Are lack of thirst and pain hypersensitivity common in PD?
PD signs: Are lack of thirst and pain... - Cure Parkinson's
PD signs

if you go to, you can order books on various topics of PD. They are free and cover a number of topics including non-motor symptoms
In my husband's case, I would say definitely 'yes'
Hi. My ex-partner, Max, has PD, and it was scary how unaware he was of the need to drink. It was a big problem, and it took years to persuade him that drinking water was necessary. He ended up in hospital many times because of low blood pressure caused by dehydration, sometimes having fallen. I would say this was a major reason for his decline and responsible for months of hospital stays which caused him to lose confidence and muscle function. Expensive for the NHS, too.
I also work with inventors - and, with Max as inspiration, we have developed a wrist worn hydration monitor which notifies the wearer when they need to drink (amber & red lights). It is ready, it works, but we can't afford to get it produced. I hope that we will be able to fund our first batch soon. If anyone would like us to keep them informed of progress, let me know, / subscribe to our newsletter on . I will be very happy to sell them to members of this group at cost, if preordered.
That's an amazing idea! I'm going to follow your progress. Have you looked into the kickstarter program? Is that just an expensive way to go?
Pain perception in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson’s patients in unmedicated OFF state tend to be more sensitive to pain.
Thinking is that the lack of dopamine causes the increased sensitivity.