Leg cramps that last: Does anyone have... - Cure Parkinson's

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Leg cramps that last

Skullgulch profile image
32 Replies

Does anyone have charley horses that last for 45 minutes. My wife has this happen often, especially when has uti infection. When doing good will get cramps sometimes but not last very long. Urologist says cramps are not due to uti. We thought was. In our support group and other Parkinson's people talked with no one has want my has. We are confused. Thanks Skullgulch

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Skullgulch profile image
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32 Replies
Lionore profile image

I used to get them with so much pain that I couldn’t put weight on the affected leg and upon awakening had to hold unto things to reach the bathroom. What mostly cured the problem was lots of water all day and a magnesium capsule before bed. Stretching the leg in bed before getting up also helps. I still get them occasionally but they are not nearly as painful.

Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to Lionore

I have magnesium and calcium chelated give 4 times daily , homeopathic tabs under tongue massage them I have to help her to toilet have porta pot next to bed and cbc oil and vape cannabas which if I could get her to inhale helps more than anything. She is also frozen and can not move for long periods. Has low blood pressure from carbo Levo so when stand I can not get reading and she is dizzy. She takes 2 different bp meds, and several other meds. A while back I started reducing carbo and pramipexol little at time and always do energetic walking. She improve so much when told doctor he could not believe it and said a fluke, and you have to take more carbo to stop freezing and do better. We do what need to suffer to much. Thank you for your reply appreciate it. Like hear comments so see if we on right track.

Astra7 profile image
Astra7 in reply to Skullgulch

She is so lucky to have you.

Epsom salt baths might help and lots of magnesium (I think people spray or rub it on. I guess it absorbs through the skin). Also disprin would help I think.

tid1 profile image

My Dr. says this is caused by dystonia, which is common in Parkinson's patients. I am not sure if my cramps lasted that long, but it was close - mostly at night. Try having her take Magnesium Citrate as it is supposed to be absorbed better than other lower cost versions of magnesium. I now take 2 - 250 mg capsules before bed. Start with one capsule as it is also a natural laxative.

When I have a severe muscle cramp that does not immediately go away, I either drink a little apple cider vinegar (about 1/8 cup) or eat some dill pickles. I hold my nose while I swallow the vinegar and then eat crackers immediately after, but if this doesn't work for her, you can mix it in a cup of juice. I know this sounds crazy but it works better than any medication I have tried for immediate relief. I also have other friends that eat dill pickles and are convinced it works!

I also have prescriptions from my primary care physician for these 2 muscle relaxants -

1) Nightime - Cyclobenzaprine - 10 mg

2) Daytime - Methocarbamol - 750 mg

These are useful if she has recurring muscle cramps during a short period of time so she has difficulty sleeping or walking.

Good luck! I hope this helps!

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to tid1

A spoonful of yellow mustard, swallowed, will help with cramps also.

tid1 profile image
tid1 in reply to parkie13

Thanks - I will try it. Might be better than drinking vinegar!

Skullgulch profile image

Thank all of you for your information. Will try one of them now thanks again very helpful.

When you have a UTI or other infection, it can create an increased level of inflammation and oxidative stress and PWPs already have an elevated inflammatory and oxidative load. Adding further inflammation and oxidation to the total body inflammation is going to have a negative impact all the way around. By the same token, lowering your total inflammatory and oxidative load is likely to have a positive impact on symptoms. So, while a UTI may not directly impact PD, it likely does in an indirect manner.


Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to


Thank you. I told the 2 doctors we seen last week that when she has uti it magnifies the leg cramps. One said he does not know what to do, the other said uti has no effect to cause cramps. I know what you mean any other problem can effect the body. This last time we went to doc she had no uti so I ask is there some other infection or what do you thing could be the problem. He did not know and did not bother to do any other testing of any kind. I loose more trust in doctors each time we go. What you said make good sense, thank you. I thank everyone for there input. When she is doing well may have cramp once in awhile, when get them bad something else is wrong uti or what ever. Can not get docs to look any further, but give you some other drug.


tid1, in a post above, recommended magnesium and I would second that. Topical and oral. The topical mag oil can allow you to reach local tissue levels that are not possible with oral dosing without causing diarrhea. The magnesium, among many potential benefits, helps the muscles to relax and it has antiinflammatory properties also. Topical application to the affected area('s) may be helpful to help relieve the muscle spasms or prevent them from getting started in the first place. Magnesium is also helpful for getting calcium to where it should be. The topical application can be additive to the oral usage of magnesium.


Magnesium may be beneficial for other PD issues and will help to get all the health benefits that vitamin D has to offer PWPs.


Sometimes I feel that doctors have schedules that just does not allow them to give quality time to all of their patients all of the time.

As far as frequent UTIs , there are many natural remedies and are worth keeping on the back burner in case she gets to a point where antibiotics are not effectively eliminating the UTIs any more.


dadcor profile image

I was having almost the same problem. The combination Mg l-threonate and Mg glycinate worked perfectly with me..

Juliegrace profile image

I can't address the cramps, but consider daily apple cider vinegar (organic) with water. It works very well keeping me free from UTIs and has many other benefits.


M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to Juliegrace

Apple cider vinegar is wonderful for many things but rinse your mouth afterwards because if it is too strong it can affect the enamel on your teeth!

mistydog1 profile image

Somebody on this site recommended spraying Magnesium on the area. So I went to the locale natural health store and found a magnesium gel with aloe. My sister who does chemo suffers from sever spasms from the chemo. The gel says that' spasms are the things it helps with. she tried it and said it works it does take the edge off the sever spasms.

vronk profile image
vronk in reply to mistydog1

If you were just getting cramps at night take a bath with epsom salts before going to bed, if you are getting cramps during the day try taking the bath in the morning or both. I find myself taking one two three baths each day.

I also use muscle rub like Icy Hot or Bengay or blue emu. Used directly on your cramps

Quevasili profile image

I was havin muscle Spasms during the day and at night. 5/15 Times a week. I was already on Magnesium citrate (250x2)a day. Blood work showed I was on the Low level of magnesium. I increased by 2 more capsule at night. I started taking 2 teaspoons of Braggs Apple cider Vinegar in a cup of hot water with a drop of honey 3 Times a day. Morning, noon and night.

I Works!!!

Shakinginnc profile image

I have them all the time although I treat them by taking a spoon of yellow mustard ( sounds weird I know) but it has always worked for me and within a few minutes I might add! I did talk to my Neurologist about it she said that if you have a low vitamin D count it will cause you to cramp and she sent me for more blood work which showed that my Vitamin D is low and I am now taking 4000 mg of vitamin D everyday to get it back up. Has her Dr. checked hers? I the meantime have her try the mustard , it really works!

Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to Shakinginnc

She takes 5000 units bit d daily had so many blood test they said all ok but glucose little high, does not want to eat do not know if did bit d. Just got call from doc this am they send in ur in for culture said have uti. She not able to walk. Neighbor will pick up scrip of cipro. She is in pain legs have done many things you folks have suggested. Thanks to all

etterus profile image

I don’t know if your wife can do this but it helps me. At night I frequently have to use a bedside urinal for urgency I kneel at the side of the bed and with my foot bent up toward my knee I digmy toes and press them into the carpet , this inhibits the spasticity/dystonia. Also if I wake up at night I get my body half sideling and push my toes pressed up into my opposite bent knee stretching them again upward toward the nature of the same play this inhibits the spasticity. I have also found the DBS to be helpful and that before DBS I was crawling to the bathroom on my hands and these 5-6 times a night. Hope this helps

Coot18 profile image

I periodically get leg cramps

luckily not 45 min long

they seem to come when I miss doing my bicycling

either stationary or on the street

if I get back to a daily routine

they go away

have also heard dehydration could be an issue


Love > hate

SELFMeder profile image

Keep a small vial of sweet pickle juice nearby especially beside your bed table at night.

When you feel the spasm coming on take the smallest amount of juice and role it around your tongue.

The muscle spasm will instantly and completely cease.

Professional athletes and their trainers have long known about this home remedy...

SELFMeder profile image
SELFMeder in reply to SELFMeder

ALSO Magnesium Glycinate is beter absorbed that Magnesium Citrate and a high daily dose of the former will greatly reduce the frequency of muscle spasms..

Good luck!


SranSonu profile image

My mother had leg cramps almost all through out the day...it was going on for almost one and half year... it was so difficult to see her going through all the pain she din deserve....doctors tried all ... she was taking her calcium and vit D but no help but then my Aunt told try to increase dose of calcium and when she doubled infact started taking three calcium tabs instead of one she is much better now ..it was amazing .....at least no leg cramps anymore...what a relief ...i had been through nightmares....when she was away from me ... but now it gives me some relief honestly

vronk profile image

And try using some kind of muscle rub like Icy Hot or Bengay. I like blue emu.

Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to vronk

Thanks. Last night up most all night to this am with the pain. I do blue emu, cannabas oil, exercise them, magnesium, pickles, vinegar and honey with water nothing helped. Usually get relief. This evening will do Epsom salts. Probably mustard also someo e mentioned. Thank all of you for your input. Talk to a lady yesterday said her clients get cramps they k ow have uti infection. Last week 2 doctors told us no uti 2nd one sent in for culture and call us yesterday said she has uti. Had neighbor pick up scrip for cipro so hope will ease up. Today still not good.


in reply to Skullgulch

Sg, did the doctor tell you if it was an E.coli infection (most common) or some other type of infection?


Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to

Did not say just call and tell us uti and sent in script. Should I ask think I will call now and see what they say.

in reply to Skullgulch

It is good to know what is causing recurring UTI's, because if she ever reaches a point where they run out of effective antibiotics to treat them, you can select from natural remedies that are likely to target a specific pathogen. It is possible that it can be a different pathogen each time, but E.coli remains the most common cause.

My 80 year old next door neighbor got a UTI about once a month for years and was running out of antibiotics to use because she was building up resistance to them after so many repeated uses. She tried a half teaspoon of baking soda every 3 hours and that worked very well for her for about 12 UTIs in a row and then she got another UTI and the baking soda didn't work on that one because it was a different pathogen. The downside to baking soda is it can cause diarrhea if the dose is too high for the individual.

Not to be gross or too descriptive, but sometimes if it is the same pathogen each time for women, it may be something as simple as which direction you wipe when defecating. Front to back is best and back to front never!


in reply to Skullgulch

As an example of what I am talking about when it comes to natural treatments for E coli. based UTIs that have little to no bad side effects:



Skullgulch profile image
Skullgulch in reply to


I called doctor, they said it was enterococcus uti. I looked up and cipro is not best for it so will see what happens next few days. She was allergic to penicillin when young, it may be possible when get older you may not be allergic to penicillin. In our support group a lady was allergic to penicillin when young but it is only thing to help her now. We did take the d manhole but stopped, will continue now. Thanks so much. Sometimes it requires a little push and help from all of you to get on track.

in reply to Skullgulch

The d-mannose is mainly effective for E coli , so that may not be the best first choice for enterococcus.


vronk profile image

My cramps are caused by lack of magnesium so I take supplements take baths with Epsom salts which is very nice if you have creepy crawlies in your legs or feet

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