New to this Nightmare: Hi everyone, I have had... - Tinnitus UK

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New to this Nightmare

JenJund profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have had Tinnitus for almost 4 weeks and have already been googling Dignitas to see if that is an option - not coping well at all and panicking I have it forever and can't cope.

It came on after a few months of stress, severe anxiety, nausea and then insomnia. I went to the GP re anxiety and asked if it could be menopause related - I'm 55 and he didn't want to pursue that so put me on anti-anxiety pills. I was so desperate to sleep that I took them. That triggered severe nausea (now discovered I have duodenal ulcer) so he put me on another anti-anxiety drug - Duloxetine - I took 4 pills only and then ear-ringing started - turns out that is a side effect that he didn't know about. Stopped pills immediately but no relief from ear-ringing a month on.

I have since had my hormones checked privately and interested to see on the check list of symptoms that ear-ringing was one. I have now started on HRT - I've seen online that that could make T worse but having not slept for 6 weeks due to insomnia, night sweats etc plus having very low mood, exhaustion and cotton-wool head I decided I need to sort this out at least.

I'm seeing an ENT consultant on Wed - gone private but still waited a month. He is an ear specialist but I'm not hopeful that he can help as I know there is no cure.

Due to anxiety I have started an nhs provided group mindfulness course which is hard work but I do believe it would help - sadly I went there for the anxiety and insomnia and then got T on top. Since then I have struggled to do the practices as I feel "what is the point" about everything just now.

I have read recent posts and sympathise with everyone and greatly admire those who have been suffering for years - I have felt suicidal since day 1 - maybe because it came on top of everything else but mostly I fear because I feel powerless and very scared and that I don't want to live with this for the rest of my life.

I would like to go to a group and have the opportunity to talk with others - my husband now tells me he has had T since he was 8 due to 2 perforated ears and also shooting. He has never mentioned it and he says he just lives with it and gets on with it. (this makes me feel bad as I'm making a real fuss about mine). I feel it can't be the same noises as mine - I can hear it over the TV sometimes and he usually only hears it when he goes off to sleep - so he listens to the radio.

Right now I'm fighting it, can't accept it, and don't want it - want someone to take it away.

The only thing that helps is to focus on breathing as I try and go to sleep or be out in the garden but then i dread coming in, or dread waking up!

Thank you all for reading my long ramble.

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JenJund profile image
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12 Replies
Ingrid-p profile image

Hi, it's horrendous isn't it? Had it 37 years, but I can honestly say it hasn't always been a problem. I tend to get what I call flare ups, which drag me right down. Gradually the brain gets used to it and although I hear it, it doesn't bother me. Very strange, but true. My t is so loud tonight after a visit to my audiologist. Been focusing on it all day with no respite. Hopefully tomorrow it will ease off a bit.

I really feel for you, but it will get easier. My husband has it too, but he only hears it if he chooses to listen to it and that is how you'll (and me) will be soon.

Take care

Ingrid xx

AdamfromAus profile image
AdamfromAus in reply to Ingrid-p

I am very much the same. I call my flare ups 'phases'. I can go months habituating the tinnitus where by putting on the fan at night to drown it out becomes habbit but apart from that it has very minimal impact on my day to day life. All of a sudden it comes back and while it may or may not be louder I focus in on it more and it becomes more irritating and it intrudes on my life greatly for days sometimes months. My last phase was the worst, went for about 7 months and there were times where I never thought I would live a normal life again......but I did. So in the past week I have gone back into a phase however am trying not to let myself get to a point where I don't think Ill habituate again and keep telling myself I have beaten it before and can do so again.

JenJund profile image
JenJund in reply to AdamfromAus

I need to look into habituating and getting some masking sounds, although, fortunately for me, at night, if I focus on my breathing it seems to calm the ringing so I don't think it stops me sleeping - that is the hormones/anxiety most likely. I need to be patient but that is hard isn't it?

Hope your phase moves on soon.


JenJund profile image
JenJund in reply to Ingrid-p

Thank you Ingrid, it helps to share, I'm trying hard to be patient as I haven't even seen the ENT man yet and maybe at least I may get a diagnosis. Had a weird fluttering in one ear last night and panicked so held my nose and blew which stopped it. Maybe just fluid? Really hoping there is something they find which can be fixed - delusional probably!

Sorry you are having a flare up, hope it settles down soon. Yes, horrendous, but well done you - 37 years - gulp!

Jennie x

Ingrid-p profile image
Ingrid-p in reply to JenJund

Hi Jennie

I hear mine every waking moment. I agree with you it’s like Groundhog Day! The more you listen the more you hear and so on. The more you hear the t the louder it seems. It’s a vicious cycle, but it can be broken as I’ve done it several times before. My homeopath says it’s all stress related, but I do have hearing aids as my hearing is below average. My last flare up was 4 years ago and after about 6 months it seems to get better. I still hear it, but I’m not distressed by it.

It’s hard to cope, but I try and keep busy. I’m on a low dose anti depressant, which is supposed to calm the central nervous system. I do feel calmer, but the noise is the same.

Take care and private message me if it gets too much.

Take care Ingrid xx

jbradford42 profile image

Hi please don’t get yourself in a state yes I know it’s really hard but it takes the brain at least three months to figure out what’s going on. Also for me it took the Same time for the panic Attacks to stop if it doesn’t go by itself it will get easier all the best

JenJund profile image
JenJund in reply to jbradford42

ok, I'll bear the three months in mind.... each day is like ground hog day, hate waking up and hoping it has gone.... and it hasn't.

thanks for your reply

jbradford42 profile image
jbradford42 in reply to JenJund

Remember Just stay strong you will get through this. Good luck.

Michael8272 profile image

Hi,I'v had this for 11 weeks and first 8 weeks were the worst.but funny enough every day this last week mine has changed in noise and atleast twice a day mine will go really loud for 10 seconds and then back to normal.i used to get scared but now I'm getting used to it.last night it actually went down to bearly nothing before bed but was back to normal this unpredictable but you will get better. Hyperacasus is worst for me as it seems to be getting worse.

JenJund profile image
JenJund in reply to Michael8272

You would think with so many people suffering, by now, there would be a cure.... I am trying hard not to panic and I know there is nothing I can do other than try and relax as of course anxiety and focussing on it makes it worse. Easier said than done.

thanks everyone for your advice.


TLCcatlover profile image

Praying for you.

NicBTA profile image

Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum. Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

Warmest wishes

Nic (BTA Communications Manager and Forum Administrator)

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