Has anyone heard of ganglions on the lymph nodes?
Ganglions: Has anyone heard of... - My Breast Cancer ...
Not specifically on the lymph nodes no, I assume theres a reason you are asking about this?
I have in the recent past had a ganglion on the back of my right hand, just where it goes into the wrist, funnily enough it went completely during chemo 4 years ago!!
Sorry I should have explained, I had an ultrasound last Monday and it says on the results that there are two ganglions on my lymphnodes and also cysts. I did have a ganglion many years ago in my wrist which was operated on.
have done 3 ultrasound for my breast came clear no lump no mass.. in march I have noticed a swelling above my right collarbone in june I have hell spine pain then back pain constant at night then right side leg pain bone pain toe pain. Then I my bones started making crack noise even I move little bit it make noise.. then my right arm became numb pain and now its swollen. Right side body pain and numbness.. then tomorrow my hip pain like hell whole day.. only right side.. headache right side so bad for 2 days. I have Googled symptoms show metastatic breast cancer... I m so afraid to go to doctor that I have stage 4 breast cancer which has spread to my bones that's why m getting this pain only right side... someone tell me..
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