Facial disfigurement only noticeable in pho... - Changing Faces

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Facial disfigurement only noticeable in photos...

Jem7189 profile image
80 Replies

Hi guys, I have an asymmetrical face which is not initially noticeable to anybody unless they knew I had it and were really looking. But it seems to show up terrible in photos, the right side of my face is significantly lower (maybe smaller) and more distorted than the left side, my nose looks angled too. Sometimes when I'm tired my right eye is noticeably drooped. Does anybody else have this problem? I believe it must have been due to the traumatic birth my mother experienced (she was mentally and physically disabled) they were unable to get me out and had to use forceps. In photos of me as a child it's not hugely noticeable but still there. Am I able to have this fixed at all? It's really affecting my life I have panic attacks when people take a picture of me from the wrong side or when I'm not looking, I'm even avoiding getting married because I'll have to have photos done. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

P.s I understand that there are people who are much worse off than me with a noticeable facial disfigurement and I sincerely apologise if I sound more vain than anything else.

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Jem7189 profile image
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80 Replies
AlisonEdmonds profile image


Faces are asymmetric, some more so than others. Me, I had an accident (dog bite) as a toddler that left my face considerably more asymmetric than it had been, and the nerves damaged on the right hand side. I grew up with issues around photography, I was the only person in my class at school to have my school photo taken in profile, rather than face forward. I got married at 27, and my fiancé and the church agreed to have the pictures taken on location and in a studio the day before the wedding, so I had my practice hair and make up done, put on my dress, and away we went. There are those of you who would say it was unlucky that he saw the dress before the wedding, but - he chose and paid for the dress, so it was more lucky than unlucky all in all. Not having to deal with a photographer on the day made it perfect - only my grandmother (whose dog it was that bit me) objected to the pre taken photos, so we didn't get her one.

Even some of the most traditionally beautiful and symmetrical people have issues with photography; famously Princess Margaret hated her picture being taken because it just didn't look like she saw in the mirror, and it was only when her (then) husband, Lord Snowdon took and developed a photograph of her accidentally from the wrong side of the film, that she saw a picture of her as she thought she looked. Everyone else thought the picture was very strange, and not like Margaret at all, but it was her favourite photo of herself, and it became common practice for her to have photos developed from the back rather than the front of film. Try holding a photo of yourself up to the mirror, and see if it looks more like you think you look. Other people often say to me "that's a lovely photo of you" and I think they're just being polite, but they're not, that's how you look to them, the only person who sees you in mirror image as you do is you. I realise that this isn't much practical help, but it is part of the reason that you dislike photos of yourself.

Good luck, get married if you're ready to, and do it how you want to -- it's your day after all.

Jem7189 profile image
Jem7189 in reply to AlisonEdmonds

What you did with regards to photos of your wedding is a great idea! I will definitely suggest that to my partner although I know he won't agree with it. I am so self conscious about how I look in photos and I can't go through an actual wedding stopping the service every time the photographer takes a photo to see what I look like. Also I hate attention and I will definitely have a panic attack walking down the aisle with family taking photos from the wrong side! (Personally I would rather just me and him get married with no family there but he wants his there)

It's so frustrating because I am quite pretty! It's just in photos I look awful. My partner can't see it he says there's nothing wrong with my face but it's blatantly obvious! I think he's trying to make me feel better but it's actually making me more angry. I've ruined half of his sisters wedding photos because every time the photographer aimed the camera at me I looked away and all they have is pics of me to the side looking moody. Also on two occasions where there were photographers they could see I was avoiding having my photo done so they thought it would be hilarious to chase me around trying to get a picture as if it was one big joke :( I will make a point of telling any photographer not to photograph me from now on.

Thank you very much for your reply and advice, it's lovely to share my worries with somebody who understands!

AlisonEdmonds profile image
AlisonEdmonds in reply to Jem7189

I'm sorry that this is so traumatic for you, it should be the most amazing experience of your life! I put on the invitations that we didn't want photographs taken and that we didn't want people to bring cameras and why. We also offered to give (as in no money changing hands) copies of the official photo - clearly of my choosing - to anyone who wanted them. We did have a photographer, but he was briefed to take shots of everyone at the wedding in couples or family groups, which he did, and I have a lovely album of photos of everyone who was there. I guess I was very lucky that my partner was so accepting of the way I wanted it, although he forgets sometimes, and now, so do I. I have some lovely pictures of me with our children, I still don't look how I think I look, I've even done professional makeovers and magazine shoots for changing faces, and they seem happy with the pictures, just not me... I understand your pain, I hope that you can make your partner see that the photograph issue, rather than actually how you really look is such a difficult thing for you

Tivne profile image
Tivne in reply to AlisonEdmonds

Actually, in Japan, it is their tradition to take wedding photos before the actual event. However, most Japanese do NOT buy wedding garments. Because they usually have several changes of formal wear, wedding garb is rented and part of the rental package includes pre day wedding pics.

alsmeed profile image

Hi, firstly don't beat yourself up. Nothing wrong with caring about your appearance. My suggestion would be go and see your GP. I know that some are less helpful and open minded than others but I would recommend changing your GP if necessary so that they can assess and then, if necessary refer you to a specialist. I would also recommend that you contact a UK based charity called Changing Faces as they can provide support/workshops to help live with facial disfigurement. All the best, Alex

Jem7189 profile image
Jem7189 in reply to alsmeed

Thank you for your reply and advice. I want to ask my GP but I'm afraid he won't take it seriously and think I'm just being silly. Like I said in a previous post, even I will admit I am quite pretty and I'm worried that in making my face more symmetrical to look good on camera it will drastically change how I look in person or the surgery could go wrong and I'll regret it.

I was just on the Changing Faces Facebook page looking through some pictures and it made me think there are people out there who have genuine serious facial disfigurements and here's me worrying about how I look on camera, I was quite upset with myself and started to think I shouldn't care how I look on camera anymore and just accept who I am - but that may take a while!!

AlisonEdmonds profile image
AlisonEdmonds in reply to Jem7189

Changing Faces is there for anyone, I repeat anyone, who has an issue with how they look different, what ever the reason, and however severe/mild it may be, they are great, they will not judge you, they will not think you are wasting their time. People say very different things and are affected in very different ways by disfigurements that are large and small. I once spoke with a young woman who was bitten on the face by a dog as a young adult - something I find amazing that she copes with so well as I think that the trauma and change to having a disfigurement at that time would severely dent ones confidence, and She was sure that my experience of it happening before I can even remember, and growing up with it, going to school with it would be worse. Everyone's different! If you can accept it over time, that's great, but you shouldn't have to. Please don't be upset about worrying about the way you look!

Tivne profile image
Tivne in reply to Jem7189

There are facial excersices that can help with asymmetric features. Also, there is a treatment called microcurrent (please make sure it's the old fashioned plain electric current, not the new microwave garbage) which is available at specialty facialists.

8521 profile image
8521 in reply to Jem7189

I think we just naturally focus on very different parts of our own face than when looking at others. That’s why it only becomes apparent after pointed out, we don’t spend a lot of time examining eachother. I think we just kind of see what we want to see, whether it’s pleasing or not. Until maybe we’re forced to stare at them each morning in bed. And at that point, you in love and imperfections are endearing.

talo profile image
talo in reply to 8521

A 3d image of yourself is the way people see you more than a photograph. When I went to have a procedure done the surgeon took 3d photos and it looked quite a bit different than standard photos and he told me its mroe accurate.

Ali_01 profile image

Hi there. If you do want to contact Changing Faces, you can do so on 0207 391 9282 or by email on matthewa@changingfaces.org.uk.

Nichith profile image
Nichith in reply to Ali_01

It's been years now,is there a newer way to contact?😊

SwaggodD profile image

I have the same thing as you do but I don't see you as less attractive you just have a memorable face

Tpgaming profile image

Nobody has answered this question yet, I'll take a shot at it. You see, the reason why you're flaws are really appealing to you is because the camera shows you, your face the way everyone else sees it. Don't panic. Nobody notices your flaws as quick as you do. In fact, most people won't seem to find anything odd at all. The reason why you pick them out is because you've been looking into a mirror all this time, in where your face has been flipped. Since you've been so familiar with the flipped version of your face, your brain doesn't recognize the actual, unflipped photo in a camera, therefore, picking out mistakes. Keep in mind... It's not you face.... It's your brain. You'll look normal to everyone else in the photo. You won't even be able to recognize your exact same clone. No one will. I look lkke a fucking dead ass racoon in my front camera as well... But that's only my brain's perception. Fortunately, you're not alone! A lot of people have asked us about why they looked hideous on camera. So just relax. Search up "front camera memes" and enjoy reading hilarious memes posted by people with similar experiences.

lenore1979 profile image

I fell down nearly 400 stairs at St.Paul's Station in London as a child and shattered my chin and nose. I still have scars but see them more as battle scars! I used to hate having my photo taken when I was younger but now the scars have become a part of me. I have other scars on my arms too which I see in the summer and a wonky nose. I have a lovely boyfriend who sees me for my personality and strengths. If we get married - which I hope we will - then I will be photographed as I am. Enjoy your asymmetry. You are unique. We all are!

Alcpeace profile image


I have a extremely similar case. My jaws are not the same length, one is smaller than the other due to Arthritis that is also effecting my fingers and knees. When I am seen by other people, I look normal but if they really try to look or take a picture of me I look weird. They said they are giving me treatment for it but it does not seem to be working. I want to be a model for the teen parts of my life but I hit a wall because of my face. I have not yet applied for any modeling agency’s and have very low hope for modeling but once they fix my face I hope that I can become a model for the teen parts of my life and if not than I’ll deal with it and it won’t be that big of a deal. But I would like to try. So I wonder if you have Arthritis like me and that is the reason for your face disfigurement.

I’m glad to finally meet someone who shares something with me.

DolaChangingFacesUK profile image
DolaChangingFacesUK in reply to Alcpeace

Welcome to the changing faces community Alcpeace!

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to Alcpeace

I have the Same problem did you figure anything out about it yet ?

K_a_t_i_e profile image

Omg I have the exact same thing on the same side of my face , it makes me feel really insecure , it only shows up if people r taking pics of me and not if I take them of myself on a non flip app like snapchat , is there anyway to hide it ?

DolaChangingFacesUK profile image
DolaChangingFacesUK in reply to K_a_t_i_e

Hello K a t i e - Welcome to the Changing Faces Community. Thanks you for sharing your situation on the board. Just to let you know, you have posted on a very old thread that was posted originally five years ago - this means people are less likely to see it I'm afraid - just the way it is set up by HealthUnlocked. So, we do recommend people starting a new thread as it is more likely to receive comments. Just something for you to consider and we're trying to get the community more connected to each other.

Take care

Changing Faces

gemmakirby profile image
gemmakirby in reply to K_a_t_i_e

I have exactly the same thing😢

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to K_a_t_i_e

hey I got the exact same problem .. it’s crazy how it works my face looks acceptable to me in the mirror or snap then flipped around it’s something I hate to look at ive just been looking for support through this .. I jus don’t know what to do with myself because of it .. if you r interested in talking you should text me privately

Whatever123 profile image

I feel as though no matter what my face is crooked, in pictures, videos, and I'm afraid that it's noticable in person as well :( I also feel as though it makes me look kind of like a boy and I hate it, some people tell me that I'm pretty and they don't notice it but I feel like they're lying just to make me feel better, sadly it isn't working.

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to Whatever123

I’m just looking for someone to help me out with this has anything changed for you ? I’m 16 an Idk what to do with myself when I don’t know how I’m seen

younique profile image

Hi! Is this still an active thread? Yes, I am the same. Ive experienced the exact same response to having my picture taken. Hope you are doing ok.

chrissy_77 profile image
chrissy_77 in reply to younique

Hi there! I'm not sure if its still active but I've been on it recently. My nose is severely crooked so I have a prominent good vs bad side. But even my eyes and smile don't line up. It is much worse in front facing photos.

lonely-f-1983 profile image

Hi I also have a very asymmetrical face, I had rhinoplasty at 22 to make my nose look less deviated and because my profile looked different on the left than the right but rhinoplasty has left me looking much worse!

I’m 35 and haven’t really had a life, I feel very unattractive and barely leave the house, I have 2 children and rarely go anywhere with them.

I get odd looks and stares from people often.

I saw your photo and think you look attractive, just thought I’d share my story.

KynM profile image

Were you able to find any help? I have the same problem. I wasn’t born with mine. I had a symmetrical face until my fourth baby and I slept in my right side the entire pregnancy and started have TMJ and noticed a lot of migraines. When I lost the baby weight my right side of my face had changes and my eye socket on one side is further back and my jaw elongated. I’m very lopsided and it’s very noticeable. I’d love to know if anyone has had any luck finding something to help.

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to KynM

Yo! I think I have kinda of same condition. If you want to talk please send me a message.

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to JP12345

I got the same thing you if you still need someone to talk about it with you should message me i don’t know what I’m supposed to do about it and if it’s how people really see me

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to KynM

You got something like plagiocephaly?

gemmakirby profile image

I’m 16 and I have the exact same thing and I didn’t think anybody else had it. I can never take pictures from straight on as i think it looks so bad. It’s as though one side of my face is completely sunken my eye droops too and my nose is horrendously wonky. I’f i get photos taken from the bad side I really don’t like them. You’re not alone!!

jjc12340 profile image
jjc12340 in reply to gemmakirby

same! but is it just in pictures or is that how people see me? because in photos i look completely different and ugly but in the mirror i look pretty.

gemmakirby profile image
gemmakirby in reply to jjc12340

I know it’s so annoying like I want to know what I look like to others. I’m starting to accept it a bit more but when there’s so many little things that are off they add up to look not great from my point of view.

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to gemmakirby

Hey I’m 16 and have the same thing I also thought I know one else had it .. you should private message me ..

in reply to gemmakirby

Hi, I´m 19 and I have this problem too, but in my case, I grew up in extremely loving family which always told me that I´m beautiful, etc. and my personality is based on liking myself in every way so I actually spent my so far life living with feeling that I´m pretty and I consider myself as pretty and I´m still mostly surprised that some people don´t think so because of this asymmetrical condition :D

I think the best way of coping with this is actually trying to love yourself and starting to wear things you feel hot in and starting to have your hair done the way you will love and do your make up the way you like.

In my case, it helps a lot and anytime I hear some words of hate (not often, it happened to me 3 times actually but it can hurt like hearing it 3 times a day ) I´m thinking - ok, this is an opinion of one individual, but I still consider myself pretty. Should I change myself because of this individual? How much I care about that opinion? And I always end up feeling good with myself because I can´t imagine going somewhere to have my face changed, I got used to it and experienced a big amount of moments where I felt sexy and desirable. And not even because of people! I experienced it in front of the mirror!

Also, I experienced being completely horrified seeing some of my "weird-looking faces" in photos but then I quickly realized this is not just my problem, most of my friends, even the most beautiful symmetrical ones have photos where they don´t look like supermodels but as normal people doing usual grimaces.

So please, don´t worry, try to love yourself, try to find your style, try to look like the person you would kiss at a party! it helps a lot.

Not saying it is an easy path, but the results will stay forever :) <3

rnbetz profile image

My daughter's face was asymmetrical when she was born but it was only nocicable in a mirror. I never noticed it in photographs. It eventually went away. Do you, by chance have any skin issues or issues with areas of the scalp where hair won't go. These seemed to me to be related. She continues with the skin issues to this day.

Snehalshaikh profile image


I have asymmetric face same as you and i was so worried about it. I just wanted to know should i worry about this and get medical help? it is actually a noticeable to people.

MariaLiesl profile image

Anyone still reading this? I have the same issue. I think I look normal in the mirror and in non-flipped selfies, but I look awful in pictures taken by other people. The entire right side of my face is much smaller, my right eye is more down-turned, the right side of my lips are much shorter and thinner, and my nose is very crooked to the right.

It's the same as you described, it was just slightly noticeable in childhood pictures but I looks disfigured in photos now. I tried that real mirror thing where you hold to mirrors together in a 90o angle, and I really did not like what I saw. I am the only one in my family that look like this (not even my twin does). My mother is the opposite, her face looks lopsided in the mirror and selfies, but normal in pictures taken by others. I just wish I could get one nice picture taken without looking like Quasimodo.

Zaralodhi profile image
Zaralodhi in reply to MariaLiesl

Hey. Just read this.same problem. Right side much bigger. Not just the face but the entire body. Soooo so depressing. Started getting very noticeable when i was in my 20s. Now gotten worse with time. I'm 35.

MariaLiesl profile image
MariaLiesl in reply to Zaralodhi

I'm in my early 20s, and I begun to see this a few years ago, it wasn't that noticeable in pictures of my earl teens. While its frustrating I would find solace in knowing I look normal when people see me, I've asked a few and they insisted I look fine, but I worry they are just being nice and not telling me the truth.

MimiLee profile image
MimiLee in reply to Zaralodhi

I have this exact same thing. The entire right side of my body is bigger than the left, including my facial bones. There is no amount of surgery that will change this, and self acceptance is the only route I suppose.

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to Zaralodhi

I have the same thing I’m 16 and don’t know what to do with myself I’m just trying to get help from someone my body is also like this too please respond if you can !

anett1290 profile image
anett1290 in reply to MariaLiesl

omfg me too i feel you. You should give me your number so we can complain and stuff on there because this is depressing.

jjc12340 profile image
jjc12340 in reply to anett1290

same! i look so different in a photos but i look nice in the mirror. i don’t know which one is real anymore or which is the real me. i don’t like the way i look on camera. i hate it. it makes my face look weird in photos and people say i look pretty but i think they only say that to be nice to me. i get really insecure if the photo version of me is how people really see me

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to anett1290

Can you give me urs too 😂 idk what to do with myself I feel like talking to someone who understands will help me out alittle with how I’m feeling

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to MariaLiesl

I have the kinda same thing. Please send me a message and we can talk.

Zaralodhi profile image

By the way, i got Tripolar done a couple of times and it was effective but temporary solution for a few months. It sorta melts the face fat n makes both sides look more even. You might require 3 to 4 sittings. It lasts a few months though.

Melissa5 profile image

I think there must be something amiss with either what we’re seeing or with what the camera is portraying. I see the crookedness in your photo but I bet in person I wouldn’t. I have this issue as well, however, I’m 44 and NO ONE has ever told me my face is crooked. Even when I was a teen and the bullies were out in full force I was called flat chested, yellow teeth, zit freak, medusa, & grace jones, thunder thighs etc. If my face were really crooked why would NO ONE mention it EVER?!? I wasn’t called Quasimodo or any other name having to do with my face.

My husband actually stares at me as a hobby because he thinks I’m so beautiful, I’ve been told I’m drop dead gorgeous, but then I look at my photos snd am like “how long have I been this ugly!?!?” It MUST be something with our perception!

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to Melissa5

I really hope so

CathyCrystal profile image

I have the exact same problem. One side of my face is bigger: my eye is bigger, my smile is uneven if I smile with my mouth closed, and my jaw is even more angular and square ish vs my other side which is more pointed. I don’t have any trauma and it’s just my face. My mother tells me that no one can tell but I had taking selfies becuz of this. I use a more lower angle to take selfies of myself. (Don’t worry it doesn’t look as bad as you would think. I’m not a mom, I’m a teenager.) My right side cheek looks like it’s more puffed up per se. I understand what you’re dealing with. And I can’t help but think that’s why i don’t look as great. I completely understand that. But when I’m out and about I forget about it because I can’t see my face and let them judge me it’s fine.

I think you should get married. If you’ve found someone who loves you for who you are not who they want you to be, it’s a true find. I might not be as experienced, but don’t miss out in an opportunity of a life time.

(Also I’m so sorry if like the relationship didn’t work out becuz of other things and I’m just trying to give advice and it’s not helping. I’m just trying to help.)

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to CathyCrystal

I have also a kind of the same thing. Please send me a message.

CallmeSid profile image

Hey, I have the exact same problem. I look pretty much fine in mirrors and normal when I take selfies in my favourite angle, but when I take photo or video from my back camera, I look nothing like normal, completely different. My face looks deformed, one cheekbone is higher than another, nose is completely crooked, one jaw is lower than another and lips look very deformed. I am 17 and I don't even have a single group picture with my friends, it really makes me depressed. I seriously don't know what to do. I don't even go to my school very often because of my depression. I spend most of my time searching for my problem and how to deal with it but still haven't found a single thing which is really helpful. I wonder if cosmetic/plastic surgery can fix this or not. No one knows this, not even my parents. I have a girlfriend who really likes me and even some girls have commented that I look attractive. Whenever anyone start taking pictures, I get a mini heart attack. I don't even know what caused this. My younger brother is completely fine and both of my parent are also fine and look normal in pictures, it's only me whose face is not normal in pictures. I don't even want to attend my high school graduation day because there will be a photo session and you know what my problem is. Can anyone here help me to find some help for my problem? I also want to contact a cosmetic surgeon to discuss my problem but don't know where and how to. Any help will be appreciated. (I'm sorry for my English, as it is not my main language.)(Is this thread still active?)

Melanie12344 profile image
Melanie12344 in reply to CallmeSid

I relate to what your going though alot. Tho my case is I have a small birthmark on my cheek that I assume what might have affected one side of my face to be asymmetrical just the way you have described it. But either way I feel like an alien at times litrally taking a picture is a nightmare, and omg Espicially if it is a picture for passport gosh everything you have described is litrally my face. Tho every time I always get complements saying how I'm beautiful and pretty litrally it's every single time. But I don't understand why I can't just believe in them. Like I know I'm pretty but litrally my face is assymetrical I don't even know if it's so noticeable for others but for me it is. Maybe is because I observe alot deeper my face and features and what not, but sometimes when they say that, I think they are just lying, but I get alot of compliments so don't know what to fricking believe any more. Also at least your in a relationship and that's sweet. Because of my issue I refuse to be in a relationship and fear to be with someone that might notice what I fear. And I have been planning to get a few things done, tho I'm not sure what exactly and specifically am I aiming for, like what should I get to kind of at least even up my face a bit better.

DolaChangingFacesUK profile image
DolaChangingFacesUK in reply to Melanie12344

Hi Melanie12344, welcome to the community! I've enjoyed reading your reply to CallmeSid which left me wondering if what you're thinking is that all those people giving you compliments are lying to you? I wonder how you would approach it if the situation was reversed so that you see yourself as beautiful and other people called you ugly? Just curious. Dola

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to CallmeSid

You want to talk?

CallmeSid profile image
CallmeSid in reply to JP12345

Hey! Of Course

jay23cas profile image
jay23cas in reply to JP12345

message me?

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to CallmeSid

I have the same problem you should message me privately

peachfarmdwlrma profile image

I can relate to this so much, I never noticed how uneven my face was until last week and I started crying because I felt lost and not know what to do. I searched up the risks of noticeably assemetrical faces and I was wondering uneven face gets worser with time? someone please let me know I’m frightened.

DolaChangingFacesUK profile image
DolaChangingFacesUK in reply to peachfarmdwlrma

Hello peachfarmdwlrma and welcome to the Changing Faces community. It must have been such a shock to discover the unevenness in your face, no wonder you got so upset. I'm no expert on the subject so my suggestion would be to talk to your doctor.

I don't know if you realise that you've responded to a really old thread and people may not have seen your reply (I've just noticed it). You might want to consider starting a new thread and introducing yourself to the community. They are a really friendly and supportive bunch here.

Kind regards, Dola

younique profile image
younique in reply to peachfarmdwlrma

Yes! Same peach. When I went for my initial consultation with a plastic surgeon and I saw for the first time how severe my condition is, I was mortified. I'll let you know that my asymmetry didn't necessarily get "worse" it just became more noticable (maybe only to me). As the fat in my face decreased from age my bone structure became more prominent. So I think whether or not it gets worse has to do with each person's condition and lifestyle. Some people have had their asymmetry get better over the years, so don't worry. Just take care of yourself and work hard on building your self esteem. I know you'll be ok. 🤗

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to peachfarmdwlrma

Hey girl you should message me I have the same problem I’m 16 an don’t know whag to do with myself bc of it I’m just looking for support rn

peachfarmdwlrma profile image
peachfarmdwlrma in reply to shmiizzy

hey hey message me!! I’ll do my best to help🥺

OutdoorsyGal profile image

Seeing yourself in a photo is a double whammy because your brain is used to seeing yourself in a mirror and makes mental adjustments that compensate for asymmetry.

When you see a photo of yourself, those adjustments your brain is used to making will make whatever is bothering you seem TWICE as big as it really is.

You can test this effect by using a three way mirror (eg a department store fitting room mirror) to look at a reflection of your reflection.

Since other people’s brains aren’t used to making adjustments for your self-perceived asymmetry, they don’t get this doubling effect.

It’s entirely possible you are making a mountain out of a molehill with this.

And if someone who you love loves YOU enough to ask you to marry them, the wedding photos should be the very LEAST of your worries! Grab that guy before he gets away!

Lilyxx profile image

I have the exact same problem I pointed it out and they were like I have to look for it, it’s different in the mirror but on I phone front cameras is so noticeable!! I feel like I never can see what I really look like but a good way of lifting your face is to correct the lower eyebrow bring it higher and it gives a more even look hope that can help xx

Emceecee profile image

Hello :)

I realize that this is an insanely old post but I just wanted to share that I currently feel the same now as you did back when you posted it and I truly hope you found a way to cope that works for you. I, too, feel that I appear pretty normal-looking to others and even pretty and sometimes I see that. I even used to freelance model and it was a very motivational hobby for me for a while. It wasn’t until the past few years that I really began noticing that something was off and I started paying attention to how asymmetrical my face was, especially in photos and it really began to upset me. I just couldn’t figure out why my face looked so different to me in the mirror than how it came out looking in photos taken of me. I came to the conclusion that the culprit is probably just genetics and possibly a troublesome birth and I’m just trying to accept that and be happy with what makes me unique, but it’s hard. I really do think that when I hold my face at a certain angle it’s not as bad/noticeable but the fact that I can’t take a photo straight-on and be happy irritates me. I also struggle with depression so I think the two are connected but I understand how frustrating it is and how helpless it can make you feel but I hope you at least found a bit of comfort in seeing that you’re not alone, as I am seeing now.

CallmeSid profile image
CallmeSid in reply to Emceecee

Yes,I have exacty the same problem. And I think the reason is same as yours genetics and troublesome birth.I am only 18 and this thing has made my life a nightmare. I look normal or say attractive in mirror but in back camera photos, terrible. I can't enjoy going out with my friends because they literally take photos every moment. There is no way I can accept and cope up with it, it is not about looking attractive in photos, but to look at least normal not an uglt freak with crooked nose,one side jaw drooped and lips uneven. My face is not even representable in photos. I am looking forward for cosmetic surgery after my highschool. I don't know what to do with my life.

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to CallmeSid

You want to talk? Instagram is ikbenjp

I’m from belgium but you can send me and we can talk.

JP12345 profile image
JP12345 in reply to Emceecee

hye, you wanna talk => Instagram is ikbenjp

You can send me and when can talk. I have also the same problem.

Benjamin7 profile image

I have a same problem, it looks like my right side is lower than my left side. This anxiety killing me.

gabooeww profile image
gabooeww in reply to Benjamin7

same for me :/

shmiizzy profile image
shmiizzy in reply to gabooeww

Same here u should message me if u want I’m 16 an I’m just looking for support thru this ..

23carterje profile image

my face is asymmetrical in the same ways yours is and i cry about it very often but no one has ever mentioned it to me so id like to think they dont see it but im sure they do

Crispyrice profile image
Crispyrice in reply to 23carterje

I know how you feel. I’m 19 and I’ve noticed in the past few years that one eye is higher than the other. No one has ever told me but I feel like they would know. In a bathroom once when my friend and I were looking in the mirror, she laughed because she thought my face was distorted, then quickly realised it was just asymmetry. Although it felt awful, I presume that the fact that she laughed is a sign that she never noticed it before, and she only noticed it because my face was inverted from the way she usually sees it. My mum told me once she has the same problem and told me that I shouldn’t worry because it’s not noticeable. I’ve never noticed hers either and still don’t. I’ve always struggled with my appearance anyway so I’ve never felt attractive but I think the standards we put on ourselves and the fact we scrutinise ourselves more than anyone else does makes us notice these things. I try to be reassured that those standards are unreasonable because the majority of people have asymmetrical faces. I would never judge someone else for that so why should I be hard on myself for that? So many people have relationships and their faces aren’t symmetrical. If we all judged each other by these high standards we judge ourselves by, no one would have relationships. Like I said before though, I don’t think anyone scrutinises our faces enough to notice these things. Instead of feeling worse, I’m going to try to be confident and accentuate the things I like about myself, and that will make up for it.

Mollykq profile image

I have this exact thing but I wonder if I can grow out of it and if everyone else sees me the way I do in photos I hate it

Tannannnnn profile image

Same with me thus i am reallyyy veryyyy anxious when someones asks for a picture with me. Is there any solution?

Marukie82 profile image

Same here and doctors alsobused forceps on my birth.

Winniethepoohomg profile image

Hey listen to me the mirror is how people see you . I had the same confusion as you . When I first noticed my asymmetries in picture I was so shocked and couldnt sleep and kept weeping thinking I looked very ugly . But later I asked my home tutor bout it she said she can barely notice any asymmetries in my face . The thing is in mirror we see the accurate version of ourselves which others see because human body are symmetrical and symmetrical always appears symmetrical in mirror . When you wear a alphabet printed tshirt you'd notice why is that flipped . Das because all alphabets aren't symmetric . In regular mirror symmetric appears symmetric and asymmetric appears asymmetric . And coming to our eyes both symmetric ans asymmetric seem totally symmetric to our eyes . So there's nothing to worry bout people see you the way you see yourself . And in the camera our right and left side are swapped and they cant get our symmetry right das why we look asymmetrical in pictures . If you wanna look as the mirror in pictures jus flip your photos ! But clicking pictures on other's phone might be an issue and you need to work on your angles so you look thr best of you . My right side looks very bad in pictures because my jawline aren't alike a lil bit and camera exaggerate it . Also I saw my eyes were popping out due to the side flip in cameras . Remember in real life people see the angle we want em to see . So you could easily deal with it . Also are you married now?

You look beautiful BTW no need for this story just live your life

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