I was diagnosed with PD approx 7 years ago. Things had been going fairly well until 3 weeks ago and then it was if I hit a brick wall with extereme fatigue. Anyone have sugggestions on how to deal with this fatigue?
PD fatique: I was diagnosed with PD approx... - Cure Parkinson's
PD fatique

I am one of many who benefit from high doses of thiamine. Thiamine, along with Tru Niagen (nicotinamide riboside), and Vitamin D seem to help me with fatigue and other symptoms. Good luck!
Fatigue is a problem. What are you currently taking?
Try Whey Isolate every day. Recommended. Also even though it sounds counter intuitive, exercise seems to give me more energy as well.
I find my husband is most fatigued when stressed or if he has something to do that he doesn’t want to do. When it is something he enjoys he is less fatigued. I think for him it is lack of motivation so having to do something he doesn’t enjoy requires more dopamine than something he enjoys. Also when there is a lot of noise or people especially the kids around he is more fatigued. If he has an argument or is cross with the kids he is often in bed all day the next day feeling ill.
Routine with exercise and bright light first thing in the morning and quietness help. Also the thiamine and other vitamins seem to help but he can be fatigued some days and not others on the same supplements.
Mannitol is superb for apathy and fatigue. Www.syncoelin.com
Did you write in English or Italian? Thank you.
I take Barley Sugar lollies when you need that little kick
thanks cincinnato, what mg is considered a high dose of b1
I have written several times and he is not replying. I told him my husband has not started taking c/l so he might not want to advise until he is. We are gradually increasing B1 anyway and up,to 2g 2x per day so far and he is a bit better than he was, although also on various other supplements also.
When I was diagnosed 6 years ago, I was extremely fatigued. A wonderful doctor who also did medical acupuncture did a blood test for B12 level. I was off the chart low and had B12 shots and oral supplements for 2 years. Levels have improved so that I take only orally now, 4,000 mcg every morning. I also take D3, 4,000-6,000 IU per day. Unfortunately doctor has moved away.
I would have blood tested for both B12 & D.