I wonder how many people on this site are/ were smokers when their Annie was found/ruptured.
Is there a link?
I wonder how many people on this site are/ were smokers when their Annie was found/ruptured.
Is there a link?
Hi Bertha, when I had my aneurism I was on an e- cig or vaporizer some people call them. I am still using it.
hi hun , i used to be a smoker when my annie was found , my surgeon recommended i gave up smoking and drinking because of size shape of annie , plus i have epilepsy so the tablets dont agree with drinking , i use a e.cig now tho , but my surgeon did tell me that drinking and smoking can cause anuersyms . i miss both of the bad habits tho lol x
Thanks for the reply. I'm a smoker and have been since a teenager so 40 plus years 😱 I'm struggling to stop tbh is yours an unruptured Annie? Mines 5mm basilliar tip one. Unruptured. Found incidentally. Do you ever get headaches? Strange feelings like an itch in your head? I'm told it's occular migraines but I still worry. X
hi hun , your welcome , i was a smoker for about 30 years and found it hard to give up without outside help i was lucky enough to find my local chemist did a quit smoking clinic with a lovely lady that was a great support with talking and quit smoking patches etc , maybe ifyou think thats what you would find helpful ask ur gp about it , i do wish you luck hun , my annie was a 20mm unruptured right middle cerebal near the temporal lobe , i had no symptoms b4 it was found the surgeon was very surprised that i had had no headaches etc , since my operations i have headaches but i also have epilepsy due to my annie so the meds im on for that could be the cause i dont get a itch in my head but get a itch on my head but thats prob the scars fault lol , i understand your worries hun its a worrying time but please feel free to ask questions on here they have been a great support to me and ring headway they are great with any worries you have x
I was a pack a day smoker when my brain anny ruptured, 4 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Did you know you had the Annie? I'm down to 10 thin toll ups and an e gig with 0% nicotine. I'm really trying. If you don't mind me asking where was your Annie. I'm scared because everyone says the basilliar tip is the worse place. I am so scared of a rupture.😱 How did you stop smoking? How did they treat you? X
I smoked for 40 some years, but after my ruptured anny. I quit immediately when Dr said that smoking could be a part of the reason... Came to close to death to play around, I quit and never looked back
I smoked even after the rupture but I’ve not smoked for over 23 yrs