What are the four stages of pd? When do y... - Cure Parkinson's
What are the four stages of pd? When do you know when you've passed into a new stage?

I've never heard of this. I have heard that "If you've met one person with Parkinson's, you've met one person with Parkinson's." In other words, everyone is different.
the way i feel, last night was my progression day. run over by a steam roller does not describe it. i feel worse with all the pd symptoms today than i did when i had my bowel cancer op 25 years ago.
Please don't assume that any sudden worsening of symptoms is actually your Parkinson's progressing. Eliminate the things like sudden stress, infections (Urinary Tract Infection could be a candidate), colds and flu, constipation which is stopping you absorb your medication... so many candidates.
A trip to the GP or a chat with the Parkinson's nurse might help get to the bottom of it.
there are 5 stages of pd,, if u google in stages of pd on your computer it will show u . 1 am still stage one 5 yrs after diag, it effects one side first stage ,with me it was my right side i am always afraid of getting signs in my left side as i will be in stage 2 but they say u can stay at one stage for many yrs but can go from a stage quick or skip stages ,as they say its not a one size fits all ilness as everyone is different havent met anyone on the same amount of meds as me ,i hope this is a help for u ,i am still finding out things about pd my neurologist told me 2 wks ago that i have rem sleep behaveral disorder now as well seamingly its part of the progression

Hi cint,
I was dx 4 yrs. ago and it affects my left side only. Just curious what meds you take. I take 1 mg azilect, 3 1/2 mg requip, 3 x 25/100 sinemet daily. At night I take along w/ 2 mg rquip ( that I already counted) 200mg neurontin for restless leg and 1 1/2 zanzflex for a periphial nerve problem and low dose naltrexone for my immune system.
When I first went to see the parkinsons nurse she told me I was in the honeymoon stage.That was about 6 years ago. How I wish I was in that stage still! I don't know of any other stages.
Best not to read much...
I only developed symptoms looking them up for 2 shaky fingers..7 years on i still have no more shakes unless when upset ,nervy..
Many PD clinicians have followed a 5 stage breakdown of PD. It is not carved in stone, immutable nor guaranteed that you'll necessarily experience all 5 of them.
If you'd like to know more, try this link to Web MD...
Best Wishes,
Bisbee, AZ
There are lots of good books out there. One that helped me is called Parkinson's Disease...An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Jackie Hunt Christensen. It answers a lot of questions and is a good reference.
For me, the stages were and are emotional...stage 1 was definately denial, stage 2 was knowing, but unable to accept, as I could not stop crying. I was only able to move out of stage 2 with the help of antidepressents and into stage 3 which was shame, I was okay as long as nobody knew. Stage 4 is acceptance, which I just entered into, unwillingly I might add. Most everyone now knows, my life is now changing because of it, leaving my job next month, my driving at times even scares te hell out of me, so I have no choice but to accept it and try to remain positive. Stage 5 is still open, but think that it may be having to convince my family that I am no longer okay. I try not to think of the disease in stages, as I would have to come to terms with a steady decline. After 10+ years, I continue to have good and bad times, not so much days, but 2-4 hour periods. My meds rule my life, if they're working, I'm grateful, happy, productive and enjoying life. If they're not, I'm pissed off, nonproductive and usually lying on the couch or wishing I was home so that I could be lying on the couch. It seems I do alot more waiting of late, waiting for my meds to kick in, waiting to feel half way normal, waiting to be able to do something and most of all waiting to be comfortable in my own skin.
Querida Sedona.
Que forma tan emocionante de encontrar las etapas del Parkinson en lugar de decirlas como los médicos. Para mi lo peor del Parkinson es que no puedo dejar de pensar en el y como sera cada día. Tampoco quiero llegar al futuro con disquinesias incontrolables. No puedo pedir a mi familia que vean a una madre y esposa en esas actitudes grotescas y vergonzosas.
No se si podré acostumbrarme a tener Parkinson y vivir como si fuera natural.
Deseo para Ud, muchos buenos momentos y la comodidad que espera.
hi bmakla 54, i am taking my meds every 2 and half hrs i start with 1 eldypryl ,1 requip1mg ,1 sinemet plus , 8am then 10.30 1 sinemet plus , then 1pm 1 sinemet plus ,1requip 1mg then 3.30pm 1 sinemet plus then 6pm 1 requip 1mg ,1 sinemet plus then 8.30 1 sinemet plus then 11pm i take 1 sinemet cr slow release .i still have up to 2 off times a day when meds dont work i never had a shake with me its stifness sticking my toe in ground as my foot drops and my right arm is heavy no swing and tiny writing dizzy head that makes me look drunk as i stagger and slow walk all when meds wear off and it can be any time of the day so its hard to plan ahead as i never know what way ill be . very anoying and i get anoyed at times its hard at 53yrs of age im not young but not old either .
the 4 stages are interchangeable and you don't go down 4 stages. usually when you are diagnosed in clinic you are at stage 2 as all your non motor symptoms such as smell and small hand writing would have predisposed your diagnosis by may years in most people. you are then medicated and stay at stage 2 when you fluctuate then stage 3 then back to 2 and so on. stage 4 is complex and there is a stage 5 end stage which can revert to stage 4 and 3 with treatments such as apomorphine and duodopa. the stages are h and y staging .
Never mind PD there are stages in life that would take us on any journey some better some worse than we have.... I'm focussed on the stages of happiness ....stage one a big chocolate cake, stage two served me by Robert DeNiro, stage three in tight shorts stage four ok forget the shorts .... ha ha have a great day

Love it! I know I can't "ignore it and it will go away", especially after the last few months in a brain fog I didn't realize I was in...LOL...but I agree with you that seeking wellness and happiness is a better focus. I have only been dealing with this disease a relatively short time, but this group has really been beneficial. I must confess it is one of the few places I've found that only concentrates on negatives. It's good to have a place, and I thank you.

Love it! I'm with you...only I will leave you with Robert Dinero...

henderson heywood, I love ur post!
none of us asked for or wanted this Parky disease. But I have 2 friends dying of cancer another with ALS and another with MS;;;;;;;;;;;you know what?? I feel pretty damn lucky. Diag.in 1998.