Does he use medical marijuana or cbd you think?
Michael j fox: Does he use medical... - Cure Parkinson's
Michael j fox

Don't know. I would like to know.
I don't think it is any of our business. If he wanted us to know I am sure he would tell us.
If he does, he could probably get the good stuff from Willie or Snoop Dogg.😁
I think if he uses either one & it helps, he should tell us about it. He's getting money for research, isn't trying things & finding out they work part of researching?
CBD definitely worth trying but it isn't for everyone. I had been warned by my neurologist that evidence is lacking with respect to its affect on PD tremors and in some cases it has had deleterious effects. She did, however, say that it was up to me and actually gave me the name of an outlet that had been recommended to her by other patients as being reliable.
Have tried numerous formulations including pure CBD and only effect was increased dizziness, and with increased dosages felt "drugged". Did not reduce my PD symptoms, and a couple of times I felt more uncomfortable.
Never have smoked anything, so not willing to go that route but am yet to try via vapor.
Big fat blunts with sticky smelly skunk weed I believe he said willy Nelson private buds