Sitting here at 1am cannot sleep again. It is a long time till morning
Sitting here at 1am cannot sleep again. I... - Cure Parkinson's
Sitting here at 1am cannot sleep again. It is a long time till morning

Most nights me too. 1930 here in Texas. Feel your pain. Doc will not give me sleep meds but that's okay .
good night and a better tomorrow
I'm the same been up 7 times in the night had 3 hours sleep in total due to pain !! I'm trying not to take sleeping aids but sometimes I give in and have one after about a week of it !!
Just curious what is GERD?
Apart from dystonia keeping me up don't get much sleep..toilet visits r frequently as there is no kidney infection but both kidneys riddled with stones ..already had one kidney cleared of stones and now they back within a year?? Any ideas what's going on?
Hi Dawn52.
I used to get kidney stones in my 30s when
1) I didn't drink enough water and
2) I only drank hard tap water (the kind that scales up kettles).
But I haven't had any stones since I started drinking ultra purified distilled water around 30 years ago. I bought a countertop water distiller for about £230 here in the UK (link follows) so I can make my own distilled water from tap water for a fraction of the cost of buying bottles of water.
I drink about 2 litres of distilled water a day. It is very cleansing and hydrating, plus it slowly dissolves any existing stones. So drinking distilled water will get and keep your kidneys (and other organs and joints) clear of hard mineral deposits that cause problems like stones and joint pain.
Of course drinking lots of water sends you to the toilet often, but urinating is how our bodies are designed to clear toxins. When we fight nature we hurt ourselves.
I hope this helps.
I used to get so upset but have learn to use the time wisely by reading Bible, listening to upbeat positive messages by Gloria Copeland, Joyce Meyers etc.. Or mediating.
I have had insomnia about 7 weeks ( started mucuna )
I do the same, Judy. Might as well get some good out of it. I've found that if I keep the lights low and don't turn on the computer or TV, I'll start yawning and go back to bed and go to sleep.
Hello Judy78, I too have had bad insomnia for about six weeks. I started Mucuna also (under the Hinz protocol). I think some of the insomnia is due to dropping two meds cold turkey (Selegiline and amantadine). Are you doing the amino acid balancing? There is a lot of upfront "cost ($ and ZZZ ) and hope it's worth it!
Hi Rob. Join this very large club. The first lesson to learn is,"Don't let it worry you". Not easy to do, but if there is nothing you can do about it then get used to it. The second lesson to learn is, "Don't lie in bed tossing and turning, get up and do something you enjoy, like reading or working on your computer". Don't read anything exciting, rather stick to an interesting but deadly dull story. You will then become more sleepy and can go back to bed and fall asleep. If you let it get you down you will be far worse off.
Good luck
Apparently the blue light from computer screen contributes to Insomnia so try not to use this as one of the activities, I find my smart phone easier on the eyes and I wonder if it has Les blue light
paddyfields My iPhone has a brightness dimmer on it.
There is a program called f.lux that you can download for free that lets you dim the brightness on your computers.
Useful info. 12sstargate
I need a fairly bright screen t read clearly but one has to be aware of the effect of light - hardly new inf. as people with Seasonal affective disorder have been using bright light for decades to counteract their sleepiness.
Any bright light will affect your wake/sleep pattern but blue light increasingly used for screens, LED lights etc. is the worst . Google blue screens and a lot of research will come up such as
My husband takes pramipexole for restless leg and melatonin to enable him to sleep. Ask your doctor.
Pramipexole/ Mirapex has many debilitating side effects, which I ignored because it settled my RLS after many years of problems sleeping. The numerous addictive side effects did not claim me but the EXCESSIVE weight gain did causing me to go from 124 lbs to 165 lbs. in 18 months. Off Mirapex for over five months now but not able to lose the weight...the additional weight (legs 3 times normal size) has caused additional problems (apart from ugly swollen legs, ankles and feet) of pain and restrictions in movement. Had to give up on yoga and walking for exercise.
Use this drug if you have to but be warned.......

not to mention orthostatic hypotension - low blood pressure upon standing
Have you tried magnesium oil? If I rub some on my wrists or feet I find it really knocks me out when I can't sleep. Doesn't always work, but it usually does.
Is magnesium oil an essential oil?
Hi Judy,
No it's not actually an oil, it's magnesium chloride that's mixed with water. It feels quite oily, so it's known as magnesium oil. This explains more. (Not a great article, but all that I can find at the moment).
I am sooo glad I'm off all my meds now after a lot of panicking about going off something that has been recommended to me by doctors.
I sleep great now Im on a fabulous supplement package from do terra just google them !! brilliant!!!
In fact my doctor blown away by my good health he said keep doing what you are doing!!
Regards Robyn
I'm rather relieved I sleep quite well until 3.30/4.00 and then it takes a while to get out of bed with morning body pain etc but once on the reclining chair with my iPad I play Solitaire and that will put me back to sleep after a few games.....start the pill regime then about 6.00.
We use 2 5mg ER melatonin, magnesium and two Valerian and lower the night time c/l
dose somewhat (now possible since Don can't get up and stumble around the house...due to heart condition, he has aides who have to watch him to keep him from trying that). That should knock out a horse but it doesn't. Niacin should be good also as it negates the adrenaline. Benadryl is good and pretty benign.
We are getting a C Pap mask I think once we figure how to get him tested. It's very simple with a finger monitor. Don had apnea years ago but recently when I had to be tested and get a mask the dr told me one never gets over it. I began to think out Don in that light and now working to have him tested. The respiratory therapist called yesterday and commented that even when a heart OR a PD patient doesn't actually have apnea, they sleep much better with the mask. In his case it comes with an O feed.
Not that it is your prob but did you know that apnea patients wake much more frequently to pee? I was stunned after reading that and it was true. After years of getting up 3-5x a night, I slept thru with the mask and still do. Also DI NOT eat asparagus late in the day. It has a diuretic enzyme, particularly in the small ones.
Using C/L made all the difference, versus not. I have also just started a supplement called 5-HTP at bedtime and slept a full night for the first time in a long time.
1:23 am , been asleep since 8 :00 pm, almost 5-1/2 hrs not bad. Raining but warm. It would be nice to have a conversation, someone to talk to but every ones sleeping I guess. When they are around tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon, I will be napping. My neuro/movement disorder spec. insists that all I need to do is turn on the sound machine and then I will go back to sleep. I like the flowing stream best and the thunder storm is not bad. I can hear it playing in my room upstairs now. another waste of money.