How many of you guys fight with PD without drugs? When I said drugs I mean any drugs. Also, can you imagine yourself without meds? Would you be able to function?
No Meds: How many of you guys fight with PD... - Cure Parkinson's
No Meds

Nearly two years since diagnosis and no drugs. Herbal sedatives occasionally Thiamine for one month. I hope every body who’s meds free will respond to you

I am a 40-year-old male. My main Symptoms are rigidity, tremor, and leg rigidity all that hits my right side. I diagnosed June 2017 but I have symptoms over 3 years. I know that Meds relief symptoms not in long-term, that's why I decide to fight with my mind and to win with the power of my mind. I always mention the books by Joe Dispenza especially book You are the placebo. I also exercise a lot like cycling, walking, weights, yoga, and meditation. Meditation is from the book it's very powerful. This fight is not easy but I will win.Dr. Joe said if don't believe deep inside you that you heal yourself, then it's just an intellectual process. I apologize for my English I am not speaking English.
I've always been fascinated by placebo effect stories and appreciate you mentioning this book "You are the placebo" which I just borrowed from the local library online through hoopla.
Agreed, Joe Dispenza is fantastic in explaining and teaching you how to meditate and what to do while you’re in your meditative state to correct and heal what’s gone wrong.
His online “intensive” program is worth the $299.00 dollars, for 30 plus hours. I’ve had huge positive results!
I’ll be attending his advanced seminar as soon as I can get in, sells out fast.
I was just diagnosed in May and have very mild symptoms. So far, I am only taking a megadose of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and a teaspoon of Vitamin D. No medications. IF my symptoms get to the point that medication becomes helpful, I'll take it, but I'm hoping go drug free as long as possible, at least until they find a cure and not just something to temporarily relieve symptoms.
Could a cure appear soon what do you think Jim? The science is very close to finding a real med in my opinion. Till that how did you said I will stay free as long as possible. Tell me, Jim, how long do you using Thiamine I read it in your post you said that working for you. What kind of change do you feel it? All the best.
My history is similar. Even after diagnosis I really thought that I was OK without meds other than Azilect, which my doctor said might be neuroprotective, and refused other meds. I was willing to try Azilect , especially since I found a charitable organization that helped with the cost (it’s been available as a generic for over a year). I was functioning, I thought, since I was still working full time. People around me, however, noted my stooped posture, stiffness and facial mask, and the fatigue was awful. It wasn’t until I started the LSVT BIG program and the therapists strongly suggested talking to the doctor about dopamageric meds that I gave in and went on Sinemet. The improvement was startling.
What are the symptoms you get? Did someone recommend Thiamine and Vitamin D to you? Suffering Socks
I had mild symptoms for about 5 years, and no meds or diagnosis. When I started to have tremors on one side, my General Practitioner told me it was essential tremor. The next couple years, I developed stiffness and freezing episodes, with several falls. We lived in a small town, with no specialist's, so the GP still did not come up with a diagnosis. Finally, after 8 years with symptoms gradually getting worse, including resting tremor the last couple years, my daughter helped us move to the city, where she lives, and where there is a regional medical center with specialist's. I was diagnosed within a few weeks, and was put on Sinemet. Sinemet has relieved much of my stiffness and tremors, and is very helpful.
If you didn't read books by Joe Dispaneza I'll recommend to you especially Placebo are you.You will find a lot of answers.
I would write SILVESTROV on the "search Parkinson's movement" bar. AND READ HIS POSTINGS.
OOPS. Try this link:
Yes and No!
Yes, I can imagine myself without drugs because I have been living without drugs since 2002 (16 years). I took one drug, Selegiline, for 8 years before being able to come off it. What I did in those eight years in addition to taking the Selegiline, was the following:
1. I started doing FAST WALKING, initially for only a few minutes, but slowly increasing it to one hour every second day.
2. I got rid of as much STRESS out of my life as I could and have avoided anything that causes me stress ever since.
3. I adopted a POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS MY PD. and have remained positive ever since.
4. Because Pd is a BRAIN PROBLEM, I started doing lots of BRAIN EXERCISES, such as Su Doku and Cryptic Crossword Puzzles. I also started to learn to Speak a Foreign Language.
No, I did not fight my Pd without drugs. I changed after two years from Levodopa drugs to the Selegiline and from there on got better, very slowly.
If any of you take the trouble to try this regimen and stop telling yourself that you CAN'T before even trying, then you may very well GET SLOWLY BETTER, as I did. What have you got to lose by trying? What have I got to gain by TELLING YOU THIS?
When patients start relying upon retired print shop operators to (mis)interpret science for them, to prescribe dubious solutions, and to propose nonsensical studies based upon naive and ill-founded conclusions (i.e., a single subjective, undocumented, unreplicated, entirely anecdotal case of "reversal" of "some of the symptoms") we're all doomed.
A couple Amazon reviews of JohnPepper's 2002 literary farce, 'Reverse Parkinson's Disease', accurately describe the fundamental problems with JP's credibility. Unless/until he is able to address these concerns, he has none (still waiting 15+ years after publication):
"Do NOT expect genuine 'reversal' by any contemporary sense of the word... The author has yet to provide credible evidence of both an actual Parkinson's diagnosis and - most importantly - whether he's actually accomplished anything beyond the general improvement of symptoms experienced by anyone who follows a regular program of vigorous exercise. The fact that - 15 years since original edition - not a single neurologist backs his claims of disease "reversal" should provide a clue: this book belongs in the 'fiction' section." 'W.D.'
"I do not doubt the sincerity of John Pepper and in the importance of exercise for people with Parkinsons. I do doubt his diagnosis as do some doctors, he freely admits this as well as describing his tremor as an action tremor not the resting tremor of Parkinsons and that sinemet made no difference to his symptoms. A positive response to sinemet is a common way to diagnose Parkinsons as opposed to other similar conditions. It is interesting that in all the years John Pepper has been advocating this method he cannot point to one person who has had the ongoing good results he claims..." 'rochfort'
Our world I mean PwP is small and who wants to know about PD he searches and trying to find a solution or good advice from the people. I watched your videos Mr. Pepper I know everything about you and believe it or not I am doing the same thing as you. A lot more am I doing, I also follow Howard Sifke, his approach. Basically, I realized what I need to do and I'm on the right path I have to think like that.
Diagnosed a year ago, symptoms started two year earlier. I have RH tremor only. I went down for few months after diagnosis but I took a positive attitude, started exercising and in March started Thiamine. Also I'm exercising how to ignore/control stress. All of these helped a lot, especially Thiamine. I also take 2000UI/day vitamin D3. No other meds. I have days with almost no tremor and found out 1.5g/day thiamine being the optimum dose.