Cholesterol is also good for you, as w... - Cholesterol Support

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Cholesterol is also good for you, as without it you would be dead.

9 Replies

I can't find any blog on here that shows how good cholesterol is for the human body and without it you would be dead? It is virtually impossible to explain how vital cholesterol is to the human body. No cells, no bone structure, no muscles, no hormones, no sex, no reproductive system, no digestion, no brain function, no memory, no nerve endings, no movement, no human life – nothing without cholesterol. It is utterly vital and we die instantly without it.

Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals.

I expect you will all think this is rubbish and some invisible gland hidden somewhere in our bodies do all this wonderful work!!

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9 Replies
MikePollard profile image

You go girl!

in reply to MikePollard

Perhaps I need to get a profile photo?

in reply to MikePollard

He's not a girl ;-) why take statins that will alter every cell in the body...madness.

in reply to

Low doses of Statins are very good for inflammation, unfortunately the pharmaceutical industry are like any other industry and will quite rightly advertise and push hard for the public to buy their products. The general public have been told that if they don't take high doses of statins they will die of a heart attack through furred up arteries, just like the

Quote: Almost 100 years ago, some experiments in Russia showed that feeding rabbits cholesterol caused them to develop atherosclerosis, but subsequent experiments showed that rabbits are unusual in responding that way to cholesterol, and that even rabbits don't develop atherosclerosis from cholesterol if they are given a supplement of thyroid (Friedland, 1933).

DakCB-UK profile image

Traci is right. You just need to remember the context of this site: many of is have inherited imbalances.

in reply to DakCB-UK

That's very true,but sometimes doctors and the general public are worried beyond the point. After all too much or too little of substances in our body are bad for us. It's like your Ph level, the difference between being in a acid or alkaline can make or brake you.I can understand that you might be cross at my post, but see it as a way of discussing an issue rather than saying that we all know that with the right balance Cholesterol is our friend. You have an imbalance in your body, so that needs to be addressed either through life style changes or medication.

Thanks, as I'm new to this site perhaps you could tell me where this information is so instead of endlessly looking,I can read the information immediately and there by not stepping on peoples feet!

Thanks, I'm not telling people not to take their medication, but to read about their medication. It's very important never to stop any medication without the advice of their doctor. After all I myself am on medication and will be for the rest of my life. We all have choices and freedom of speech in this country. I also understand that people are experts of their own illness, but usually most never question their doctor about their illness or medication, but just take the tablets and then moan about the side effects. I was only opening a few peoples eyes to the fact that most doctor are only too please to tell people all about their illness and prescription as the chemist would be.

I'm sorry to see that speaking out has offended everyone and will withdraw my membership of the site. I just hope that perhaps one day people on here will come to understand that freedom to speak is still aloud in this country

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