Good Morning. I am 66 years old and was diagnosed at age 59. I am doing well for the most part, except for the need for a nap daily (without it, I fade in early evening, but naps aren't a bad thing. I have followed the advice of many and taken on many forms of exercise. I have a workout I can take with me and one for the gym, and I attend classes whenever I can. I feel as though I am slowing the onset of physical symptoms the best I can. Question beginning to nag at me--are these daily episodes of short term memory loss a symptom of age or PD or both? My movement disorder specialist and I have decided to try Aricept. Does anyone have experience with Aricept and its effectiveness?
PD's Ups and Downs: Benefits of Exercise ... - Cure Parkinson's
PD's Ups and Downs: Benefits of Exercise and Brief Periods of Short-term memory loss.

You are looking great!!
good morning, you do look great! my doctor swears that most of the memory loss issues are related to aging, but i like to blame my memory issues on PD. i have two daughters, 28 and 31, and they are so busy they forget stuff all of the time!! Keep doing what you are doing! Happy New Year!
Thank you. One thing about memory issues, they don't help you remember to pick up the prescription from the pharmacy, which happened today, wouldn't you know it?
I love your flowers.
I have short term memory loss and I blame it on the PD. My biggest problem (but definitely not the only problem) is being able to spell words. The other day my granddaughter asked me to spell 'knife' and I could not remember for the life of me. I had to ask my husband and I was so very embarrassed. I am a college graduate. My degree is in Information Systems, and I was a Programmer Analyst for a major corporation for 22 years.
I have tried hard to keep up with an exercise program but my energy level is so low I get exhausted --- completely spent --- after just walking a mile. I'm like jelly the rest of the day. Same thing when I do house work, about a half hour and that's it, I am done for.
I just recently backed out of a trip to Disneyworld with my grandchildren because I know I would be a drag on the trip. I feel sad about that, but I would feel worse sad if I messed up their trip.
BTW I'm 68 and was just diagnosed August of this year.
I absolutely was not going to say anything, but geezzz wizzzz a trip to Disneyland with your Grandchildren. You dont have to be there all the time take naps. Come on, you deserve this, you can do this, get up and go, shake that body. Take cell phones , let them go ahead, rest and then catch up and dont miss the electric light parade. Take photos. Go go go.

No I just don't feel up to it. The kids are still going to go with their parents and it will be my treat. That's what is most important.
Hi- I know fatigue is a problem. It sounds as if you have it bad just now. I guess I'd ask around to see if anyone has a vitamin or herbal remedy. I read about a guy in his 80's who uses some. I'll try looking him up. He has a blog Aging Parkinson's and Me. His name is John Schappi. He talks about everyday concerns and research on vitamin supplements and more.
Theresa, you sound a lot like my Mom. She's also 68, has short term memory issues, and isn't able to go to Disney with us and grandkids b/c of mobility. I completely understand your reluctance. Don't feel bad about not going, you have enough to deal with. Disney isn't everything, and if long trips would only cause you more stress than it's worth, then I say it's not worth it. Maintaining a low stress lifestyle is more important. Plus I'm sure you get plenty of enjoyment with the grandkids doing fun things around where you live. Be well.
Hi I am glad you mentioned the short term memory because I too have notices that thus is occurring everydayou and also I have a problem which is I need to spit out saliva constantly especially night time,and if I don't I could choke.absolutelyrics fed up,is there any body out there who have these symptoms?.
Too hilarious
I just started Airecept last month. I feel a slight Improvement
I like you Hal and I like your reply. So positive and encouraging don't look at why you can't do it look at how you can!Life is not a dress rehearsal do it enjoy it and have the memories.