VALENTINES PARTY: Ok its nearly Valentines... - Cure Parkinson's

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AndyC profile image
81 Replies

Ok its nearly Valentines day so hows about we have a valentines party?....are you feeling the luurrve? Get your dancing shoes out and your best party dresses ( me and you too alsh59 :-) ) on...pucker up and get ready for a smooch ;-) Oh yeah and a few drinks too...well it would be rude not to! ;-) whatever timezone youre in (how many hours in front or behind GMT are you ) just post on here and enjoy the fun! Post your names on here if you wanna have some fun! ;-)

Love and best wishes

Andy xxx

Written by
AndyC profile image
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81 Replies
jillannf6 profile image

hi andy

u were planning htis party?

yes i will enjoy the fun!

feb 14 is the day my partner is jmoving into our ground floor flat

and i folllow at end fo month


let s party

love jill adn a ::-)

jillannf6 profile image

no a :-)

shasha profile image

i would like to prty but i cant dance !

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to shasha

as long as you come to the party I`ll be happy :-) x

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC

ok what do i do then ? x

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to shasha

Drink and music loud...and maybe post some pics to show everyone what youre up to....thats what I do :-)

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC

ok = see you there ...

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to shasha

yeah if:-) nto b4

love jill

in reply to shasha

no need for dancin , just enjoy, or you could table dance


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

table dance ? !!

in reply to shasha

Ill send a pic

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

good i look forward to getting it !

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to shasha

Als table dancing is legendery!! lol :-)

in reply to AndyC

need to watch the camera angel HAHA

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to


in reply to AndyC

What you up to today


do you have snow?

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

we have ha futher 4 ins on top of stuff that has been lying fo 4 days - its minus 7 c

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Chillin today mate, might have a walk to shops later, we got about 3inches last night but its a lovely bright day today and roads seem to be clearing now. Had a bad day home from work, knocked a bit of my downstair neighbours fence over with my vehicle as i was parking then when i got in i found a tax demand from Inland Revenue for £ cedit overpayment from when i was married!!! anyway theyre letting me pay it back at £40 per month....could do with out it :-(

in reply to AndyC

Was it Friday 13 th by any chance?

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

lol felt like it!! No sense in fretting about it....theres 2 things in life that are certain....death and taxes!! gotta keep smiling :-)

in reply to AndyC

sure have to , im just back from pub , team got knocked out of scottish cup , am i gutted ( N0) they were crap, any way had a few pints , the boss picked me up (Laraine) having a few more beers , not too bad a day , no snow here yet but its in the post, have a great week .


jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to shasha

hi sha

no matter about the dancing - ina wheelchair is good too

love jill ;-)

in reply to jillannf6

hi jillannef6,

try table dancin, its fab, we could start a new craze


heres what you do ,

sit and grab anything a cudly toy or whatever , clasp it with left hand and lead with right its easy and you can have lots of fun with out any one standing on your toes or grabing your bum.


jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to

hi al

my previous cat would have loved it - i used ot waltz around he garden and house with him

so i will try htis table dancign hting

you bet

love jill

and a BIG :)

in reply to jillannf6

Cheers, just go with the flo, let your mind wander and have a blast



nene1 profile image

Its a big yep from me, Andy C !! Thanks for the invite,maybe have a dance or two,

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to nene1

YAY!! ;-) x

CheriH profile image

Count me in!

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to CheriH

Woo Hoo!! :-) x

PARTY count me in, i dont go in for all the lovey dovey stuff but a party well am yer man, whats the dress code this time ? think ill ware my dinner suit , not had it on this year or maybe my kilt? well you tell me ,

what time we kicking of at?


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

def the kilt !!!

in reply to shasha

Kilt it is then

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Show those legs off Al....wey hey!! ;-)...nothing else mind! lol

jillfd profile image


Andy, if you'll set the start time of the party, I'd be glad to do conversions for the USA time zones so everyone can be "on time" for the party.

We had some confusion in several blog threads going at once so let's just start one the day of the party so nobody gets lost.

For those of you who missed the last party it may sound a bit strange but it was lots of fun.

Court profile image

I'm up for a party. Will need directions on dress code, etc. Also instructions on how to join in as I missed the last one.

Will enjoy dancing, might help with weight loss and always glad of a drink. Nowadays that means what it says one drink. Was not always like that but we have to go with the times.

Look forward to it. Will make a change from knitting.


JAYNIE profile image

I will bring the love and wine...............and strawberries to dip into the chocolate dancing shoes.......and and and and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :-)

AndyC profile image

Jaynie you little devil you! ;-) I like your idea! I look forward to it. ;-)

AndyC profile image

Start time for party...let's say 9pm its not too early for you guys in the US I am aware u guys are anything between 5 and 8 hours behind british time and is it 11 hrs behind in Hawaii ? So let's keep the thread open for 24 hrs or so....longer if necessary.

DRESS CODE: wear whatever u like....look foward to seeing you in yor kilt Al

Love u all. :-)

Andy xxx

AndyC profile image

All u have to do is drink, play music loud and post some pics of wherever u are and whatever your doing. It will be lots of fun! ;-)

I love this community!

Andy xxx

jillannf6 profile image

hi andy

actually on valentines day 14 feb i shall be dancing anyway

smoochi ng i sall i cna do now without fallign over

love jill and :-)

Hi Andy, I work with we can provide party goers with a 3D party venue that we can all be in at the same time and 'talk' to one another, would it be of interest???

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Yes that sounds interesting :-) x

in reply to

Hi ,

Looks great , how do you start to build you site?


CheriH profile image

Would that make it 4 pm EST in the USA? I don't want to be late for the party!

Cheri :)

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to CheriH

Hi Cheri, yes it would :-) xx

parkey profile image

i think this was funny, I was talking to andy earley today,when we were done,I said (have a good day old chap i always wanted to say that) andy answerd (Here in Yorkshire we dont talk like that) This guy cant respond without making a poem.

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to parkey

Lmao :-D I`d not realised that!

gran5- profile image

I'm dancing as fast as I can:-)

Actually I just started writing a piece on being solo and the +s and -s of the 2 circumstances. Not really party fare so maybe I'll start a blog on that and let the party roll!

There's a Super Bowl planned in my community. Many of the attendees know squat about football but are up for the party aspect.

For our party we could rent the Q Mary and meet in the middle of the Atlantic. Tee hee

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to gran5-

Hey what a brilliant idea! and how romantic....all aboard!! ;-)

They probably know more about football than I do but I`ll be watching the super bowl New York Giants Vs New England Patriots isnt it?

I lok forward to reading your piece on being solo. I look forward to having a dance with you at the party :-) xx

Susie01 profile image

Andy I love the life and sense of humor you bring to all of this! And to all the rest you, it is so wonderful that we can be who we are without judgement! Even the typos are understood!

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Susie01

Thankyou Susie and hope to see you at the party, would you care to dance? ;-) xx

Joealt profile image

Did someone say party?

Get your party face on

cowmom27 profile image

you guys are craaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzy!!!! love it----would love to join you from western NY BUT

cowmom27 profile image

....DAMN TREMOR gets me in more GIANTS WON THE SUPERBOWL!!!!! Back t

o party ....may be late but count me in..Gail

AndyC profile image

Well done the NY Giants on winning the Superbowl. I watched the first hour but had to go to bed as I'm up for work at 6.30am!...but been awake for an hour now got a cold and not feeling too good. :-( look forward to you joining us at the party Gail. :-)Andy xx

Cerelia profile image

That sounds good, I'll already be at a party in this community where I live, but there's nothing to say you can't be at two parties at once, is there ?!!!!

PS where do you find smieys?

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Cerelia


Look forward to you coming to the party!! :-)

For smileys press : for eyes then - for a nose and ) for a smile...put them together and you have :-) for a sad face just use (

For a big smile do as above but use upper case D instead thus :-D

For a wink just press ; then - followed by ) thus ;-)

Andy xx

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC

:-) is this how

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to shasha

nope -:D

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to shasha

Yay thanks For the lesson - how is your cold ?

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to shasha

Much better now thankyou :-)

Cerelia profile image

:-( :-) ;-) Thanks Andy, I do those on emails, but didn't realise that they were done that way here.

Sometimes I give them a round nose, it looks more cheeky with a wink, but doesn't work here ;o)

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Cerelia

;-) :-) :-D :-( yay!!

You`re right cheekier with a ;-)

Cerelia profile image

But even more cheeky with a round nose! o)

I don't think a wink with a big grin is possible -- ;-D

Cerelia profile image

No it isn't :-D :-D

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Cerelia

;-D Oh yeah you`re right lol :-D

Well count down is on for the biggest event of 2012 so far, the Parkie party of the year , its Val party night on the 14th , iv got my kilt ready sporan neatly pressed and a pocket full of porrage for the road , as the big yin said

Ah wis headin' wi ma cromack up frae Gretna Green tae Skye

But ma journey has an element of farce.

'Cos the calendar has stated - it's the middle o' July,

Yet here ah am wi' snaw up tae ma arse, Oh - yo!

(chorus) Wi' ma pipes below ma oxter an' ma sporran neatly pressed

Ma pockets full o' porridge for the road.

Wi' some Crawford's Tartan Shortbread an' some tattie scones as weel

An' ah'm jist aboot tae paint masel' wi' woad. Oh - yo!

I am headin' for sweet Afton, that's the place that ah am daft on,

Where the smell o' tattie bogle fills the air.

If ye poke amang the heather wi' a feather ye will see

Where the untamed hornie-golluck has his lair. Oh - yo!

Ah remember Annie Laurie, sure, ah had her in a quarry

On the road frae Tobermory tae the sea.

Ah remember Mountain Daisy, an' that lassie wisnae lazy,

'Cos ah remember Daisy mountin' me. Oh - Yo!

Ah remember gettin' pally wi' a peely-wally 'tally,

In a chalet doon at Butlin's camp at Ayr.

An' ah gied her a bambino as she lay an' read "The Beano"

Then she said, well how did she know ah wis there? Oh - yo!

Ah wis jist a wee bit randy as she lay an' read "The Dandy"

Then she went an' put a pot upon the hob.

An' she made me tagliatelli, which she balanced on her belly

So's ah could eat while ah wis on the job. Oh - yo!

By the time the job wis over, she wis halfway through "The Rover"

An' had started on that week's "People's Friend"

An' she made me veal escalope an' we had another wallop

Before ma strong desire came to an end.

Oh the Scottish Summers have a certain lack of charm,

Due mainly to the sudden rainy squalls.

But the Scottish lassies can aye keep her laddie warm

By their tender ministration to his knees. Oh - yo!

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

that is just great al - how do you remember them ? we love the big yn

I Have all his early stuff on Vinals , from the seventies


shasha profile image


in reply to shasha

web site is

jillannf6 profile image

so hi all ,esp andy!

1 more day to the party

i 'll be there

love jill adn a biG :-)

D-Day minus 23hrs

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Are you waiting for something Al? :-D lmao

in reply to AndyC


shasha profile image


shasha profile image


Tey will dont worry

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