This was my first suspicion that my atypical tremor was not ET but instead PD. I have read that this is a rare early symptom of Early Onset PD and wondered just how prevalent it is. Also wondering if it is associated with any particular genetic marker for PD....
Have any of you presented with an exercis... - Cure Parkinson's
Have any of you presented with an exercise induced dystonia in the foot?

What an interesting question. I had never thought of this before but i used to get what felt like cramp in my foot when out walking any distance. I thought maybe my shoes were tight. Now i realise it was on my affected side and it has gone since treatment.
As to genetic marker, I have done 23andme but where to start?
I have just briefly looked at a pubmed article and perhaps a link to familial pd. My brother was diagnosed same time as me and we were both in our 50's.
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Thanks to both for your response. I laugh whenever I see "rare" along with anything Early Onset if we aren't rare enough as it is. I used to have mine at first only when running and intermittently. It progressed to the point where I would have it every time I took my dog to the park for a walk. It did not respond so well to Mirapex, so I had to start Sinemet pretty early on.
I have a family history of tremor; my dad has what looks like ET and has grandfather had a tremor of some sort but was never diagnosed. In between generations, we have a history of Alzheimer's which really scares me. I know I have some genetic component and it has to be recessive, so that narrows down to three for me Park2, Park7 and DJ-1. This might be the same for you Hikoi as it is not expressed in your parents.
This was one of my very first symptoms that a physical therapist noticed. My Mom had PD, but I attributed it to a spinal cord injury. I slowly started noticing (and ignoring) other subtel symptoms until my husband finally asked me when I was going to tell him I had Parkinsons. So long story short, I guess clonus is not something to be ignored as it can be and early symptom of PD. Genetic? who knows, isn't that still the great debate?
Wow, your husband noticed. I think my mom noticed but was in denial. You would most definitely qualify for genetic studies since your mom has PD too. I recall asking my MDS if I could look into one and he said no they ony let in people who have direct relatives who have it. Then told me how rare genetic Parkinsonism is. I thought to myself as if it is not rare for a 32 year old women to present with a tremor in one hand?Yeesh. Anyway, I think the recent 23andme PD genetic study concluded that they have discovered only 25% of the genes involved...that means they will find a lot of us have genetic form of the disease.
Oh, meant to ask this question too. Has your ability to smell changed and do you have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder aka do you act out your dreams?
Re: the foot problem....that was the sympton that red flagged the docs and earned me a diagnosis of YOPD. As for the dreams? My husband is now very attuned to me when sleeping. He got that way after I saved him from a bear by growling and scratching at him. I have been very vocal and move easier when asleep than when awake. Most nights I'm quiet, but he catches me before I fall. Glad I can still amuse him.
Conductor you ask 2 further questions - yes greatly diminished sense of smell for both me and my brother, REM sleep disorder for my brother but not me.
I have heard of Lack of smell, REM sleep disorder and constipation all being potential early indicators of PD.
I have sense of smell has diminished greatly. I just had a REM sleep study and the Doc said it checked out ok but I didn't have a nightmare that night. (of course) I do wake up acting out my dreams so I guess he wants to try more studies. My Neurologist also suggested a DAT (I think thats it) scan, but I have sever allergies and the dye would be a problem... As far as the PD trials go I did qualify for a genetic trial once but but was disqualified because I have a neuro implant in my belly (for other problems) and cannot have MRI's... My Mom had 2 cousins who also had Parkinsons... I find the genetic aspect interesting, and I for one believe can be genetic..Just my opinion though, at least I think some families are predisposed, just like celiacs disease which also I happen to have... Or could be head trauma too...maybe chemical exposure? Or I just figure "It is what it is", thats life.... I am grateful for every day even those I suffer.