A change in the DWP's State Benefit: Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Attention please :
All "existing", Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants who are currently, + 65 years pensioners, and whose date of birth is on, or before 8 April 1948 :
As from 25th February 2015 claimants of Disability Living Allowance, and whose date of birth is on, or before the 8th April 1948 will now transfer to the DWP's existing 'Attendance-Allowance' Unit ?
The reason for this action is because all existing claimants currently in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), and who are under 16 years of age, or 65 years of age, and older do 'DO-NOT' need personally to be re-assessed for the DWP's 'new' state benefit called, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) :
It has therefore been decided by our current UK Government, that all existing pensioners in receipt of this state disability benefit (DLA), should now be, in future managed by the DWP's Pension Service:
Our UK Government is most determined to totally eradicate, ands erase the name of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), from their existing list of UK "State-Benefits" ! ! !
As a result from 25th February 2015, all existing claimants in receipt of DLA benefits, whose date of birth is on, or before the 8th April 1948 can now contact the DWP's Attendance Allowance Service Centre on 0345 (0845) 606 6055. on (Text phone 0845 604 5312) :
Those currently in receipt of DLA, and whose date of birth is on, or after the 9th April 1948 should still continue to contact the DLA, via their existing Helpline 0345 (0845) 7123456. (Text phone 0845 722 4433).
Source: Department for Work and Pensions Stakeholder Engagement Forum email dated 2 February 2015 (not available online) :