I’ve written before about the benefits I’ve had from an exercise programme called PD Warrior which originated in Australia. I live in the U.K. and last year, I went to the Parkinson U.K. headquarters as a kind of ‘Guinea Pig’ when they were training physios in the technique. It’s still not fully rolled out in the UK - I travelled to a (private) physio some distance from my home to be shown the exercises - and I’d love to find a group nearer home because i do this on my own in my conservatory which doubles as a little gym. Bit lonely 😔
Anyway - the website has developed quite a lot and you can do what’s called the ten week challenge on line - there are some paying options but there is a free programme. There’s a lot of good resources on the website so for those of you who’d like to investigate, here it is: pdwarrior.com/join-the-tribe/