Is anyone out there had any success using the ketogenic diet to help with symptoms and disease modification?
Ketogenic diet anyone?: Is anyone out there... - Cure Parkinson's
Ketogenic diet anyone?

I tried it for 6 eeeks once and didn’t get much relief but it you type Kiwi Ketogenic into Google you’ll read about a recent trial in NZ that went well with results in this matter. I think that staying in a Keto state is easier said than done and many of us avoid carbs and think that we’re Keto but it requires ingestion of a lot of fat too.
I’ve been on a ketogenic diet for about 5 years or so, and my neurologist is very pleased with the slow rate of progression, compared to her other patients. I am very pleased with the suppression of hand tremor and can go most of the day without shaking, which the medication could not control. After almost 20 years since I was diagnosed, I have required a very modest increase in medication to help with my walking. My blood work has been excellent, as before the diet I was always struggling with high LDL
The diet is very hard for some people to follow but it is very much like a Mediterranean diet. I also take 4x2 tbs MCT oil every day to help keep my ketones elevated. I highly recommend a ketone monitor to make sure you’re really in ketosis. There is considerable discussion to be found using the Search button in this forum.
My husband is on a mild ketogenic diet that restricts net carbs to under 100g per day, and involves taking 75g coconut oil per day. If you click on my profile picture you can read about how he does that, recipes, etc. He believes it has helped, and it certainly hasn't done any harm. Good luck! 🙂
i've followed a keto diet for 11 months and it has reduced stiffness in my muscles and has improved my mood considerably despite cutting my dosage of L-dopa by 2/3 rds.
It has also benefited my general health (weight, blood pressure, sleep, circulation etc.).
It really is not that hard to follow but expect the first few weeks to be tough - its a long term change not an instant solution.
I used strips at first but have since bought a blood ketone testing meter which is more accurate. I test very occasionally. Ketosis also boosts autophagy but I also do intermittent fasting to get an extra boost - once you get into a ketogenic diet you feel hunger pangs much less so short term fasts are no problem. I keep to the diet pretty well but am not dogmatic about it, I feel the occasional, one off, lapse is not a big deal.
Thank you.. I am trying the intermittent fast now working up to daily. It seems that you get the most bang for the buck past the 16 hour mark Just when you want to eat lunch (er.. breakfast). If it’s a keto diet, it seems that 2 fat meals a day would be effective. How did you come up with a meal plan?
My mom has had an incredible improvement since she started ketogenic diet. very few carbohydrates, very little sugar and 3 tablespoons of coconut a day. she went from a very serious condition, already dysphagic, she did not recognize me anymore and not even her husband, she kept asking to take her to her house when she was already in her house. these continuous paranoid attacks are slowly gone (perhaps thanks to the help of 10% cbd oil) is back to walking, no more problems of dysphagia, no longer has any shaking in the hand and is able to face any discussion. To be precise to my mom have diagnosed a dementia from bodies of lewy but the substance is the same and the book I read of dr mary newport recommends the ketogenic diet for any neurodegenerative disease.