hypotension - low blood pressure
Any suggestions for managing orthostatic hypotension...low blood pressure to
avoid falls?
hypotension - low blood pressure
Any suggestions for managing orthostatic hypotension...low blood pressure to
avoid falls?
I had a cardiologist perform a tilt table test in 2009 that was positive for neuro-cardiogenic syncope. They offered me meds to elevate my blood pressure but I declined due to side effects. Since them I have maintained a work out for stationary bike and walking. I also am very vigilant when standing up on my off periods... haven't fallen since.
First of all, how much does your blood pressure drop upon standing? Have you discussed this with your neuro and do you have a cardiologist? Staying adequately hydrated is very important. My husband made sure he drank enough water daily and would stand for at least 30 seconds before trying to walk. It allows the BP to stabilize somewhat before moving. When he got out of bed, he would sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before standing. Research any meds you are taking to see if it is a side effect.
My Dr at a movement disorder center told me to use a lot of salt.
All I have ever been told is just to wait for a few moments before setting off walking. thus giving the heart a chance to get going and keep up with demand.
Increase fluid intake meaning water and juices. Salt in your diet. Drugs such as fludrocortisone can be used and need to be discussed by your GP. No rapid movements when getting up and no sudden turns all help reduce the risk.
I was experiencing dizzy spells which I put down to low bloodpressure. They occurred usually in the morning when I climbed the stairs and could be severe. I mentioned it to my Parkinson's nurse and she immediately said 'Drink more water.' I've been doing this and have experienced some relief.
Have you had your bloodpressure checked lately?
That is what they told me too in the beginning, drink lots of water.
That did not help.
Then I had my blood pressure checked. It was way low 90/50.
Of course I went right to the doc.
I recommend you see your doc.
I was dizzzy for 6-7 mo before I discovered why.
May you get relief quickly!!!
Hugs, Eva G.
I was in the process of typing my experience with low blood pressure, and then my post disappeard....anyone else have this isssue??
Anyhhow, the cardidologist determined I have low blood pressure due to PD.
His suggestions were:
Drink losts of Gatoraid (I drink 2 32 oz bottles a day)
2-3 cups of coffee a day
Lots ofsalt on my food.
Lots of love and hugs to all of you from Eva