Is shoulder pain and bicep pain normal . - Cure Parkinson's
Is shoulder pain and bicep pain normal .

yes, over the years I have had shoulder plan, foot pain, shoulder was frozen for awhile and now a lot of trouble with my left hip.
shoulder pain identified as "frozen shoulder" is a common symptom in the run-up to a PD diagnosis - indeed I think I now know what the speculative look on the physios face was when I had frozen shoulder two three years bbefore PD dx.
I have left shoulder and bicep pain, which is the same side I have a tremor. This is due to the muscle rigidity with PD. I have found sports massage very beneficial in reducing the rigidity and pain.
I used to go to body pump twice a week, and had problems with my left shoulder, thought I had injured it with the body press , I realise now it was the start off the old PD!. Hve tried going back to pump, but too painful even with hand weight of 2.5kg. So have settled for pilates, legs bums and tums and spin , occasional zumba, which is a challenge to say the least.
In a survey of 150 parkinson patients compared with 60 matched control subjects a significantly higher incidence of both a history of shoulder complaints (43% vs. 23%) and frozen shoulder (12.7% vs. 1.7%) was found in the Parkinson's disease population.
In at least 8% of the patients frozen shoulder was the first symptom of disease, occurring 0-2 years prior to the onset of more commonly recognised features. Parkinson's disease should be added to the list of causes of frozen and is often the presenting symptom of Parkinson's disease.
very interesting yes I read a similar clinical research report.I used to attribute my shoulder pain to overdoing it at Pump and the amount of driving I did covering two counties as a respiratory specialist nurse for a pharma co. . I used to ask my ex husband to massage it , so I had that pain for at least 5 years, prior to the tremor and diagnosis last year.
I have described this to my Neurologist the pains in the joints/ muscles (A PD Specialist)
He says it has nothing to do with PD, it is arthritis. The GP says it is the PD
could be a bit of both I suspect. but neither seems to know. so nothing is done.
I almost find this quite amusing as neither seem to agree.

I had shoulder and bicep pain on and off for 7 years before diagnosis. For me sinemet takes the pain away so I know it is PD related. Of course we can also get arthritis with PD. In the end I read the research and also watch and record my symptoms in relation to medication to help me work out what is happening.
I have pain left shoulder and neck it is Spondylosis (arthritis)
Yea have had phyiso exercises that stretch me does help plus Pilates too
I get intense pain in my left shoulder and bicep. For some reason it last for about an hour AFTER I have taking my medicine. It slowly subsides over time till I take my next dose then starts all over again.
My therapist gave me an exercise for the shoulder. Basically hold your arm straight and swing it up loosely as high as possible ten times and then swing it our from the body as high as possible 10 times. Helped me a lot.
I'd had pain for two years and it cleared in a few weeks.
I have been having shoulder pain recently and also pain in the veins in my neck. I was worried it was my heart so I had an EKG yesterday and it came back normal. My Doctor wants me to have a stress test but my insurance won't pay for it. My cholesterol was somewhat high. It feels like everything is going wrong. He also took me off Xanax a month ago and put me on Ativan and I think that it's not enough to handle my anxiety.With PD I think we get rid of one problem and get new ones.
took myself off xanax. didn't help my pain and just made me depressed. have you tried counseling or exercise for anxiety?
yes, I did not realize frozen shoulder was part of PD and while using a cane for torn meniscus, I got a torn rotator cuff. I announced at PT, "I'm back". After a tear in the hip, I started using a walker, first 4 wheels, now 3. I got range of motion back, but not strength yet.
some of this can be postural as some of us become stooped either through osteoporosis or age. My husband has pain behind his scapula. Dr. told him it was probably osteoarthritis. Stretching helps and so does getting daily walk in. Wish he were more physically active.
also LSVT BIG, here's a video.
I got frozen shoulder several years ago. It took a year of PT before it cleared up. I was diagnosed with PD in
January of this year because of loss of balance and lots of falls. I have no tremor yet. I guess that is in the
future. Thanks to all of you. By reading your questions and answers, I am learning a lot about PD.
My husband had a painful shoulder when we first married , that was 56 years ago . He swam regularly thinking it would help but it never did . it wasn't until he was diagnosed with Parkinson's and started to take Sinemet that the pain went away. It is the same side that the shoulder dropped and his worse Parkinson's side .
Oil massage of Ayurveda relives pain for a day or two days.Frequent massage is one solution
I had pain two years. One year after pt I was shown how to do the above and pain left within a month.
It's simple and it works. I also lift weights daily.
Shoulder pain and frozen shoulder are not the same thing.And you will have a tough time convincing me that they are related in anyway to P.D.
This is all very interesting ... I've recently developed intermittent pain in my rt shoulder (especially painful in yoga) and didnt realize it could be due to the pd. Thanks for the feedback on it
I am 56, female, and diagnosed with PD by 3 different neurologists in the last 6 months. Sudden onset of a tremor in my right hand, following the tragic death of my brother, was the compelling reason I sought a neurologist. I wonder now if trauma can trigger the tremor in PD. At the time, about six months ago, I thought I was basically in perfect health and that stress caused the sudden tremor. However, I can say that pain in my forearms began about ten years ago which I attributed to too much work on the key board. I started Selegiline a few days ago and am hopeful that it will impact my tremor. It has given me a little more energy I believe already. The doctor told me that Azilect, which costs about $500 / month, is not proven to be neuroprotective, or in other words, that it cannot stop or slow the progression of the disease. I understand from my own research that Azilect pharma endeavors to provide further research which will prove it does slow progression. Right now, my primary symptom is tremor in the right hand but have just noticed that my right shoulder is dropping lower than my left shoulder. I have no pain in my shoulder. Has anyone else had this issue with one shoulder dropping? If so, is it reversible and how?