My husband diagnosed with PD about 3 years ago (he is 79). He complains often about a very bad taste in his mouth and wonders if any of his medication is causing it. Has anyone else had this symptom and do they know what causes it?
Bad taste in mouth: My husband diagnosed... - Cure Parkinson's
Bad taste in mouth

Ropinirole did that for me
Yes! It's the pits. My dentist said my thyroid supplement is one of the prime offenders.
I too have this problem but am on Sinemet. No clues as to what causes it!
Bad taste in mouth - interesting, my husband has not been on Ropinirole for some months. Has never had thyroid problems, but is on Sinemet - 4 tabs a day
50/200mg. He is also taking Rasagline 1mg x1, plus Primidone 2@50gm and Solfenacin 5x1 for BP and bladder. Has anyone else had similar problems with
Sinemet ? Anne
i too can suddenly get a very bad taste in my mouth. and hoping my breath doesn't smell like what i'm tasting. i don't know what it's from. it could be any sort of things. like dry mouth, meds, cigarettes, or coffee. or the combination of . i don't know but what usually helps to make it go away is a lemon drop which i always have on hand. it does get rid of the bad taste, but then i'm drooling. ???????????? my husband likes very strong coffee, because his taste isn't working well . but i've been watering that down. then my throat gets dry too, and without a lemon drop, i wouldn't be able to talk. so i guess i will just have to drool , that is the lesser of the two evils.
Hello -
I have a problem with sores in my mouth that affect the taste and feel of food for me. The taste of foods I have always enjoyed are altered and I cannot eat - texture is bothersome, too. But like everything else with PD, this changes daily. For example, some days I cannot eat burger, cereals and bread and the next day I cannot tolerate chicken and spinach. I have lost an enormous amount of weight due to this problem - & for the first time in my memory my doctors are now urging me to gain weight! I know there is some humor in there somewhere!
When this problem started many things burned my mouth, including toothpaste.
I have talked to my primary care physician (who prescribed steroids which helped after one 10-day course of treatment), my neurologist, my dental hygienist ( who said to stop using Listerine since it contains alcohol and is very harsh) and my dentist ( who said to rinse with Listerine and also with warm salt water).
Has anyone else experienced this problem and had a successful solution?
Thank you in advance if you care to share.
I went through Chemo for AML, my mouth became badly ulcerated - normal toothpaste caused pain. Baby toothpaste did not cause pain - might be worth a try?
On the sores - I take a selenium supplement - if I stop the supplement for more than a week or two the sores come back. My GP suggested the selenium.
Sorry no help as has no sores or mouth ulcers - dentist is as mystified as he is.
Sorry for being no help but I was replying to nanlang's post - should have directed it better.
I also should have mention I was diagnosed with PD 12 years ago.