Door 20 - Chronic pain is a condition ... - HealthUnlocked Blog

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Door 20 - Chronic pain is a condition that shouldn't be ignored

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Behind door 20 is a personal experience of chronic pain to highlight the effects of this invisible condition:

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Chronic pain is also a feature of many diseases, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions.

While it is important to understand and treat the source of the physical pain, including neuropathy, there is an equally important component: its psychological impact.

The painful story that was movingly conveyed included the loss of knowing how to live, the anger, frustration and isolation because pain is generally "invisible."

"It robbed me of my life," can be applied to many conditions.It is about learning to live with a painful, debilitating condition and that adjustment can take many months or years.

Psychological services are a vitally important component, yet little attention is actually given to providing these services. Partly because it costs money; and partly because a holistic approach is rare. Patients are sent from one consultant to another, rather than having an integrated approach to understanding that the condition or disease, is actually making the individual "dis-eased" or "ill-at-ease".

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