Yesterday I found out I have Parkinson's and I have many questions but im a bit all over the place from the scared.confused.have to see my gp today,omg.dont know what happens next.any advice,can only handle positives trying to find the ups will handle the downs when I meet them.know nothing but bad things about Parkinson's,so any advice is welcome.thanks
New: Yesterday I found out I have Parkinson... - Cure Parkinson's

Collette Irwin, you came to the right place for information. I tell my friends, "being a member of this communityis like having 15 doctors on retainer. Almost every treatment program is represented here."
While you have to be the one that directs your health care, if you are like many of us, we many times know more than the dr does about certaibn issues. Afer all, the Dr is only one person you can listen to. In this community there are more than 15,000 people to gleen some ideas from.
Please note. I could be a little off on the number of members. Will someone please confirm for Coletteirwin what the correct number of members is? I don't want to know. That way I can keep repeating the number I use until one day it might be true.
I would like to refer you to a post I made just before reading your message. It is titled "Unmatched Information."
Welcome aboard. We are on a journey none of us have been on before, ever. You are not traveling alone.
Worrying and stress are not good for Parkinson's patients. Find something you enjoy that gives you peace of mind. Eat right, exercise, all the basic things that maintain your regular health become especially important when you have PD. Medications are tricky, but there is lots of help for you on this site. Breathe...
Thanks for the advice.I thought pd was only for the elderly,im only 58.hopefully the meds will help my stiff legs in gym.cant wait to talk to doctor this afternoon.
make sure he gives you either madopar or sinemet depends were you live.doctors only know so much.then your next step is make sure you exercise most days if you can..theres lot,s you can learn here,regards.
Don't lose heart. I started getting symptoms at 58, I am now 66 and still going strong. Hiking biking jogging walking, keep moving. Join a support group or exercise class if available, for the camaraderie, if nothing else. Listen to your body. If the meds you are given don't work for you let your doctor know and try something else.
Start vigorous, daily, aerobic exercising - today.
i have found my left leg from hip down seems to have a mind of its own. to explain to my P D team i say the same feeling when u get of a plane and you have jet lag but in my case its the left leg side doing its own stuff.
…daily supplementation with 1200 IU vitamin D3 for 12 mo significantly prevented the deterioration of PD… as measured with the HY stage, UPDRS part II and total, and some domains of the PDQ39, with no apparent increase in risk of hypercalcemia or other adverse events during the study period. A point estimate of the number needed to treat was 6 patients for no worsening or improvement in the HY stage, which was considered very effective. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first randomized trial to examine the effects of vitamin D3 in patients with PD. However, a meta-analysis showed that supplemental vitamin D for older adults who participated in randomized controlled trials consistently showed beneficial muscle effects on strength and balance (27). Therefore, it cannot be distinguished whether vitamin D supplementation specifically delays the progression of PD or whether it just nonspecifically improves muscle strength and balance in older adults. (see my Profile for more advice)
Confirm your diagnosis then you must see a neurologist for the correct meds and dosage - which is a continuous process. It is important to stay calm and positive and take it day by day. Uncertainty and fear is something we all live with everyday. You're not alone!!
Exercise is good but if you’re new you ought to have ONE major longer term aim and that is to try to restore proper gut function (and it goes well beyond just taking a probiotic pill unfortunately). Most of us aren’t really willing to do what it takes to restore the lining of the gut as it involves serious denial of sugary foods and alcohol but for those with commitment it probably works wonders. Check out the Wahls Protocol which you can Google.
Do plenty of research regarding all the different theories going around for 'alternative' treatments as some have more scientific basis than others! Exercise as much as you can. Exercise as much as you can, (doubly important) Use it or lose it! Be positive, get on and do the things now that you have always said "one day I'll........" Lots of help and every aspect of information found by many users daily scouring the net for Parkinsons news all pooled together here. Watch out for the occasional shyster peddling miracle cures at great expense. Be sceptical of advice from totally unqualified forum users
It's only normal to be scared at first because of the unknown. After awhile you'll settle in and realize it's not as bad as you thought and will become who you are. Narrow down the sites to this type of forum where you'll get more positive information and I recommend The Michael J Fox Foundation too. I was 56 when first noticed it and will be 62 next week with a very slow progression and I'm sure exercising is slowing it down. Good news is this is a good time to be alive with the medical research and new and improved medication available.
Thanks for that.goin to the gym was a choice,now its a necessity lol.just because I've now got a label on this dosnt make me any different than who I was on monday.positivity and family support are thanks for all the feedback
There are a lot of positive sites on the web - Micheal J. Fox is good also Davis Phinney foundation and the APDA in St. Louis has a plethora of webinars in their archives you can listen to as well as exercise videos that you can use at home for exercise. Also a lot of them have free materials that they will send you to have at home to read. We have a website for our P.D. support group that has all of these sites in one spot if you want to go to that. It is Happy day!
2Bertie, Let's make your link live ("one live link is worth ten dead ones"):
Im in northern ireland but all this is great
Hi- we are all in this together and being together is good.
My advice would be research PD and understand what it is- your the same person as few days ago so mo mad rush- its a slow disease. In UK have Parkinsons Uk they have web page booklets and someone onphone to cry too. Also run programmes to meet others for support.
I am 55 now and have decided to forgoe perscrip meds for now, I take Mannitol and am starting with B1 in few weeks. Youcan research these topics here for others advice
Exercise is a must whatever else you do.
Be brave be informed and ask what you wish of us here and your doctors.
Accept what it is and then enjoy life- its your only one. Be positive.
Good luck
cincinnato, If you will put blank spaces at the beginning and the end of the URL ( . . .) distancing it from the "at" in front, and the period at the end, it will become a live link--much better! Use the "edit" button to accomplish this. Here's how it will manifest:
Learn as much as you can about the disease. Go to , they have up to date information plus you can order free booklets with a lot of different aspects of PD. Knowledge is power and the more you understand PD, the better you can advocate for yourself.
Colette what you must do next is make an appointment with a Parkinson's nurse. You are entitled to see one in the UK. I am in my 18th year of Parkys and I've moved around the country changing Neuros and Nurses and every time found the Parkinson's Nurses much, much better than the so called specialists in understanding the every day needs and handing out advice especially on the correct timing of the prescribed meds. Good luck now,
Thanks,I started on m
Omg 5 in the morning,cant sleep.drowining in a sea of self pity,cant stop crying.all positivity scared of whats gonna come next.feel like I need somebody to blame but theres nobody.iv always been the care giver,wat do I do when the reverse happens.omg I cant stand this,what do I do next.
I was diagnosed in January. I'm a newbie. Welcome to the group. You're pretty young, and I can only imagine your dismay. I hear over and over, eat right, exercise, and stay connected. Stay with this group, lots of good advice. Blessings to you.