitivity, resulting in burns or later skin cancers.• Miscarriages, male infertility and fetal abnormalities.• Suppressed detoxification of the liver and all cells in the body.• Incompatibility with hundreds of medical drugs.• A high source of heavy metals and pesticide contamination—Each issue with a full reference section of related scientific research. "

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to park_bear

Thanks. I won’t buy that juicer then😊. You just saved me money😁😁😁

WinnieThePoo profile image

BS . Google New York times celery seed for a perspective

Juliegrace profile image

You lost me at "medical medium."

GymBag profile image

This has got to be the funniest post that I have seen in a long time. So if I drink a glass of water or something containing water say 15 min ahead of consuming the celery seed, will it still work.

I am convinced that dried and powdered Monarch Butter-flys will cure PD . All we have to do is............

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to GymBag

Can anyone name a fruit or vegetable or any food for that matter, which cannot be taken with water because it's nutrient value would be negated?

I honestly don't get it. How can it possibly be that millions of people have joined his fan club?

mblongdon profile image

I have to say that I've been doing some celery juice by itself and it really has helped with constipation. I know that celery juice is good as a diuretic. I'm only doing 4 ounces a day though. I used to juice celery when I had cancer too but I did it with carrot juice at the time and it seemed to help. As with many things some people swear it's changed their lives other people swear it hasn't done a thing. Where did the idea of the celery extract come from?

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to mblongdon

There was a small study that showed a benefit. There was also a high dropout rate in the test arm, likely due to dystonia, which turned out to be the dark side of celery seed extract.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear


Ruffinglgo profile image
Ruffinglgo in reply to park_bear

Park Bear yes my reaction to celery juice extract similar to yours. About the same time I read a post Re: grapefruit juice. I have not tasted GF in years! And Yes! It works as a catalyst to kick in levadopa and avoid off times. Inbrija I have tried as well. Grape fruit juice is dangerous to take with so many heart medicines and PD meds like Ropinirole. I then started Inbrija. I am hesitant at this time to report on how it is helping those moments when I freeze up can't move and need the wheelchair. Last month I was examined by a DBS specialist although he is a MDS(Movement Disorder Specialist) both he and my neurologist say I need DBS. When I inquire how will this improve my gait. Probably no improvement is the non-answer. Less rigidity yes. Juice is just so easy. Half glass please. I got Park Bear's same side effects after several weeks of celery seed extract (Swanson). Cheers to all. Let's Get Some price Breaks from Big Pharma. I am not sure how Much Inbrija will cost 2020. Xadago cut Azilect. Sinemet instead of Rytary. Today. I am making my list of meds. I would prefer to be following the Mischley glutathione protocol. My neurologist uses excuses like "I don"t know about that." and ""I don't believe in that," when I told her I had found a formulary for glutathione in Seattle, WA Ciao!


Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to park_bear

how is Park_bear going now your distonia if I can ask? 😨

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Gioc

I still have dystonia, primarily in my upper arm on the affected side.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to park_bear

I'm sorry Park_Bear, I wish you everything is back to normal soon. Gio

AaronS profile image

When i take it regularly it def helps my symptoms, but overall i feel awesome internally.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to AaronS

What symptoms specifically, and how much?

AaronS profile image
AaronS in reply to MarionP

Rigidity and stiffness and as it's recommended to be in a 16oz glass for the rest of the world not using imperial thats about 480 mg or 1 bunch

AaronS profile image
AaronS in reply to MarionP

Def no cure tho

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to AaronS

Ok, thanks, one more pesky question. You said "helps." Can I ask to quantify that a little bit more, by asking " much"? Say, on a scale of 0-100, 100 means helped an extreme, or very great deal, 10 being 'really not worth the extra pee'?

MarionP profile image

I'd say Peter Popoff is in trouble.

MB, why would you care anymore? In a few months, you will have gone through the FUS procedure and hopefully that should provide a complete fix. I think that it’s better to abandon everything , including the B1 therapy for the sake of getting a full picture of the treatment success.

From what I have read and heard , FUS is different from DBS in practice because you never get to stop levodopa therapy or other adjunct therapy and you only get a benefit of reduced dosages.

I am only expressing my honest opinion and I don’t expect you to take my opinion to heart. I suspect that the doctors at Soni Modul will be preparing you for the after effects which I believe includes psychological effects that trouble some patients.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to

I don't care about the celery juice craze. I only posted that because it's so far out.

Yours is a good idea. I plan stop most things except some vitamins and nutrients.

nv2013 profile image
nv2013 in reply to

What psychological effects have you heard of?

I was curious to know. Thanks

ElliotGreen profile image
ElliotGreen in reply to

Hi, thanks for your post.

What are these psychological effects to FUS treatment that trouble some patients?

I'm curious to hear more.

Trixiedee profile image
Trixiedee in reply to

I know someone who was treated at Sonimodul who is not on any meds. She’d had Parkinson’s for 10 years before that. What troubling psychological effects are you talking about and where did you hear that?

M-o-ggy profile image

Each day I eat half an apple quarter an onion and a stick of celery All at the same time ... as a snack.

I originally started because of research done zillions of years ago into cholesterol.

I continue because if I miss more than a day I don’t feel that good

Have no evidence other than ‘ I feel better’ so I go with it.

The B1 has been an enormous help

ElliotGreen profile image


Maybe next time you might flag your post as being skeptical if you are skeptical? Would save me some time and emotional energy. I thought from the post that you were legitimately keen on celery juice. I had to wade through 40 comments to find out that it's bonkers.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to ElliotGreen

Sorry. I expressed my skepticism in the 7th comment and several times thereafter.

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