Who prescribes your anxiety meds - your neurologist or your primary care doctor?
I have been using my primary care doctor but I wonder if my neurologist would have a better understanding of anxiety and Parkinson’s?
Who prescribes your anxiety meds - your neurologist or your primary care doctor?
I have been using my primary care doctor but I wonder if my neurologist would have a better understanding of anxiety and Parkinson’s?
I'm voting for neurologist. Movement disorder specialist is even better but at least a neurologist specializes in the brain and has that knowledge more readily available.
Your Neuro will probably tell you to go to your MD. If its not related to movement any Neuro I have met was not interested.
Depends on your country protocols for treatment.
Interesting enough, that is my next step. I am calling a psychologist tomorrow to explore this option. I will let you know how it goes. What my doctor is prescribing isn’t working that well (sertraline and lorazepam) and I don’t expect much help from my neurologist.
The place where I see my neurologist has a few psychologists and psychiatrist in the same floor as the movement disorder department who works together with neurologist’s patients especially pwp and other neurological disorders. Check with your neurologist, as I’ve seen that most of the Movement Disorder Department has a mental expertise team, at least here in Chicago. (had 4 opinions at 4 different hospitals that’s how I know 😊) Good luck!!
A psychiatrist will do the job better.He is vast in the knowledge of the mental patholigies and how to treat it.
Yes, Psychiatrist etc
My husband receives his from a motion specialist and from a neurologist. His GP won't prescribe them.
So long as you do not have depression , hallucinations or other psychiatric problems,CBD should be a consideration, but don't expect help with MD's on that. Majority choose to be ignorant or will not give advice.
My Neuro prescribes mine . . .
If you haven't been the meditation/Yoga/Acupuncture route, it deserves a try. I also use CBD oil with a bit of THC's.
Look into Stamet's Stack. Maybe not mainstream but it ended my anxiety and depression.