any adults on here suffering from plagiocep... - Changing Faces

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any adults on here suffering from plagiocephaly

Riank profile image
15 Replies

Any adults on here suffering from plagiocephaly

How bad is your facial asymmetry

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Riank profile image
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15 Replies

Hi Riank,

Just to extend you a warm welcome!

I don't have asymmetry myself but do have other issues. Somebody will possibly have either exactly this issue, or have other reasons which give rise to the same asymmetry.

I'm sure you will hear soon!

But I just wanted to welcome you onboard. It's great to hear from you and you should you need to talk, please feel free and welcome to put your thoughts out there.

Without people like you, the issues we all face won't get the air time that they deserve. So to have you on board is amazing, and helps also each and every one of us.

Best wishes.

CarolinChangingFaces profile image

Hi Riank welcome to the Changing Faces community. I wondered if you felt comfortable sharing a little about your situation? We appreciate it can feel difficult and there is no pressure however it can be helpful in building connections with others on here. You can also search previous posts from our members by entering key words in the search bar or browsing through the topics on the home page. I hope you find this a supportive place to connect with others. Take Care

Caroline – Changing Faces

Hi there, first time writing on here🥺, bit nervous but yes I was recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly at 45 years of age, I knew there was always something different about my face from certain angles and got bullied throughout my life, but i was always told it was in my head and that I had BDD, until recently a craniofacial expert confirmed that I have plagiocephaly which was the biggest relief of my life in one way, as it proved it was not all in my head. I'm not sure if I'll get any replies but I would love to hear from adults suffering with plagiocephaly and how they found out and coped 😊💞! I have watched Alot of self love from Wayne dyer to Louise hay etc and wow these have Helped so much as I have not had much support from family since my diagnosis but found the strength from within thanks to these videos 🙏🥰!

in reply to TruthmattersAlways

keep posting. You will get replies!

in your head? bullying is never just in your head. bullying is ever present when it goes on, and has to stop. Its not in your head. And while for you it may be history, if its happening to anyone else right now, tell someone. anyone, IT won't stop until you do.

Thats a great contribution you made, just posting that, right there.

Nice one.

Change the world, one post at a time!

TruthmattersAlways profile image
TruthmattersAlways in reply to

Thank you so much Circuitbreaker☺️ for your lovely response, very much appreciated and I totally agree Bullying in schools, workplaces etc has to Stop as the bullies don't realize the damage they are doing to their victims, and yes if anyone is being bullied right now you need to reach out to someone you trust and confide in them, Don't bottle it up on your own it will destroy you 😔💖!

CarolinChangingFaces profile image
CarolinChangingFacesPartner in reply to TruthmattersAlways

Hi TruthmattersAlways It sounds like it was a big step sharing with everyone about your situation but its great you felt able to do so and welcome to the Changing Faces community!

I can hear that things have been difficult for you, and that you shared you haven’t had much support from your family since your diagnosis which must feel hard. It sounds positive that receiving your diagnosis has felt reassuring for you and that you have found authors and content which have been helpful in navigating your situation.

I hope you will find this a friendly supportive space that you can continue to share in and build connections with others.

Take care

Caroline - Changing Faces

Thank you so much for your lovely message Caroline, it means Alot to me, as believe it or not this exact time 6 yrs ago I tried to take my own life as the bullying in my workplace by a particular lady got out of control, and she would not stop until I left for the third time, then I was put into a physicatric hosp with BDD as no one believed what she had done to my self worth, so I tried to take my life that night as I knew in my own heart it was not all in my head but luckily after suffering a stroke from the blood loss I was found and live to tell the tale, but this is why I mentioned Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay as there has being nasty comments / behaviour since but the way these guys make you look at yourself is Truly Amazing, they changed everything for me and I want to do the same for others in my future 💓. But please if anyone on here is going through a hard time right now give these self love vids on YouTube a shot ( Wayne dyer & Louise Hay ) and they might just help you too ☺️💞!

in reply to TruthmattersAlways

oh .... my.... goodness.

I have nothing but contempt for anyone who thinks bullying to that level is acceptable.

I AM SO SORRY to hear you went through that to that degree. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard that must have been.

And yet here you are, you survived, you're doing an amazing thing in talking about this, and you never know, it may just help stop it happening to someone else, if they recognise it is happening to them.

It really is great to hear from you. Keep posting, and keep in touch!

And go thrive!

TruthmattersAlways profile image
TruthmattersAlways in reply to

Thank you so so much for your lovely supportive response 💓, it means sooo much to me ☺️, and 100% if this helps to prevent Anyone else going through similar situations in life that would make all the difference, if there is anyone on here going through a hard time right now please reach out to me, as I have being there but now see a brighter future knowing my True self. I wished I had known about this site 6yrs ago as it's so Nice to be able to speak the truth here ☺️👏, and not be judged or misdiagnosed 💪♥️!

TruthmattersAlways profile image
TruthmattersAlways in reply to

Hello there Circuitbreaker, ☺️, firstly I hope you are doing well and enjoying the summer and new job ☺️. I hope you don't mind me texting you but I was just wondering how do I find out if there is any adults living with plagiocephaly in Ireland on this site please🥺, out of interest 🤔💭?

in reply to TruthmattersAlways

Hi TruthmattersAlways.

The easiest way is the most obvious.

Just post a thread on the open forum! Go ahead, ask.....

Now, not everyone who falls into your catchment may be ready to talk, so may not reply because it may not be right for them, but that is the easiest way because you've thrown the net wide open.

Yes, enjoying the sunshine. And some Pink Floyd, and some time off. Start new Job next MOnday. Can't wait!!! :-)

TruthmattersAlways profile image
TruthmattersAlways in reply to

Hello there kind Sir ☺️❤️, thank you sooooo much for your reply very much appreciated ☺️👍. I totally understand that some people may not be ready to talk 100%, as I was not ready either when I joined, it would just be nice to know if there is any adults in Ireland with plagio. I am delighted you have some time off before the new job 😉, live it up fully and enjoyyyyy every minute 😎👍, and best of luck on Monday kind Sir 😉💯!

in reply to TruthmattersAlways

Np. I think Health Unlocked had a feature quite like what you are looking for; the "users near me" thing ....

It seems to have been withdrawn, and I can sort of see why.

In theory a user could use it to find people with a particular condition in their area and thereby violate their privacy by making contact off forum.

Obviously, that's not what you thinking of doing, but I can see why there are privacy concerns, and that is probably why it went.

Bet you a Euro though if you keep posting, then anyone with a similar issue will come to you!

Looking forward to Monday, but a short break first! :-)


CarolinChangingFaces profile image
CarolinChangingFacesPartner in reply to TruthmattersAlways

Hi TruthmattersAlways I am sorry to hear how hard things have been for you in the past and about the impact the bullying you experienced had on you. I am glad you were able to access the medical treatment and support you needed during what sounds like a really difficult time for you. It great to hear how much the resources brought about change for you and encouraged self-acceptance and self-compassion. By sharing your experience and things you found helpful hopefully it will help others in our community too.

Thank you Caroline for your lovely message to me, very much appreciated 🙏, and absolutely that is why I finally told my story, as if it helps anyone else on here going through a rough time then at least they will know they are Not Alone and that there is some excellent videos on YouTube about self love & self acceptance, no matter what anyone says, as when you do accept yourself flaws, disfigurements etc, and realize true beauty is what comes from within and how you treat other human beings, it changes Everything ☺️♥️! Love yourself first and no matter what 👍😊!

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