CBD Saving my Life-Post concussive syndrome-E... - Brain health

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CBD Saving my Life-Post concussive syndrome-Epilepsy.

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Hi, i'm new here, so hi everyone :)

I started taking CBD oil in 2012 to help with Post concussive Syndrome, i found that taking this was better for me than any prescribed drug.

DISCLAIMER...This is NOT a recommendation or suggestion to anyone to take CBD oil or to stop your medication.

For me the CBD oil / THC / Cannabis works better than any Z Nation Drug.

I have also been diagnosed over the years with 3 types of epilepsy, My Dr/Consultant/Neurologist prescribed medication that has very dark side effects, such as suicide/mood swings/Depression, This is not my state of mind, rather than the side effects of the actual drug,.

This is clearly written on the instructions/guidelines/pamphlet of the drug, the leaflet that they put inside every drug prescribed - this leaflet is supplied by the makers of the drug to inform the person taking their medication.

Reading the side effects and also feeling those side effects is why i made my decision NOT to consume prescriptions drugs/medication given by the DRS-i found that most medications prescribed to me-had too much side effects other than the ones ive just described.

I would rather try and use natural ways of relieving pain and trying to lessen the epileptic seizures - changing my diet, changing my lifestyle, stopping smoking, no alcohol, trying to find a good sleeping pattern, no longtime spent watching Tv or sitting at computers or even reducing the time using a mobile phone, it all helps!!!

I shall continue to fight for Life and to consume CBD oil. This is now LEGAL and being prescribed on the NHS, but my Dr/Consultant/GP/Neurologist fails to refer me, despite the epilepsy researchers calling for those with epilepsy to join a study of medical cannabis, think this talk was done on BBC Radio 3,4 a few years ago...

Theres also multiple articles on this medical cannabis, and the CBD oil...

We need big change when it comes to cannabis - given the fact that all humans have the cannabinoid receptors as there genetic makeup, shows that we are meant to have this plant within us, it prevents and cures disease, when big pharma took over the health of the entire planet, we lost cannabis to them and it was made illegal, this was to keep us sick and to keep us dependant on those chemical compounds......

I do realise that some medications are required/needed/helpful for serious conditions and welcome anything can help anyone to get better..most pharma drugs do originate from plant sourced species, then mixed with a combination of other chemicals!!!!

Often the human body can't deal with those types of drugs as its un-natural to the body, we have adjusted our bodies over the years to accept these chemicals, but at a cost of possible side effects destroying our kidneys, livers or other parts of the body.

I shall keep fighting for change within my GP/Drs' clinics to recommend their patients to try CBD/THC/Cannabis and pray that the government legalises all Cannabis.

Thanks for reading......Om







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