Good reading for liver health wanted. - British Liver Trust

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Good reading for liver health wanted.

11 Replies

Can anyone suggest good book to read regarding your liver. I remember once reading a book about liver cleansing and after filling myself with the suggested vitamin pills which I think, no correction, I know that it did more damage than good.

I’ve seen book suggestions on here before but I can’t remember the title.

Thank in advance

Elaine 😁

11 Replies
freddie76 profile image

Can you explain why you need this. If you have no diagnosis of a liver problem, eating and drinking healthily should be sufficient to maintain normal liver function.Even if a problem is diagnosed you should not even then look for assistance other than via a qualified medic. Reading and carrying out what books are telling you could do more harm than good .,even to a healthy liver.

in reply to freddie76

Fair comment Freddie, I have been told that I have F3 fibrosis and I’m currently under going tests after seeing a haematologist polycythemia Vera.

What I was looking for a book for was perhaps self help advice for loss of appetite, feeling sick, fatigue and upper quadrant pain.

freddie76 profile image
freddie76 in reply to

Ok ,even more so that you follow your medics instructions. You never know who may have written the book and where their information has come from

Good luck

in reply to freddie76

Thank you, I know I was stupid when I followed the liver cleanse advice years ago. I hope my post as not offended you,, trust me I do not take liver issues lightly. 🙂

freddie76 profile image
freddie76 in reply to

I didnt think you were i was just trying to warn you against trying anything untried or untested by reputable medics

Not offended atall

As i said good luck

LAJ123 profile image

Hello Elaine,

Sorry to hear that you have liver problems.

Well you are certainly not alone and there are plenty of people here with loads of experience and knowledge willing to give support and advice. You can have all the experts in the world but the true expert is someone who has been through the illness themselves.

The best reading material is entirely free and on the British Liver Trust website. There you'll find well researched and referenced guides and links to both looking after your liver and specifically liver disease in all of its different forms.

Take care,

Jim and Lucy

in reply to LAJ123

Thanks. Best wishes to you both 🙂

Owlie profile image

Hi Elaine, it is so easy to get lost in all of the different diets and fads around that I completely understand where you are coming from! I read the information about food on this site and did the following:

1. Didn’t diet! I focused on changing to a healthy lifestyle.

2. Nothing processed, only fresh ingredients so no tinned soup etc ( full of salt and sugar)

3. No white carbs, bread rice.

4. No red meat

5. No sweets or crisps etc.

What I do eat is a lot of fish, mostly salmon, chicken and turkey lots of vegetables either fresh and/or frozen. Fruit, mostly blueberries, bananas and strawberries. I only drink water.

I don’t take vitamins or any medication unless I have to. I do take 1 x 30 mg of Lanzaprole every couple of days for reflux but that is improving. I was on double the dose every day.

It wasn't Easy to do initially but I now feel healthy, have lost 2.5 stone and my liver is regenerating. Consultant really happy with what I have done and tests prove it is working.

Let us know how you get on, good luck!

Owlie x

in reply to Owlie

Thanks Owlie very wise words 🦉 I was following a diet just like that before Christmas but due to caring for my mum who passed on Christmas Eve I got to a point where I was eating very little or nothing at all. I think that maybe I have upset the acid in my stomach. I was diagnosed years ago with Barrettes Oesophagus and now with the RUQP pain on top it’s hurting 😥 I’m consciously eating small and often meals now.

I appreciate the reminder of the importance of healthy eating.

Elaine 😄

Radnor profile image

Do you get regular checks on your gullet and tum? My brother suffers from BO , no he doesnt stink lol. He has a camera down every 6 months because it is extremely dangerous. It took 3 of the triple treatments to bring it under control. I just have reflux, I take just one lanzaprosol a day now. Hiatus hernias are rife on my Mum's side. She had the op the old way, ribs cracked open and thrown over her shoulder! Thankfully they have found a better way. She was told it was a case of leave it and you could breath in and be unable to breath out. Low carb eating was also advised by my liver specialist. Took me a week to clear my home of all the no no stuff. Its tough at first but worth it. It may be wise for you to see a dietician because BO has its own do and don'ts. Its shocking how many people just buy rennies etc for heartburn and dont think to get checked out. My daughter did because she knows how many of us have HH. Yep she has one.Losing your Mum is a major heartbreak, so sorry for your loss. The stress and heartache it causes will no doubt have affected you a lot. You have a lot going on emotionally so dont be trying to get an instant fix. Hope you remember the happy times and get god diety advice . There are tons of 2 legged sharks out there wanting foist all their miracle pills and potions - they want your money. Take care and keep off Dr Google too. A lot of rubbish out there, stick to your consultants advice and find what the best way of eating is for you. Hazelx

Hi Hazel,

Thanks for taking the time to reply 😊 I was diagnosed two years ago with Barrettes and gastritis after having a camera down they have advised having it done every five years, I have an hiatus hernia diagnosed years ago. 😳Sorry I sound like such a moaner!! I too just take one lanzaprosol a day.

I have had a difficult time recently with nursing and losing my mum over a three months period, but she was blessed with reasonable health and at 87 had a great life. 😇

It’s strange I woke up thinking I wonder how much of the problems to our health is actually self inflicted 😬 through eating or drinking or both 🤐

Now I’m extremely lucky to be currently investigated by a great liver specialist and a haematologist, all will be revealed in due course and I just have to have patience and like you say not look for an instant fix and maybe see a dietitian.

Thanks again Hazel

Elaine 😊

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