does anyone have experience that c/l should make Tremors worse from about a half an hour to an hour I'm taking 1 gram of B1 B complex and turmeric , lithium, I weigh 175 pounds thanks
Hi I am on c/l for the past 4 years for s... - Cure Parkinson's
Hi I am on c/l for the past 4 years for some reason right after I take it tremors are out of control for about 45 minutes

If you are taking an immediate release formulation of levodopa, consider using a timed release/ extended release/ sustained-release version.
Thanks for the info is there any more side effects with that version
I have the same reaction to Rytary timed release C/L but it occurs between 1.5 and 2.5 hrs of taking the medication. It occurs most often (very frequently) after the first dose of the day at 6 a.m.)
I take the last dose at 9 p.m.
My belief is this is the peak (when it hits my brain) of the first dose of the day, and that is the reason for it.
The same is with me. Tremors increase for a while, then decrease.
Are you taking vitamin b6? It quickly degrades with the carbidopa and causes shuddering in my husband if he doesn’t leave a gap of about half an hour between the sinemet and the vitamins.
Ive lived with our "friend" for about 16 years now. Every three years I help "train" another new resident Neuro and they always use extended release C/L as one of their problem solving suggestions. My body reacts totally different to that drug. It messes up my drug/ supplement regimen. I just look at them and say "thanks but no". After this long it seems I am more of my own Neurologist barring any truly life changing ideas.
Prior to taking a new dose levodopa levels are decreasing. They continue to decrease until the dose gets absorbed in the body. Depending on things like gastric emptying, stomach acidity and protein competition this usually takes about 30 - 60 minutes (but sometimes it is more variable than that). So the low point is not when you take the dose, but sometime later. When levodopa levels rise high enough again the tremors decrease.
Sometimes it's hard to know if your tremors are a result of something you just took, or because the medication you just took isn't absorbing quickly enough to combat tremors that would have come on if you hadn't taken the medication.
After 4 years on Sinemet, I noticed something similar. I realized the problem was my gut motility. Even my "instant" release C/L wasn't working instantly enough. More like 45 minutes....! When gut motility is working better, then you can organize the timing of your pills so that you don't experience a bad wearing-off episode. Or at least you can TRY! It's a bit of an art, really, with all the variables at play!
thanks for this wonderful group such special people