Had a search on here and found last mention of knitted knockers was 3 years ago. These soft knitted or crocheted "softies" are knitted by volunteers or they will send you instructions. Comfy to wear early on and lighter than other prostheses. Just a thought. I know web address looks iffy but its ok
Knitted Knockers: Had a search on here... - My Breast Cancer ...
Knitted Knockers

I had lumpectomies so not in need of a knitted knocker but just had a look at the website purely out of curiosity, and they're groups running all over the world which may be of interest to someone
Hi I recently received a pair of knitted knockers, 1 to use now and a spare in times of washing etc. I thought they were lovely and very comfy. I had to remove some of the filling as a little full for me but otherwise once in my bra pocket felt so light and comfortable. I had a right mastectomy and no reconstruction so they are ideal. I do have a prosthesis which you are fitted for at the hospital but these make a welcome change and probably lighter and do not move. All ladies who had a mastectomy/surgery should take a look, they are a great idea and so meaningful as those ladies who knit them volunteer and do not get paid for them, they are free to you if you wish to try them. I think they are worth a look xx
Hello Bagrat. Thank you for sharing the information about Knitted Knockers . I have a prosthesis but find it a bit heavy and can be quite uncomfortable if I get hot. I have today placed an order and look forward to receiving it. What a nice thing to do for us ladies and at no cost. .. Hope you are keeping well. Jo xx
You can also try Awesome Breastforms - they are crocheted and they do them for swimming in as well.
Thanks Bagrat have just ordered mine.
Hi all
Being a prolific knitter I cam across this after I saw something on TV can't remember what - it is far wider know in USA than here
I thought I would volunteer my services but the site was closed to knitters to do so
one thing I remember was somewhere ladies suggest if you swim take the stuffing out and replace with a bath scrubby thingy it dries that much faster!
... it's amazing if u tell people that you had BC they automatically assume u had chemo ( I did not) look at them and ask if you had mastecomy the answer to both questions is no and they are both mine!
I think more awareness needs to be made that everyone does not automatically have either of these 2 options and more made of lumpectomy and radiotherapy but then I suppose it does not quite have the same newsworthy impact as the media likes to sensationise BC
Hugs to all Diane
I've just had second lumpectomy. 2 years apart same boob diff quadrant. Now waiting for R/T appt