Statin News: - Cholesterol Support

Cholesterol Support

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MikePollard profile image
19 Replies

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MikePollard profile image
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19 Replies
Aliwally profile image

Duane Graveline is a statin sceptic, just bear that in mind when reading. His views are freely available, just know what side of the fence he is on.

in reply to Aliwally

Bear it in mind? You'd have to be really naive not to recognize his skepticism, but he also acknowledges the benefits of the chemicals, so I think your comment is redundant. As to the rest of us who take the damn thing, frankly, I'm at a loss. I've yet to find any medical professional who can give me a rational explanation as why cholesterol sticks to the walls of my arteries and especially inside my heart.

If I mention inflammation as a cause, rather than 'too much' cholesterol (but now I'm told 'only bad' cholesterol is the problem), I get no useful response.

Yet if inflammation IS the major cause of my blocked arteries, then surely we need to find the cause of the inflammation? The evidence seems to point especially to refined sugar especially because of its ubiquitous presence in all processed (manufactured) foods. It's even in toothpaste! And of course, tobacco but then there's also air pollution, something even more ubiquitous than refined sugar (or tobacco) and no doubt a major factor in putting stress on the body.

The problem with all of these articles, is that frankly, to make any sense of it as a totality I'd have to become some kind of medical scientist/researcher! And especially so, because the so-called professionals can't agree amongst themselves as to cause and effect, where does that leave us, the victims, sorry, patients of the medical industry?

I get the feeling that I'm involved in a gigantic hoax, that has us all running around like blue-arsed flies, figuring out the the best route to adding months, years to our lives and making big corporations and their shareholders mucho dinero in the process.

When I think of the vast army of 'professionals' who service my body when it (inevitably) breaks down, and the often conflicting advice/treatment they recommend, often without an explanation as to why, is it any wonder that so many of us either reject or question so-called orthodox medicine?

And maybe too, it's the major obsession of us so-called developed nations that we want to live as long as possible so as to hang on to what we've got for as long as possible?

BTW, statins are the most profitable drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry. I think they made Pfizer something like $80 billion in profits?

sandybrown profile image


There are medication, when you take them you feel better yuor body tells you that and you can see the differenc!. With statin how do you know it is working for you?.

Blood test can give the answer but all the side effect are giving you such a hard time.

Are there any other medication like ststin with suck bad side effect?

in reply to sandybrown

how long have you got, bala....there are soooooo many! Read Mims or British Formulary....

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to sandybrown have you watched this or read the book ,sorry if i have already asked

MikePollard profile image

Of course he's a sceptic, and just repeating the fact get's no one anywhere. Look at his credentials for heaven's sake.

I wonder how much is read of posts like this, not much in some cases I guess.

It would move things forward if there could be critical reposts of his assertions based on hard science and research. I think Graveline, other statin sceptics, and indeed proponents of statins, deserve as much.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to MikePollard have you watched the hour long you tube video or read the book sorry if i have alredy asked

Aliwally profile image

I beg to differ. There well may be some people on this site or who are new to it who may not realise how ardent a sceptic site Space Doc is. This site was set up to help people caught up in the difficult decisions about their high cholesterol and sometimes it's not helpful to them to see the current medical thinking on this completely bombarded by statin sceptic articles. There are plenty of other sites that do this and anybody can access them.

I also try to keep to the spirit of this site by not referring to other people's comments in print as "redundant" (ie worthless) whatever I may personally think.

naina123 profile image

Dear all

I have read everyone's comments..thanks a lot..I have familial hypercholesteromia...(sp) matter what I do, diet, exercise, my cholesterol level remains 8-9...the doctor put me on statins 20mg. aterovastatin...i took for a year or so, and my cholesterol remained major sideaffects, but I had rather foggy head..couldnt remember stuff at work...nothing destructive though...after reading so many articles that statins are dangerous, I persuaded my doctor to let me stop, he agreed cos I had no other risk for heart attack, no diabetes, BP or family history, but after one and a half months of no statins, went to check and it was 9.2! so the doc said I have to go back to statins. so what I do I do? thanks for your assistance

sandybrown profile image


I am afraid life style change is required! Please take a look at your food intake and exercise on daily basis.

Statin can help to reduce cholesterol. for some people life style change can help so please give it a try.

naina123 profile image
naina123 in reply to sandybrown

I do that...I eat healthy and exercise regularly but I have inherited a faulty gene and my cholesterol remains high...I stopped for a month and it just rocketed into 9.2! it started with 8 then with statins, it was 5-6 for the duration of statins..when I stopped statins, it shot up...all my sisters have high late dad had it I guess I have to take it now to reduce. I dont get any major side I am nearly the foggy mind could be the result of this (I still have it despite leaving statins)...

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to naina123

have you tried intermittent fasting i eat between 11am-7pm every day only water the rest of the time and this is keeping my levels down i take b12,vitamin d with calcium and ubiquinol

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to naina123 check this out the hour long video and the book

florence5 profile image

We are all on this site seeking to learn and make sense of our health issues by communicating with others in the same boat. As has so often been said before, we are all unique, have had different experiences and are at different points in our health and treatment journey. This will influence our opinions of what we read and understand about our conditions, as well as the way forward for us as individuals. I have found, on my own journey, that my opinion and even that of my doctor has changed and developed as time and research have moved on. Open mindedness is key to learning. We should be able to debate and share information and experiences in a supportive way and refrain from making personal attacks on those who disagree with our own views.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to florence5 have you watched the hour long video or read the book

vanGaal profile image

naina123, if you get any answer to your predicament then please let me know. I too have FH with a TC level of +11 at the minute. I've tried all of the statin meds available and had problems with them all. I don't have any other risk factors, I eat health & exercise regularly, but am still conscious that my level is VERY high. I have read a lot about the side effect, and effectiveness, of statins but have never been able to get anyone to directly answer questions about the risks of having a TC level as high as mine (LDL is the one knocking my levels out as HDL & Tri levels are good). I'm caught, very much, in two minds. 1. Can't stand the side effects of statins. 2. Can't find any reassurances that my levels aren't a real problem.

naina123 profile image
naina123 in reply to vanGaal

Hi VanGaal, I can understand how you feel..i had the same problem, that can I live with high cholesterol if I stop statins? I went to my doctor and had a heart to heart talk with him (no pun), he said since I had no heart attack risk, like diabetes, high BP or family history, (except smoking 3-4 cigs a day), which does increase the risk, but limited, I can stop. so I did and went for a check after six weeks..and guess what, it went up to 9.2! from 5. my LDL was higher than HDL. The doc said if it was upto 6, then he wouldnt have done anything..but 9.2 is too high to ignore, even if thats the only risk I have for an attack. so he put me back to statins 10 mg. have you tried atoravastatin? thats the only drug with least side effects.

If my doc thought 9.2 is high, then I think 11+ is very much high. try to take statins on lower dose like I did. i reduced from 20 mg. to 10 mg. and will check after six weeks.

If you do not have any other risk, eg. diabetes, BP, or family history of either two...then you only have the high cholesterol risk...if you can leave with it, then okay..but I would be scared. keep on checking every six weeks and see how it goes. you will not get reassurance because this is very high..the risk is still there albeit low, if you dont have any other problems...keep on exercising and dieting..and see after six weeks and then get lower dosage..i wish I could help, but i am in the same predicament...and finally gave up wondering and am taking statins...all the best

vanGaal profile image
vanGaal in reply to naina123

I HAD made a decision not to take any more statins as I couldn't bear the side effects. A few years ago, after being turned down for life insurance (with a reading of 7.5), I went on a low dose statin for 12 months & it nearly ruined me (both physically & emotionally). After the year I was re-tested and guess what...............TC up to 9.8! That swung it for me, no more I said. BUT, I am currently involved in a clinical trial which involves a fortnightly injection that targets only the LDL. I'm feeling a little tired in the mornings but am determined to see it through for the 9 month trial period. I'm hoping & praying that this will work (and be tolerable) as I've recently found out that my youngest child (of three) has the same faulty gene which is the cause of my woes.

naina123 profile image

awwww thats sad....but perhaps it will go might be a childhood sometimes a child has diabetes but goes away as he/she grows up. I am continuing with 10mg. atoravastatin...its a drug with less side effects...cos my levels shoot up within a month..all the best

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