has anyone tried this cereal which is claimed to lower cholesterol?
betavivo: has anyone tried this cereal... - Cholesterol Support

Why on earth would you want to lower cholesterol?
This is not a rhetorical question, as cholesterol is a fundamental chemical so essential that just about every cell in your body can make it, every cell is composed of it and is the precursor for sex hormones, bile, vitamin D etc..
Maybe mother nature hasn't heard of the dangers, as breast milk is composed of 54% saturated fat and all the fat stored in your body is saturated.
The paradigm of current advice has had its foundations severely weakened lately, after 40 years of people dumping fat in favour of carbohydrate. Pity about the rates of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimers etc etc and the ensuing early deaths over those years and those to come.
Do yourself a favour and break your fast with bacon and eggs followed with a coffee made with double cream, rather than overpriced, overhyped, oatmeal!
Mike, I wish I could do that but I am over weight, so apart from lowering my cholesterol I need to lose weight. I am excercising every day 3 miles on treadmill which is doing me good. I am trying a low fat diet, my GP has given me Statins, as my Cholesterol is 8.2 ???? I don't want to take them correction, I am not going to take them. I feel that if I don't try and do something I am asking for trouble. I should be 9stone and I am 12, I am trying really hard to be in better health. x
The most recent research is suggesting that refined carbohydrates do the most damage and cause cholesterol to be raised in response to the damage. I don't know how refined Betavivo is, you may be better off with plain porridge oats?
Hopefully, if you cut down on foods like bread, pasta, cereals you should lose weight and reduce cholesterol. Check out low GI foods for your carbohydrate requirements. Make sure your 'low fat' foods do not contain added sugars.
Traci, No I had my very first check 12 months ago, and I got it down to 6, but after that I know for a fact that I have been eating all the wrong foods, along with to much alcohol, no excercise etc etc basically I let myself go into a could not care less mode. I care around the clock for 2 family members who are disabled, it extremely hard to find time to healthy eat excercise etc.
I give the same foods to the family they have not got HC only me, but they don't drink alcohol, and I did alot of the time, so now I have rained everything in to see what happens. Plus the fact that I am reading about Cholesterol and the menopause which I read this is a time when Cholesterol levels raise due to hormonal changes, as I am now 56yrs and going through a bad time with the menopause I am finding out as much as I can. I only went to the GP in the first place to get help for this, and was told lets take one thing at a time come back in 3 months. So I don't think they would be interested in giving me any specialist tests as they did not even take a hormonal test to see whats going on there. They are hopeless, and as no one else in my family of 7 brothers and 7 sisters do not suffer with HC I firmly beleive it is down to my life style and STRESS, thanks for your welcome advice. Thanks for the links bigleg much appreciated x
hi i would stick with good old porridge oats with some crushed almonds and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
good for cholesterol and good for you .my gran swore by it and she lived to ninety.
Yes Traci they may have no medical qualifications,but what they do have is personal experience of improving there health through advice that has been proven to work unlike the low fat no fat experiment which is based on floored scientific studies.Is the low fat diet working for you?
If doing what you v'e been told to do is not getting you to where you want to be with your health then maybe your looking in the wrong places.Maybe you need to start taking responsibility for your own health rather than expecting the NHS to take the responsibility out of your hands.Because when this happens you lose control and the only people that benefit are pharmaceutical companies and companies that provide mass produced,low quality and cheaply produced food products that are highly carb based. As for Betavivo i believe that it is supposed to be like eating 3 bowls of porridge in one sitting.Personally i think you would be better off eating the porridge if your going down that route.As for the exercise doing cardio workout alone will not help you to maintain a healthy weight.You need to work towards achieving a lower lean body mass by combining cardio with weight training.
I agree with you that some of the advice on this site can be as you put it hocum from both perspectives.My point is that people should do there own research to determine the best course of action concerning there health rather than just assuming that the only solution is to rely on the NHS for all the answers.If people have had good experiences by changing there lifestyle choices or using certain supplements who are we to say that they are cranks or loonies for sharing there experiences.It is then up to us to do our due diligence to prove or disprove what we have been told.
Your opinion is your opinion and my opinion is my opinion.If you have had success following the advice you have been given then this has been good for you,but maybe for others it might not be so good.I am sorry to hear that you have had to have surgery recently and i wish you a speedy recovery to good health.Apologies for the sarcasm earlier.