Have almost continuous abdominal pain ... - British Liver Trust
Have almost continuous abdominal pain from cirrhosis...Am thinking of trying acupuncture??!! Has anyone tried this to control pain? Thanks
I also have cirrhosis (NASH Child Pugh A), but have arthritis as well and regularly use acupuncture to control the pain, or at least reduce the need to take painkillers. It works for me but it is a known fact that it doesn't work for everyone, however if it reduces the amount of chemicals that we have to put into our bodies, it is always worth a try, and go into it with no expectation. Some acupuncture is available on the NHS, depending where you live, so it's worth speaking to your GP before going to a private practitioner. Wishing you good luck.
Thanks Kas,
Has my first acupuncture session yesterday. Certainly relaxing & took the pain away at the time. Have booked a short series to give it a proper go...can't do any harm at least.
Hi, my mum has primary billiary cirrhosis. She has acupuncture every week to control pain and help with her water retention. We didn't realise how much of a difference it made until she skipped two weeks. We really would recommend it.