Today I am 1,200 days sober. I just wanted to say to everyone that the one thing that I’ve always hung on to is HOPE, even in my darkest of days. That’s what I would say to anyone who may be struggling, always have hope as things can get better, at one time I never thought that they would.The light at the end of my tunnel shines a little brighter today. Myself and my family are extremely grateful for the support and new friends I’ve made within The British Liver Trust and I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU 🙏🏻
Always have Hope💙: Today I am 1,20... - British Liver Trust
Always have Hope💙

Congratulations. I think that you have done fantastically well. And how nice of you to says thanks too. I agree with you totally - there is always hope. A much better world without the booze too.
Thank you so much for this. Life for me is so much different and it’s hard to believe that there was a time when I couldn’t go a day without a drink and like you say the world is a much better without booze. (I just wish I could stay away from sweets and chocolates !) 🤦🏻♂️😇
Well done northlad, So lovely to read a positive story ..
Sobriety is awesome .. I myself was a drinker , tried and failed to stop many times but I was approaching it all wrong and I was dependant upon it sadly
Like you , sober now for 8 yrs .. would have been 15 but fell off wagon when dad passed away as I was his full time carer for 16 months through his cancer diagnosis ..
Wishing you many more happy bright days ahead .
Best wishes linda
8 years!! That’s fantastic!! I can perfectly understand why you lapsed and you wouldn’t be the only one that will have for a similar very sad experience. The thing is you got back on board and you are an inspiration to people like myself.
congratulations! This is an amazing achievement. I’m just over 12 months sober and did it via rehab. I have to say that my life is 100% better and my health is improving constantly, though my waistline has grown thanks to my Haribo habit! 😁
I got the awful news this morning that a woman I shared a room with in rehab has passed away after she relapsed. She was so lovely, but unfortunately she succumbed. It’s so sad, but serves as a reminder that alcohol is incredibly dangerous.
You are doing amazing and I know exactly what you mean about Haribou ! My guilty pleasure are Rowntrees fruit gums !!
I’m sad to hear about your friend but as you say it does serve as a reminder as to what can happen.
I wish you well and keep in touch.
Congratulations liver friend! That’s so great to hear and extremely encouraging.
Well done Northlad a fantastic achievement
And everyone else who is maintaining sobriety. We can do it. I’m nearly 11 years abstinent!!!
I took one day at a time and the years have rolled by
I wasn’t going to die I have Grandchildren and want to see them grow up The eldest is now 14 and is a typical teenager lol!!!
Thank you so much. Wow! 11 years that’s inspirational to so many. There was a time when I was in hospital that my Mum was told I may not survive. When I was told about that,just like you I didn’t want to die. I’m a Grandad too now with another one on its way! That’s more than enough for me to say no to drinking again.
Keep well.
The Grandchildren keep me young. And skint lol.
But they are my world and when my time eventually comes, it won’t be from ever having another drink of poison.
To anyone struggling, please seek help if you need it. We all can have a brighter future without the demon drink.
Sometimes I question whether to post of how many years I have been abstinent as I don’t want anyone to think I am boasting. But in my early days when I was given the diagnosis and told that it would be 50/50 whether I would make 6 months and if I did it would be the same odds for the next 6 months. I went to an appointment with my Hepatologist and she said the patient before me was 8 years abstinent. It gave me encouragement and as you say hope that it could work the same for me too.
Take care everyone.
Well done to you northlad.....not an easy road ,as I know.Have to be honest,I've lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel several times, but your right, there is still a glimmer somewhere in the distance ,although not sure i can see it at the moment . Having close family must help an awful lot.
But well done once again.
My best. Chris
Hi, I can see where you are coming from and recently I’ve had a few set backs that I struggled to deal with but I knew drink would make it even worse. If you can still see even the tiniest chink of light, because that’s all I had, it will get brighter. If mine doesn’t get any brighter then I’m happy because it’s a lot brighter than it was.
Take care and Keep well.
Cheers for that fella,but some how since losing my dad last year,I've been struggling somewhat.....but imstill keeping an eye out for the light !!!!. Take care fella. Chris
Hiya Chris.
I understand what you’re going through. I lost my grandma in December, who I was really close to. She pretty much brought me up. I then lost my dad in February suddenly and had to wait 5 weeks for the funeral which was agonising.
It is really hard at times, but I stay strong by looking back at how my life was when I was dependent on alcohol, who I hurt and how it nearly killed me several times. Reaching for that bottle won’t bring anyone back, but could push away everyone I still have in my life. Is it really worth it? Will I benefit from a relapse? Nah! I know these are only words, but your not alone, even if you come here for a good old rant. You’ve got support.
Take care of yourself.
Cat x
Thank you for that cat,very thoughtful......yes i do if I'm completely honest feel very alone at times ,and as you rightly said I shunned away some good folk,when I was drinking.....but no,the drink will never win out much hard work has been done,to undo it all. I've tried my utmost to make amends. I can't really do anymore. Yes losing dad really did hit me hard,still can't really explain it,but I know he would want me to make the very best of life,and all that it offers.I'm sorry for you losing your nan and dad in such a short space of is such difficult times,and we all grieve differently....
You sound as though you have life in good order,and you have done well yourself being abstinent....I take my hat of to you love,its not easy,but yes life is so much better without it!!
Thanks for taking the time to message me.
Best wishes cat. Chris
That's amazing!!! Huge congratulations!!!
absolutely fantastic! Well done 👏🏼 xx
Such an amazing achievement NorthLad. It can be done and you have shown to all the tremendous positivity you have in reaching the point where you are. I'm sure this will encourage others in their "goals". There is light at the end of the tunnel as you have shown and that "saying" shines through when, like you, the utmost determination kicks in on a permanent basis. Brilliant - be happy hey and enjoy you future.
First things first that is a great achievement well done, I know it’s hard work. Definitely no truer word said Hope always have it because there is some dark days 👍💕
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈
This is amazing, what an inspiring post. I am currently nearing 500 days. I actually stopped counting a while back but I do mark off the 'milestones'. AF really is the best way. Keep at it.
Well done... You've done brilliant. I myself know that if you believe in yourself then things can get better and there's always that chance of living a normal life,and as you rightly say getting that light to shine brighter and give you that Hope. All the very best in your journey and good luck for the future.
Well done to you and all the others on here who are working so hard to stay sober. Keep up the good work
Great stuff NorthLad 👍. I’m also with you on the sweets and chocolates….and biscuits….and crisps…and well, just about anything - in excess as well when shouldn’t do - but we deserve a little (little 😂) treat now and again don’t we 😀👍.
Thank you so much. Currently I’m blaming Amazon for my sugar intake. How rude of then to have Rowntrees fruit gums on offer at 99p !!🤦🏻♂️
Hey Miles. I had to smile .. your post is just like my diet 😂... I am terrible for all things yummy 😋.. Well I don't drink..I don't smoke..I'm not one that goes out much so my guilty chocolate, crisps .. cake .. jelly snakes ( sugar free ) lol.. and yes I don't go overboard but its done me no harm ...
Oh my Goodness congratulations! s one who has fluttered about I know what an accomplishment that is. What you have done is remarkable and you should be very proud of yourself. Keep on going, one day at a time. xoxox