I grew up in Los Angeles and still recall the purplish hues hanging over the sunsets in the evenings. I lived just to the South of the 134 and know I've breathed pollution in East LA since I was two. Living by freeways, through Southern CA fires, (or under a flight path in San Diego) couldn't have been good for good for me...but then I went to work as a "conservation technician" at UCSD, repairing books with an adhesive called Polyvinyl-Acitate.
PVA as we called it is a very effective book repair tool. It's a synthetic "Elmers" type glue only much stronger and due to its chemical composition had to be stabilized with a preservative which (was and is) formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is very toxic (it was not shared with me that I was working with a toxic material.) I worked in the Preservation department for almost 18 years, everyday in contact (skin, eyes, inhaling) with a known carcinogen.
By the time I retired (on disability,) I had diverticulitis and my condition reequired having almost 50 inches of my colon removed. Once I felt better, my fiancee and I planned a beautiful wedding and I moved to the Monterey area. I had to make a living so I became a licensed DUI counselor. After almost 5 years of working there I began to shuffle and had a definite tremor. One morning I fell on the floor and couldn't get up...I couldn't raise my head up off the floor. They took me to the hospital and told us after a few days that I'd had blood clots in both my lungs. I was diagnosed with Leiden 5 Heterozygous, a hereditary blood clotting disorder. My internist then noticed how the slightest touch on my arms and other places on my body hurt me. She sent me to a rheumetologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia...Then add to all those problems my sudden weird Parkinson's symptoms and my head just wouldn't cooperate anymore. I got sicker and sicker until i finally gave in and went to a psychiatrist for a psych evaluation. I apparently was very depressed and who knows what would have happened to me if it wasn't for my husband, friends and all the medical help I've had.
From the last time I worked with PVA until I was diagnosed with all my health problems it was five years...I spoke with an attorney who says the statute of limitations for suing UCSD was over after one year; Nobody in my family has ever had Parkinson's or the blood disease. I have two older sisters who are both close to 80 years old but are both relatively healthy with the exception of A-fib (which they both have.
Neither of them has fibromyalgia or any psychiatric problems...I'm just grateful we have medical insurance, good friends and supportive family.
PVA and UCSD has robbed me of a future watchiing my grandchildren grow up.