How do we keep to the same brand for Hormone tablets.Just been given my second lot and they are a different brand and the effect they had on me terrible .How do we keep the same brand for 5 yrs
Exomestane: How do we keep to the same... - My Breast Cancer ...

Hi Galgo - I had the same problem with brand changes causing painful joints and was unable to walk for long. The chemist is adamant there is no difference but have agreed to keep a note for my prescriptions which are delivered directly to them. Hope you feel better soon x
I am on the same brand .I asked the doctor to prescribe the branded type (aramasin) more expensive but less side effects otherwise you get the generic type which are cheaper .
I am on Exemestane and the brand name Rivvopharm
My chemist were really lovely and have noted it in their system that my tamoxifen is to be the Teva brand, if that chemist isn’t being very helpful is there another nearby? Might be worth checking out. Good luck xx
Will do xx
To keep the same brand, speak to your pharmacist and let him/her know that you had a bad reaction and would like to return to the original brand. Sometimes the inert materials can cause a bad reaction - it has happened to me, and my pharmacist now makes certain the correct brand is ordered.
Hello galgo further to the above. Your gp can send your prescription to any chemist in the country so if your local one is unable to help with this then you could go find one that can guarantee you your preferred manufacturer - maybe a Boots as they are so big - and ask your gp to send yr scrip there. My gp also annotates my repeat scrip with “Please do not provide Wockhardt, CP Pharmaceuticals” and speaking for myself “Teva. Please only provide Relonchem”. If necessary you may be able to get the meds delivered for free too.
Hope this helps xxx