Hi I'm interested in finding anyone who has experienced problems with joints after chemo
Ms: Hi I'm interested in finding anyone... - Breast Cancer India

Hello Ms, I am not sure which particular chemotherapy you are mentioning but I can tell you about my experience with adrimyacin/carboplatin /taxol
With Adriyamycin and carboplatin I was given injection/shot of medication to boost the white cell production. So I did have pain in bones, and also mild to moderate pain in knee joints.
With taxol did not have joint pain but out of 12 dose of taxol I experienced pain in my toes and fingers may be for a day or two.
I hope this helps

Dido, joint pain ia very common side effect of chemo but I can't say what would be the reason for your joint pain..if u can disclose your medical history and your chemo regime...it would be easy to understand the underlying reason for your joint pain..

Joint problems may not necessarily be due to chemotherapy. In fact, chemo does not affect joints. It would be advisable, that if you are symptomatic, please consult an orthopedic surgeon. Also, you must get your Vitamin D3 levels and other tests done.