Hello I would be interested to find out more about John Peppers techniques. Does anyone know if he is visiting the UK this/next year; or whether anyone else knows enough about his techniques to teach it? Thanks, V
John Pepper movement retraining - UK talks? - Cure Parkinson's
John Pepper movement retraining - UK talks?

He has written a book you can get through Amazon. I would tell you the name of it but I would have to get out of bed to go look at the bookshelf and that's a step too far.
I think walking quickly with a long stride is more economical than running. I also am able to engage my arms while walking quickly.
I wonder where John is ?
He should have been here by now.
Just go to a post that he has been involved with and click on his Name ( in blue) , then click on the white MESSAGE box on right side and send him a personal mail. He will respond.
John Pepper stayed with me last year for five days while in the U.K. I walked six miles with him and heard him speak and demonstrate twice! If you want to ring me, I may be able to help! 01747 821353 I believe he's still in US with no current plans that I know of to revisit uk! To revisit uk he needs people to organise speaking engagements, raise money to cover his airfare and provide accommodation.
I had the honor and privilege to meet and listen to John Pepper in California not too long ago! Since then have started following his theory, which I strongly believe in!
Above find his email address to ask him if he plans to come to UK, he will respond promptly. Also a link to his website for a fabulous video and many great advices + how to order his great book!
Best to you all
Hi se1diamond. I would like to talk to you via email. My emial is johnpepper@telkomdsa.net .
Kind regards
John Pepper