tomorrow is my appt for psychology workup... - Cure Parkinson's
tomorrow is my appt for psychology workup prior to dbs any thoughts or tips for me?thanks please reply with your experience.

There really isn't much you can do to prepare for it. They are looking to evaluate your basic memory, comprehension and deduction skills. The MMSE test is commonly used in the US. Just relax and try not to tense up too much. Try to stay in control of the situation and not let it control you by worrying about it.
I think the answer to your question is very important to lots of us. Could you possibly let us all know how you get on? It is difficult to find an open honest account of the whole of this treatment.
Just remember they know what they are doing and want the best for you.
I was nervous but the phyocoligst made me very comfortable. There was a lot of memory tests. For example she told me a short story and then asked me to repeat it back. She gave me a list of items and I had to do the same thing. Then when we were almost finished I was asked to repeat the story again.
Good luck with your DBS I had mine in May. We are still working on getting it right for me.
I took the test last week, they had me scheduled for Sept. but had a cancellation so I took it and really didn't have time to worry much about it. Sounds like everyone gets the same test. I got tired and was very glad to get done with it, but I know my short term memory is awful, I figure that's why they invented sticky notes! I think I will get the results later this week and I have no clue how good or bad I did. I would say there is no way to prepare just do the best you can.
I have taken it twice. Once last fall and again this spring. I was deemed too anxious and depressed for dbs and referred to psychiatry for drugs. Two months in this process and no improvement yet.
it looks good for dbs because i go thursday for mri but dont see surgeon until august 22 so keeping my fingers crrossed thanks to all of you i greatly appreciate you all
My experience ... You can not study for it but knowing how to ply gin rummy and being a former English teacher helps. Also try to go thru the alphabet logically ...naming lists of items ... A to Z. Ie asparagus, beans, corn ,,,,, and so forth thru zucchini