I frequently stagger backwards,does this ... - Cure Parkinson's
I frequently stagger backwards,does this happen to others

I am new to this forum and I'd thought I'd answer your question.
I don't stagger back wards because I am aware of my centre of balance. Believe it or not if I wear high heeled shoes they make me aware of my posture and I straighten up and pull my shoulders down. I walk better and find that my balance is exceptional. Obviously there are days when I cannot safely wear them but I still remind myself regarding my posture and balance. This helps me tremendously
Being a guy high heels are out of the question,so far I have been lucky not to fall,always managed to grab hold of something.You are right about posture my wife is always telling me to straighten up,I have one shoulder lower than the other,and no matter how I try I will not even up,then I suppose at 83,I will be bent a little
Blinkin heck lad your doing well. You made me laugh though having visions of you wearing high heels at your age. Do what ever floats your boat you deserve it reaching 83
Yes only had PD,a year,was always fighting fit,still the Mrs is a good one,she is 10years younger,so guess that keeps you going
i tend tofall fwds but do stagger backwards v ery occaionally
and as a igirl of 66 do not wear heels any more!
My husband is 77 and diagnoses OFFICIALLY 7 years ago .. First sympton was droopy painful shoulder Right side now gone to the left .. His balance is dreadful . great didfficulty standing . .. I think wearing strong shoes with any sort of heel is bettet than none or flat shoes slippers .
. .
Balance is a big problem for me,bit scary
I loose my balance many times each day. I know that I cannot bend or even kneel down without loosing my balance. I have to hold onto something if I have to stoop down.
On other occasions, I cannot stand without falling, but it is usually forward.
I have PSP and tend to fall fwds v poor balance and always knwo a splti second b4 i fall
i wewar knee pads around the clock but need em for the elbows too))I ten dto fall to the irght if any way
the psp was diagnosed rather than Parkinsons as my eyes are a problem too - not blinking closing alot and v dry and my vertical downward gaze is affectd a little
so that' s me folks :
all for now
love jill
ps falls always more frequent when ia m stressed i e 4 times today(been up since 5am sleep a problem) and 14 yesterday
Yes, falling is what got me into see a doctor to begin with, and staggering backwards is a big part of it.Physical Therapy has helped in a very short tiem so that I have a better sense of when I am going to lose my balance and a better ability to catch it before I fall. Thanks, at least in part, to PT,I haven't fallen in over a month.
I have been offered no help whatsoever apart from Sinimet,just yes you have PD see you in 6months ????
Yes. I have fallen backwords several times as a result. However, I have fallen to the front and sides as well. I try to really focus on my balance before moving and when turning to avoid falls.
A few years ago, I was walking the dogs, and leaned over to pick up you know what. As I stood up, I went went over backwards. Now, if turn too quickly, I sort of start to fall sideways. Balance is very bad, and I have to watch myself all the time.
I have great difficulty trying to turn round
hi C
i too have difficultuy in turnign and have soem advice frm the physio
think of a clock and do a 3 then 6 turn deliberately with the feet
)whilst usign my 4 wheel frame of course)
and freezing is another problem for me
take care
and love jill
Mrs Crosshalls here,wished he would use a frame,got him a walker he wont use it,offered to get him a frame NO!Such a stubborn man,put a fram on his bed,he dont use it,do you think he is in denial
Yes, definitely. In fact, I can't go up a flight of stairs anymore without someone being behind me. We got a chair lift for me so I can ride up the stairs and worry about falling. My husband always says, "Lean forward. Lean forward," but it's just something I can't do, no matter how I try.
I sing when I go down or up stairs because it helps me keep my rythnm and I''m less likely to stumble. It is good for you to try. It doesn't have to be loud I sing in my head so to speak.
You have to keep reminding your body that you are central on standing with your balance. Practise when looking at a mirror so that you can see if your shoulders are even. If you keep practising it becomes the norm to keep correcting your posture. Use a nintendo wii and do your balance checks . It will let you know how much you favour one side to the other. It helps you correct your balance. Plus its fun !