Hello dear friends;
I find myself in a peculiar situation.
Some of you know that i have been greatly challanged by dizziness.
Nobody seem to know what the problem was.
I saw a new neurologist a few weeks ago. After spending one hour with me testing and talking, he said: You don't look nor act like someone with PD. Hesaid he would not say I do not have it.But he said, let's do this. Cut back on one does of carbidopa/levadopa. I was taking 4 doses of it 10/100.
The first day I cut out the first dose, the dizziness was gone and has stayed gone!! Hallelujah!!
Howeveer, my feet are not working well, until i take my first dose of carb/lev.
I would rather have a clear head and work on my walking.
My mood is great! I feel well.
Shakes have never been a problem.
What am i to think?
Peace, Eva G :