have damaged my liver, I have been dri... - British Liver Trust
have damaged my liver, I have been drinking heavily since around 18 I am now 32 (blood tests fine ( inc gamma). have annemia + hypothyroid

Have I (sorry) Keep explaining to my doctor but they wont do any tests if bloods okay
My experience is that unless the blood tests show abnormal or you have other issues, then the docs don't do anything.
I am not a doctor but have Fatty Liver from alcohol excess.
I would suggest (and please bear in mind I am not a doc) that if you seriously regulate your drinking, you will be ok. Have a look at your units and also look at the recommended levels (not sure if you are male or female) and then aim to stick to those levels and also try for 2 or 3 totally dry days.
A bit of my story, I drank to excess for more than 30 years and then it caught up with me, I now stick to non alcoholic beers in the week and the odd proper beer and a glass of wine at weekends. I wish I had took stock earlier. I hadn't realised that my drinking was affecting my health and also I was not feeling drunk anymore, these are the warnings you must take notice of.
You are young enough and so have the chance to not end up with a serious illness whilst still enjoying your drinks.
If you haven't already, have a read on here about what others have gone through.
If you have been drinking a lot recently, it may help to stop for a month, get to know how you feel without alcohol and then you will be better placed when you then drink in the future. (you will also find the booze affects you quicker too so will cost you less!).
Hope this helps,

Hi to you could you reccommend a low alcoholic drink i can drink as im out with freinds this weekend? is wkd blue a low one? rather than a double vodka which i may normally have drunk? Thank you.
Thanks Keith, I am female and have not been drinking much lately. I never realised how bad alcohol was for my life my whole family are big drinkers and I just went with the flow. I am worried as I sometimes get an ache in my side but I also have ibs so my doctor always refers to this. Also the last few years sometimes I flush when drinking and get a blotchy rash on my arms (similar to asian flush) but I also take bromocriptine which can cause this sometimes (only just found this out). I also abused laxatives and did not eat a lot for a while I now have anxiety over what damage I have caused and worry I may not have children. I just worry as I have been told your blood can come back normal with cirrosis. I have been more careful over the last year but have had episodes at christmas and holidays when I have been drinking 6- 14 units a day well over what it should be. I went four months without any alcohol as I was pregnant but lost the baby due to a virus I cant help thinking that it is all connected.
How long have you had the pain in your side, and is it getting worse or changed in character? If no then your doctor is probably right that it is related to your IBS.
But if you have low back pain with generalised abdominal discomfort/pain then I would seek assistance urgently and insist that your GP refers you to a hepatologist or at least a gastroenterolagist.
You should have an unltrasound scan and perhaps an MRI also, although with the new NHS changes in England your GP may have no control over whether you get these tests.
If you are worried about the state of your liver you may wish to pay for a scan at a private clinic, with your GPs referal. This may be a little costly and certainly over 100 pounds.
It is localised to the right and does not go into back (more frontal pressure) My doctor felt my stomache and said my liver feels normal and smooth. I am still worried but my stomache is very gastric and can make lots of noises. I am worried about the flushes. I am going back mon thursday but am going away on monday for 11 nights just hope this is nothing serious
It is more of an ache I get or feeling of pressure I dont get back ache and it seems tocome and go it is too the right side of my belly button. I had a flushing episode yesterday on just one cheek. People think I am overreacting as I am a worrier but I just dont feel right
I have similar issues,very itchy, discomfort under right ribs, sometimes very sharp other times dull, bad lower back pain, hip pain dodgy tummy, doc said I have IBS, prescribed some tabs for the itch, which didn't work at all. Went back yesterday after having bloods taken, again ALL normal she said something would show up and said its all stress and anxiety related....Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
I wouldnt worry too much if your bloods are ok. The warning signs you need to look out for are swelling of your stomach and ankles, sickness, weight loss, itchy skin, jaundice, dark or pale stools, or dark urine. I had all of these symptoms and my doctor put it down to dehydration until i was hospitalised the week after. People including doctors dont expect it from yound adults. I had just turned 18 at the time so it wasnt in their minds. If you are truly worried though quit with the alcohol. If you really think you need a drink try alcohol free. It should taste exactly the same. I dont know myself because i have never drank so i cant tell you what alcohol tastes like but alcohol free should be just the same. If you do want alcohol, cut it right down instead of having a binge because it isnt good for your overall health. Also look out forsevere personalitt changes and mental confusion. Until any of those signs show i wouldnt worry.
In my opinion, the pain to the right of your belly button doesn't sound too serious.
However, if you suspect liver damage then please stop drinking alcohol! Improving your diet and making it liver friendly will also help the poor thing.
It sounds, anyway, as if your body does not like the alcohol.
Have you had any other symptoms of liver disease/damage? Pruritus, ascites, loss of weight?
Good luck!
My blood tests were way abnormal, I didn't have any other symptoms other than feeling a bit more tired than usual. I have always loved a drink but became too much of a habit. I am 50yrs old, I now have type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, fatty liver and following liver biopsy, fibrosis of the liver. I gave up alcohol but relapsed just after Christmas.Not drinking again now and trying to reverse all this damage. I have never had any pain. My hands and feet go very blotchy and red and do itch.I asked my consultant the other day at the Q.E why I don't have more signs and symptoms. His answer was....why do I keep looking for signs and symptoms? He said that he had put a needle into my liver and it showed liver damage....what more signs and symptoms do you want he asked??
My advice is to give up alcohol, I never thought I would end up like this when I was young.
Good Luck.x
No other symptoms but I do have a high tolerence level. I think I am dependent on alcohol even though I don't drink everyday. The onky other thing is not sleeping well and waking up hot when I do drink.
welcome to this forum 2kittens-have been reading your posts with interest. You've already had some good responses but here's my input for what it's worth. About 8 months ago I was in a very similar place to where you are now-all kinds of dark thoughts etc. and castigating yourself for previous transgressions-I've got news for you-it gets you nowhere! People drink for all kinds of reasons-whatever-let's move on. Here's the good news-from what you say it's unlikely you've done serious damage to your liver-you're 32 and even if you've been seriously overdoing it there's every chance your symptoms will normalise. Your bloods are normal-more good news. If your gamma(ggt) are normal it's unlikely your GP will send you for an ultrasound which would show whether you have fatty liver or worse. Your symptoms indicate a mild dose of fatty liver or liver "stress". I would suggest the following-if you haven't done already then drop your alcohol intake to 14 units per week-I think you know your units. Try and have 2 alcohol free days per week. I would not recommend going cold turkey if you are dependant-you could get some unpleasant symptoms(PAWS). Go easy. After a month you should start seeing some improvement-it may take a while-be patient. If symptoms persist then abstain for a month and see how it goes-I'd be very surprised if you don't see any improvement or moderation of symptoms. I'm 57 and it took me 2 goes of 3months of abstinence before I saw major improvements-I had high GGT but my ultrasound showed clear. There are many benefits to cutting down on alcohol-improved cholesterol weight control better skin and you will look younger. I'm living proof you can reverse fatty liver even at my age with a bit of diet/abstinence. Keep us posted-any questions -that's what this forum is for. best
Thanks, I have an abdominal ultrasound today Im really scared I begged my gp to refer me and have gone privite. I have not drunk over 14 units (a week) January as fell pregnant. I am on regular medication though and have had a lot of antibiotics last month. I am determined to live healthier. I go away monday and needed to have the scan before I went as I have been obsessing x
Hi ive had some abnormal bloods not sure by how much, at present, ive cut down my drinking and feel better and cleaner and trying desperately to lose weight, I have really cut my units down and so much more aware of my health, is there a low alcoholic drink i can drink with friends such as vodka kd blue?is that a low alcohol drink?or lower than some? im out this weekend but do not drink much at all in the week, like people say if I can drink a non- or low alcoholic drink i won't end up bladdered and I know it will be difficult but willing to try?
Oh I am tired a lot but that could be related to my thyroid
Good time to give up then if you're pregnant! Good luck
The doctor doing my ultrasound said my liver looks fine as does my gallbladder and spleen. Going to ask to see gastro . Am very relieved I am assuming normal bloods and clear scan is a good sign.
I lost the baby to a virus I think this set off a lot of health anxiety
I had a stopped drinking for three weeks before I found out I was pregnant