The tornado that hit Moore, OK was just one mile from our home. Talk about scary. We have no car so we had to sit it out. This brought home a lot about Parkinson's. From my fear of trying to go down into the shelter, I can't use a ladder very well. Also could I get back out. You get a real clear look at your life at a time like this. And it jumped started my mind. Up until this moment I was living in a depressed world. I could not really see a future of any value to me. This caused me to rethink my future and to come back to the real world. I was a Bull rider and Steer wrestler. This tornado and the damage it caused forced me to look at other people and not focus on my own pity. I am now recharged and am going to try to drive again. I stopped because it became a little hard. Now I see that I could have helped my family get out of the way. I could have killed them with my pity party. Never again. Life is going to be better from now on. No more feeling sorry for myself. Many people lost everything, including their lives.
Tornado and Parkinson's: The tornado that... - Cure Parkinson's
Tornado and Parkinson's

My prayers and respect for your attitude are with you You are inspirational thankyou
Way to go!......Parkinsons is a part of our life, but it does "not" define us.
We may have Parkinsons, but it doesn't have us!!!
I can not imagine the horror of living through that, I have no idea what it was like. Thank God you and your family survived. I don't know what I would have done. Unfortunately Parkinson's does have us, we have limits most don't. I fight it every day but I too drive very little these days, partially for me but mostly for the innocent people I share the road with. Everything Parkinson's has taken is something I have fought very have to keep, and nothing goes with out a fight. Fight back against this with all your might, in an emergency do what ever you must, but it does have an effect on our lives. I was an airline pilot, an avid sailor, Parkinson's did take those things from me. No bravado can change that no struggling no matter how defiant will change that. What matters is what I do now. I try to adjust my life to accommodate this disease to plan for and try to be prepared problems. I would love to run to the car and flee, first problem is I can't run, like I can't run from Parkinson's, it does h ave me. But by God I will still fight for my life and those around me, but I have to fight differently now. I have to think ahead and plan. I can't just pretend I don't have this or that it doesn't have me. It does affect every part of my life, it limits me in ways I hate but accepting those limits allows me to adjust my life to fight back in the best way for me and my family.
Be strong, stay strong, and fight with all your might.
Often we dont see the wood for the trees until some reality like you experienced suddenly makes us think seriously about other things in life.
All the best to you.
I hear you. Nothing like a wake up call to realize people still need us and we can be of service, pd or not. Glad you're OK.
That was a horfible day. I live in TX but have family nearby Moore. They are okay. Barriers are barriers, not matter what the cause is. I have been dealing with wheelchair accessibility for years for my daughter. God Bless You and your neighbors.