Hello everyone. I recently had to switch jobs due to COVID19. In doing so means switching health insurance. So now I have to switch doctors and medical supply companies. Its going to be at least 5 weeks before my first shipment will be mailed out. I have called local churches and the diaper bank and they told me the primarily only have baby diapers. I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with some diapers, or know where I can turn next, to get me through till my supplies kick back in. I wear the tape tab style briefs in size xxl or XL and can back shipping if need be once I get my first or second paycheck.
In Desperate Need of Supplies - Continence Support
In Desperate Need of Supplies
Hi TylerH88! Welcome to our community! I would encourage you to look at our Continence Central website. continencecentral.org/reimb... you may find this list of resources helpful in the meantime while you wait for your supplies to kick back in. It would help to know your whereabouts (county, state) and then I can see what I can find out about your area. Others may be able to also give more input!
I'm struggling as well, I'm a 42 year old man, disabled/low-income, nuerogenic bladder incontinence, but what medicaid supplies is inadequate, often defective and not enough quantity to last me a full month. It would almost be better if they sent me trash instead. As it is my physician did nothing when I reported OAB and nocturnal eurisia, only thing he did was what was required to get a prior authorization on the POS attends I'm issued. So he basically allowed my to have no option but to become incontinent and need to be in diapers like a toddler considering i urinate 1-4x an hour. I no longer am feel the urgency to go, I only wet myself whenever my bladder decides to. Personally if I could afford to get what need I would bother anyone about it. As it is I was barely getting by month to month before needing to be in diapers 24/7. There needs to better solutions for the disadvantaged such as myself, I know in my case reluctance doesn't stop me from speaking up. I know many would feel so embarrassed and ashamed, however i know the shear number of Americans whom their lot in life lead them to unable to work or do much else other than attempt to make it from day to day. Combine that with inadequate health care systems that feel "i don't know " is a suitable diagnosis and the statistics of adult incontinence in America. As it is sales projections show Americans are buying twice the amount of adult diapers than those that are for babies. While personlly I've learned to take comfort in wearing diapers, it can be a challenge to afford them when your needing them with the same frequency as s new born. So, whatever information you can grant for the Springfield Missouri area would be helpful since the only diaper assistance i can find locally is only if i was popping out babies. Shame so many parents in past generations created a negative stigma surrounding diaper use and adult diapers weren't priced as if to extortion those of us in need of them the most. From the experience my incontinence has given me, if I had the resources I'd creat some kind of local community outreach to help men dealing with incontinence and be able to grant support to one another instead of resorting to shame and reluctance.