Hello, I was diagnosed in February. I don't have any tremor but feel funny when I walk. I feel like I am walking on a boat is the best way to describe this. I am on sinamet 25-250 3 times per day. I don't really feel the sinemet does anything for me. Does anyone else feel funny when they walk? Thank you
Feel like I am walking on a boat - Cure Parkinson's
Feel like I am walking on a boat

I do believe Jack takes to much sinemet.
I have the same feeling which started 2 years ago. Doctors were no help but a year later I developed a slight tremor in my right leg and was diagnosed with PD. Sinemet 25/100 x3 makes no difference to the boat feeling which I understand the medics describe as " walking on cotton wool", however it controls the tremor unless I am stressed. I cannot play golf without Sinemet but with I am back to playing really well. I am 72 and cycle, walk 18 holes (6 miles) and sail.
I feel like I am walking on a matress at times, I am only on 3 Sinemet a day 25/100 but not sure if they help me, fatigued most of time.
Was this disorder triggered (onset immediately after) sustained motion experience such as a cruise, long car travel, etc.? If so, and if other causes, such as inner ear problems, have been ruled out, it has a name, Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) or Disembarkment Syndrome. There is even a foundation devoted to understanding it and seeking a cure: mddsfoundation.org/understa....
A good summary:
Not caused by a cruise or car drive. I figured it was the parkinson's. Thank you
See Dr. Timothy Hain, Chicago Dizziness and Hearing web site at dizzy-doc.com. Lots of good information there.
I describe it as feeling perpetually buzzed. I would not pass a field sobriety test
Just went and picked up a used copy of Splatoon for my neighbor. He is recovering from surgery. Well if I bought a used copy it is 49.99 instead of 59.99, lets go used. You also get 10% off used games if you are a member. I am. I had also accumulated over 5000 points. If I were to buy a new game it would be the $ 5.00 off at 5000 points but $ 5.00 off a used game and it would cost me only 4000 points. Then she proceeded to hand me a tablet with passwords and boxes to check. I walked in feeling large and in charge and left looking like I was inebriated.
I have the same feeling and medication doesn't help, only sitting down.
Thanks for your response.
Yes, I get this too. Diagnosed nov 2016 but just started senemit in last month. Not really helping so I've decided to wean off the senemit this last week. That boat feeling is awful! A balance issue I guess, but I'm pretty sure it's from the meds cause I didn't have it before. Good luck!
Thanks for your response. yes the boat feeling is terrible. I don't think the sinamet does anything for me either.
I’ve had this feeling for years now. I compared it to walking across the room when I was drunk or getting close to being drunk.