Hi everyone I'm so glad I found this site. Maybe you guys will have an idea what I can do to get my life back. I was a gym going Monday through Friday work loving (I work with animals come on now) 28 year old make up obsessed girly girl to a rotting body that's stuck on a couch stuck watching TV miserable and have to convince myself that today will be the day I will shower. No make up no gym no driving no work I can't even go for a walk down my street I get no exercise. I am MISERABLE. It started in August 2015 I started vomiting for no reason then last November it got so bad I had motion sickness 3-4 times a week. Then the painful head pressure started. I would work hiding in rooms away from coworkers to vomit to the point March 18 it got to much that I was sick and had head pressure everyday I ended up in the er. They did a ct and found a brain tumor the size of a gulfball. I was such in shock I was so freaking calm I acted like they told me I just had a cold and left. They couldn't tell me anything because they were just an er. I had to wait a month of not knowing anything to find out from a neurosurgeon that it's 85% chance it's a mengioma and he claims that it's not causing any of my symptoms that it's an "accidental find" that it's not even causing pressure. Guess where it's located. Cerebellum. Controls what? I'm not a Dr but I would think it would have something to do with this I'm not sick for no reason. So I went to a neurologist. She agreed with him. So I saw an ent my hearing is fine (knew that) and he said everything looks good and that he's even in disbelief that it's not the tumor but he has me set up for a test anyway to make sure may 4th. But about 2-3 weeks ago the pressure started bringing in so much pain it's like a migraine but Idk because I'm not a headache person. So to sum it up: tumor, motion sickness like 24/7, head pressure it can get so bad to a 10 and cause a migraine, vomiting at times and it's hard to stop when it starts. Please please any ideas will be greatly appreciated