Does anyone here have information, even anecdotal, about a pianist with Parkinson’s? Thanks!
Pianist with Parkinson’s?: Does anyone here... - Cure Parkinson's
Pianist with Parkinson’s?

Hi Bif,
I remember a professional pianist and his wife hoping resuming piano after DBS surgery. I do not know what happened.
Dudley Moore was a well known pianist/composer and became an actor. He was first diagnosed with PD, but later found to have PSP, subsequently died.
I am amateur pianist with Parkinson's. Before C/L, I had pretty much given up trying to hit the right keys or keep a beat. Since taking C/L, I have been able to play right where I left off a few years ago. Music calms the soul!!
I am a classically trained pianist -PhD, MA, GNSM, ARCM. I was dx with PD eight years ago. I don't play professionallly now, but do still play for an hour a day. I can't play fast trills anymore but can demonstrate to my pupils and still gain much satisfaction and lift my soul. I don't shake when I play! Why are you asking the question?
I play professionally as well. In addition to my PD diagnosis, I’ve been diagnosed with ulnar neuropathy and my hand surgeon wants to perform a nerve release. I’m uncertain which symptoms are from which condition however.
I've looked up ulner neuropathy and see your problem as there is a definite overlap. I would be cautious about going for surgery. Have you seen a psyotherapist for a second opinion?
Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate it. I’ve had months of therapy that haven’t really helped. I’m going to a second movement disorder specialist on Wednesday for a second opinion. My diagnosis is recent and I’m only 32. I have not taken anything for the PD yet so that’s probably the first thing I’ll try.
Was your diagnosis based on DatScan or your symptoms?
Any balance problem?/ drooling?/slowness of movements?/ smelling issue?/ pain?/ pins and needles?/
Pain only when playing piano for many hours. It’s localized pain under my left shoulder blade.
Get a second even third opinion from a Movement Disorders consultant.Reading DatScan sometimes is hard. Please keep us informed.