Three small aneurysms detected after ... - Brain Aneurysm Su...

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Three small aneurysms detected after my MRI scan a few weeks ago, I'm scared and emotional too.

Kenzie1 profile image
28 Replies


The letter I received states that I three small aneurysms at the cerebral circulation, omg I'm still trying to take this information in with all sorts of emotions, I am waiting to have an angiogram, in the meantime I've decided to try and be calm and do whatever I have to do to keep alive, only my husband's know of this I've decided at the moment not to tell my close family. Any information would be appreciated, thank you.

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Kenzie1 profile image
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28 Replies

Hello, just read your post and you must be feeling very scared indeed

I was diagnosed with a MCA brain aneurysm earlier this yr and I felt then that my life was going to be over.

All I can say is listen to your doctor they know best and try not to worry and yes its easier said than done, but I think if your not careful the worry actual becomes more of a problem!. Xx

Kenzie1 profile image
Kenzie1 in reply to

Thank you Mikey, I'm trying not to stress to much, I only received the M R I results Friday just gone so as you can imagine this is constantly on my mind, I'm hoping I will settle myself in time, just going to put my trust in the Consultant because that's all I can do, yet worry is all I'm doing at the moment, however I know worry can cause all sorts of bother with your body so I need to settle.

in reply to Kenzie1

Hoping you see consultant soon. They are going to leave mine, have been told it's very low risk and less than one per cent of rupturing if I have operation I have more chance of having a stroke so best left alone. And next yr they will give me mri scan again to see if it is still stable.

You take care and it's so hard to stop worry with something like this. Let me know how you get on xx

Kenzie1 profile image

This must be on your mind always, horrible isn't it, got to be strong, I am due an angiogram in the near future so I should have more details on my aneurysms, keeping my fingers and toes crossed hoping for the best although Im not sure what I'm hoping for other than th e aneurysms go away which obviously they won't, just in a flipping mind boggles at the minute, (trying to keep sane) anyway I will let you know how I get on and you take care of yourself too. xxx

in reply to Kenzie1

Hi, how are you? Have any decisions been made. X

Kenzie1 profile image
Kenzie1 in reply to

A Consultant told me that I have 3 small aneursyms, the largest one is 3mm adding they dont usually operate until they are about 5.5 mm.

So now I await to see the Neurologist with a plan on what happens going forward, Im much more settled now I know that.

in reply to Kenzie1

Whereabouts in UK do you live xx

in reply to Kenzie1

Hello hope your keeping well. Any news on outcome with specialist x

Kenzie1 profile image
Kenzie1 in reply to


Sorry Ive just read your previous message, I live in the West Midlands, I rang the hospital today because im still waiting to see the neurologist, apparently there is only one Dr due to one leaving the job, the appointment waiting time is 26 weeks how shocking is that, im a little worried with this pain I get behing my right eye also feel as though im spaced out, I cant shake it off, I shall go see my GP tomorrow I think. How are things with you x

in reply to Kenzie1

Hello, very sorry to hear that the waiting time is so long for you its disgusting. I'm no doctor but I'm very sure that they have looked at your mri results and hopefully have decided that you are very low risk. But yes maybe best to see your own doctor. The stress from it all can be terrible it's all so shocking I know. Wish I could magic you up a appointment 😒I have had pain behind my eye like many others but I've been assured it has nothing to do with the annie. It's easier said than done but try not to worry. If at anytime you are I would go to accident emergency if ever your feeling unwell and they can always check you over. Most importantly is that your blood pressure is good have it checked if your not sure. And no smoking if you smoked.

I am ok thankyou for asking. I just have to believe that everything will be ok doctor said very low risk and he believes it should never go off in my life time. There are days I'm sick with worry and other days I get on and don't think about it. It all takes time to get over the initial shock.

Hoping your doctor can maybe help with sooner appointment for you. Xx

alcable profile image
alcable in reply to Kenzie1

my Neurologist the day said they dont worry about them till there bigger than 7mm but i no expert i here looking for advise

Hi, Good you now know what your dealing with. Size and location very important sometimes it is better to leave and watch closely because treatment maybe more dangerous than operating and you have to believe that many many anersym never rupture in your lifetime more chance from dying from something else.

It is all very scary and I'm with you on that, mine hopefully won't rupture like they said and I'm being monitored. It will get easier each day believe me but it's going to take time. I'm six months down the road and there are days when I feel very alone and feeling very sad and frightened.

Keeping everything crossed for you and hoping decisions are made soon about a way forward with it all for you.

Take care and keep in touch. I'm here if you ever need to talk

Pam xx

leanne100688 profile image
leanne100688 in reply to

just reading all these. a close family mumber has 2 small annursmes can you fly with them?


Morning. .....Yes you can fly with them I have a 6mm mca unruptured annie and I have flown 3 times since being diganosed. My neuro surgeon said get on with your ife 😊 Hope this helps

Kenzie1 profile image

Thank you Mikey123 x yes I get, my feel alone and worry days, but I always think bad day today, tomorrow will be much better x I shall keep you informed x

in reply to Kenzie1

Hoping all is well with you xx

rockmanNo1 profile image
rockmanNo1 in reply to

hi mikey i just wanted you to know i think you are an insperational and the support you give is fantastic i know we have not spoken before but i have been reading your advice well done

in reply to rockmanNo1

Hello, sorry to hear your news and of course your going to feel very scared indeed. I was having panic attacks at first at least 2 to 3 a week never having had them before I felt like I was having a heart attack. I'm happy to say they have now stopped. All I can say to you is listen to your consultant and I honestly belI've he will advise you what road to take. Mine is best left and less than 1 per cent of rupture I have to believe that all the searching on the Internet looking for the right answer that I wanted is not going to happen and I have to except the unwanted lodger in my head.

Have you seen a consultant yet and how big are they if you do not mind me asking. I'm here anytime you want to talk to someone and there's many on here like us who you can chat to. Do you live in UK ? There's a group I belong to on facebook called Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm support you may find it helpful.

Hoping your ok and we are here for you


in reply to Kenzie1

Hope all is good with you xx

in reply to Kenzie1

Hi, hoping all is good with you, and your feeling more relaxed Xx

Ankiss profile image

Hello. Did you have a plain MRI or did you also have an MRA?

in reply to Ankiss

So sorry to be answering so late. They first found it on a MRI and a few weeks ago I had a MRA there no sure if it's just the angle of the x ray but it has def not grown and may be smaller than what they first thought.

Hope you are well

Pam x

Loganjames profile image

Hi Kenzie huge shock I had the same only I have eight now seven as one has been operated on, it really isn't as bad as you think honestly I was terrified, the angiogram is ok just need to keep still it takes about forty minutes. The worse part I have found it is eight weeks since my surgery is the stress and worry so try and get a grip of that as soon as you can good luck Hun


Kenzie1 profile image

Hi Guys x After some time and a couple of cancellations I finally get to see my neurologist on 23 august which is in a few weeks time, Im not to anxious just very curious, how I see it is if my MRI showed concern then the professional s would have seen me sooner, well that's what I'm hoping, I will keep you informed, thank you so much Mikey, Logan x

in reply to Kenzie1

Hope all is well with you. Wondering how you got on in Augusta X

in reply to Kenzie1

Hello, hoping you are well. Was just reading your previous posts and was wondering how everything is with you xxxx

Angelabrady profile image

This thread has been such a help for me. I also have one unruptured and one that ruptured earlier this month and caused a SAH which I have had coiled. I have been terrified since about the other one. But thanks to this I feel a bit better. I have never had anything wrong with me before the SAH this month and I'm not coping too well with the worry. I am going to join the FB group too Pam. Thanks all Ang

Kenzie1 profile image

Hi, just an update, Im feeling good, calmer, my way of looking at life is to carry on and go with the flow, to deal with lifes dealts as they come. Im due my routine yearly MRI scan in the summer, however in the meantime I live my life not in fear. Are you all ok xxx

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